MAGA caller says he likes Trump policies, but can't name 1 policy live on the air

A MAGAT calls into a podcast claiming he's voting for Trump because of his policies and when the host asks him what policies, the guy can't name ONE.

The conversation continues, and as expected, it's just a series of unsubstantiated rightwing talking points that he can't defend.


Is this reminiscent of anyone familiar to you?

Prob because all he needs to do is recall Trump's policies from when he was president.

It's Harris who needs to convince people that she can not only be a good president, but that she can deliver on her promises. And that those promised policies will actually result in a safer and more prosperous nation and world.
Few if any.
I know them... she wants free healthcare for everyone including illegal aliens... some estimates have been up to 4 trillion dollars... which would mean everyone would have to be taxed at 70% and the government would have to take your savings...
She is a socialist communist... Bernie was right she is just saying what she thinks she needs to to win.... is that the kind of person you want for President?....
I know them... she wants free healthcare for everyone including illegal aliens... some estimates have been up to 4 trillion dollars... which would mean everyone would have to be taxed at 70% and the government would have to take your savings...
She is a socialist communist... Bernie was right she is just saying what she thinks she needs to to win.... is that the kind of person you want for President?....
Man. You really just make shit up whenever you feel like it.

Must be nice. I can’t do that.
Man. You really just make shit up whenever you feel like it.

Must be nice. I can’t do that.
She has said just what I posted... not sure you don't know this because your media is not running any clips of her past statements....
She has said just what I posted... not sure you don't know this because your media is not running any clips of her past statements....
Two problems. She’s not running on Medicare for all. Your allegation that we’d have to tax everyone at 70% and take life savings is just astoundingly stupid.

One more problem, you call people communists suggesting that you have no idea what that means.
Two problems. She’s not running on Medicare for all. Your allegation that we’d have to tax everyone at 70% and take life savings is just astoundingly stupid.

One more problem, you call people communists suggesting that you have no idea what that means.
She is running on bullshit... she is not fooling everyone however... check her poll numbers from today...
So you think you’re going to make money by selling your assets at a loss to refund the capital gains taxes you already paid on unrealized capital gains for that asset?

You are really not smart.
I didn’t have any gains!

You know what’s not smart, thinking Harris is gonna give that money she taxed back to you
Two problems. She’s not running on Medicare for all. Your allegation that we’d have to tax everyone at 70% and take life savings is just astoundingly stupid.

One more problem, you call people communists suggesting that you have no idea what that means.
She said she had the same values she always had, she ran on that before

Is she lying?
One more problem, you call people communists suggesting that you have no idea what that means.
You know what?... she may not be a communist for herself... but she is for you... she even dislikes her own statements to the point she runs away from them....
When communist dictators go socialist in their country they always exempt themselves...
You know what?... she may not be a communist for herself... but she is for you... she even dislikes her own statements to the point she runs away from them....
When communist dictators go socialist in their country they always exempt themselves...
You poor thing. Conservative media has really turned your brain to mush.

She’s not a communist, you weirdo.

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