Candidate Liz Cheney?


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Okay, the Conservative Brief is not what you would call a mainstream or 100% non biased source, but they are a rapidly growing news organization and this piece is interesting.

Liz Cheney has recently accepted a University of VA position of "Professor of Practice", a rather vague title which as nearly as I can determine is a fancy name for tutor? But her contract specifically gives her an out by 2024.

Why you say? Because apparently the lady is considering a run for President in the next election.

She obviously will not carry her home state. Virginians might or might not love her. Who knows? Can she get the requisite number of signatures in all 50 states to be viable without running as a Democrat? I can't imagine many Republican would endorse her and the Democrats generally demonize any Republican they used for awhile but presumes to upstage one of their own.

So what do you think?

Yeah, that's been known for a spell....She seeks the RINO vote....Spurned woman and all that.

I see the mean-spiritness apple did not roll far from the Cheney tree.....I bet if you dig-down she's being funded by The Turtle's minions.
She'd have to mount an independent bid. She'd have zero shot in the Republican primary.
Okay, the Conservative Brief is not what you would call a mainstream or 100% non biased source, but they are a rapidly growing news organization and this piece is interesting.

Liz Cheney has recently accepted a University of VA position of "Professor of Practice", a rather vague title which as nearly as I can determine is a fancy name for tutor? But her contract specifically gives her an out by 2024.

Why you say? Because apparently the lady is considering a run for President in the next election.

She obviously will not carry her home state. Virginians might or might not love her. Who knows? Can she get the requisite number of signatures in all 50 states to be viable without running as a Democrat? I can't imagine many Republican would endorse her and the Democrats generally demonize any Republican they used for awhile but presumes to upstage one of their own.

So what do you think?

She has no chance at all. She is a pawn of the globalist, and the people know it.
That rambled a lot.

From which candidate?
Are you an idiot?

As you roll your eyes let be clear Trump is not the typical Republican either, so tell us who Liz would take votes from?

Trump will lose in 2024 and it would be wonderful if Liz helps with that process!
Are you an idiot?

As you roll your eyes let be clear Trump is not the typical Republican either, so tell us who Liz would take votes from?

Trump will lose in 2024 and it would be wonderful if Liz helps with that process!

From the Republican candidate.
Was that really that hard to communicate?
From the Republican candidate.
Was that really that hard to communicate?
Liz Cheney is a never-Trumper. That means that she will neither add to nor subtract from Trump's support, but her endorsement of any other GOP candidate would be toxic. She is done in politics.
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I keep hearing that she embodies a real true Republican.

Insert eye roll here --------->
She does embody the very worst of the establishment NWO Republicans but belongs in that group. Despite her hatred of Trump, she is not a Democrat. She voted with Trump roughly 90% of the time but did vote against his wishes maybe a dozen times mostly on defense spending initiatives in which she wanted to spend more than he did and she opposed some of his sanctions on Russia, China et al.

She speaks more as a Democrat though especially in describing 'saving our democracy' that does not and has never existed.

There is a perverse side of me that thinks I would really enjoy a Presidential debate between Liz Cheney and Donald Trump. :)
Liz Cheney is a never-Trumper. That means that she will neither add to or subtract from Trump's support, but her endorsement of any other GOP candidate would be toxic. She is done in politics.

You're not wrong.
I was simply trying to know what the peace person was saying.
In what mescaline-induced fever dream did she think she has a viable shot?

She's a complete turncoat. I don't blame her, at all, for being pissed at the things Trump said about her father, as that was dickish and totally uncalled for, but she totally went around the bend.

Really just a pathetic person fueled by rage that no longer has any place in the republican party in terms of being elected to national office.
Thread summary:

The facscist Trump cult wing still controls the GOP. Any dissenters will be purged. DearLeader and TheParty must not be questioned, ever.
Liz has damaged herself beyond belief... she has no chance at all... no one wants perpetual ever lasting war and no one wants her....
In what mescaline-induced fever dream did she think she has a viable shot?

She's a complete turncoat. I don't blame her, at all, for being pissed at the things Trump said about her father, as that was dickish and totally uncalled for, but she totally went around the bend.

Really just a pathetic person fueled by rage that no longer has any place in the republican party in terms of being elected to national office.

President Trump definitely broke her.
I think that she was terrified of a normal citizen turned President finding out the horrors that people like her father did in our name.

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