Zone1 Question about Jesus

He wasn't
Sure he was. Matthew 8:24, Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by waves; but he was asleep.

I thought you said nobody knew more about Jesus than you?

So why was he asleep?
Sure he was. Matthew 8:24, Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by waves; but he was asleep.

I thought you said nobody knew more about Jesus than you?

So why was he asleep?
He wasn't asleep. It was a test
The first thing you need to know about Jesus is that he knew as a child that Joseph wasn't his real dad. He got teased and bullied about it. So little Jesus decided to invent himself his real dad, a God, all powerful and all knowing. He kept on and on about it until people realized that he was a bit batty in the head. Basically Jesus had an undiagnosed mental illness. Later they nailed him to a cross and he lost one of his sandals.
Let's just say this...

Those who have doctorates in Mideival French poetry are not that fun at parties.

Those who excel at 5,700 year old Hebrew poetry are even less fun.

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