Liz Cheney and "the great task"

Hell she voted with Trump better than 95% of the time
Yeah. Except for that impeachment thingie. And Nancy's partisan Lolapalooza J6 Committee. Other than that, she was all Trump. LOL
"The Great Task" is taken from a speech by Abe Lincoln, a message about all men being equal, and and saving the country from an ongoing period of strife and bloodshed.

In this case it's a PAC dedicated to electing Joe Biden, to prevent the disaster of a second trump term.

There are few sane republicans left.

She ain't a repub. She's political class.

They are all corrupt scum.
Trump was part of but not the only reason Cheney got the boot more and more getting praise from the political and media elites became her main focus not the concerns of those she was supposed to be representing. Liz Cheney did what so many in Congress do she let herself get wrapped up in that elitist inside the beltway bubble and lost contact with the people and concerns outside of it.
Tin Lizzy Got Infected With Tinnitus
Manchin and Sinema are Democrats in red or purple states. They’re in positions where they need to stand up to both sides of the aisle and neither side is going to be entirely content with them, which is fine.

Liz Cheney, in a red state, got sent packing entirely because she didn’t kiss Trump’s ass.

It’s really not that complicated.

She turned her back on her constituents.
My guess is Trump is an actor for the establishment. He says and posts things the working class likes, but as president he did everything for the benefit of the establishment.

This is undeniable.

That's been my take on it too, for a long time.

I feel like I've said this a thousand times, but I'll say it again. It has become very clear to me that the PTSB would never allow a true patriot to get to the highest office in the land. He's controlled opposition.

But I get that people want to believe. Whitney Webb calls that "Savior politics," which is when people look to a particular political figure to "save the country." The alternative to that is unthinkable for people.... but it is going to happen. The only question is when. :dunno:
That's been my take on it too, for a long time.

I feel like I've said this a thousand times, but I'll say it again. It has become very clear to me that the PTSB would never allow a true patriot to get to the highest office in the land. He's controlled opposition.

But I get that people want to believe. Whitney Webb calls that "Savior politics," which is when people look to a particular political figure to "save the country." The alternative to that is unthinkable for people.... but it is going to happen. The only question is when. :dunno:
Agreed. All his actions as potus benefited the establishment.

You’ll enjoy this column.
Trumpenstein and the Death of Politics - LewRockwell
She recognizes the danger to democracy that Trump poses
LMFAO. Too funny. Democracy.… :laughing0301: :cuckoo::uhoh3:

Accuse your opponent of exactly what you are doing. Have you ever heard this before?
She recognizes the danger to democracy that Trump poses
That is good. Now someone tell her stupid ass, and yours, we are a Republic. The word democracy does not appear in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. A democracy is no more than mob rule. A Republic is about individual rights a democracy is not.
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