Cantor Loss Doesn't Mean Comprehensive Imigration Reform is dead!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It will be a great travesty for truth if the media along with radio and TV talk show hosts and politicians go around saying and acting as if the majority of registered republicans across the nation are against comprehensive immigration reform because the Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost his primary and Mr. Cantor was a proponent of this type of legislation. The Cantor primary involved sixty-five thousand voters that isn't dispositive about anything nationally. Unfortunately, the incumbent loss here is primarily about the quality of the individual candidates. Mr. Cantor lost touch with ordinary voters in his district he was so busy trying to look good in the national spotlight he forgot what is critical is how good you look in the local spot light. Moreover, this guy David Brat has a lot of personal appeal he really seems like a regular guy that is going to go to Washington and do what is right he is going to do what is right for ordinary people and he is trustworthy he will tell the truth. Plain and simple Mr. Brat ran a better campaign that is all this race is about!
A different view.....

White House: The Great SPIN MACHINE Begins....Immigration Didn’t Sink Cantor

National Review Online ^

A spokesman for President Obama rushed to assure House Republicans that Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R., Va.) didn’t actually lose because of his gestures toward Democrats on immigration reform. “Cantor’s problem wasn’t his position on immigration reform, it was his lack of a position,” Obama advisor Dan Pfeiffer tweeted, citing the success of Senator Lindsay Graham (R., S.C.). “Graham wrote and passed a bill and is winning big.” Cantor’s campaign sent out direct mail pieces ahead of the election maintaining that he was ”stopping the Obama-Reid plan to give illegal aliens amnesty,” but challenger Dave Brat accused him of supporting
Jim, Cantor was also a back stabbing RINO who couldn't be trusted by anyone, so I agree, it was not merely immigration reform that killed and buried him.

It was also the smug arrogance that led him to that position in the first place!
I wish him well in his future endeavors.:D

My guess is he won't need to drive a cab or flip burgers. I see him roaming the halls of Congress as a lobbyist for a concern known colloquially as one of the 1%.
From what I've read it seems Immigration was a hot topic in that election. The people there obviously thought he no longer represented them as the Conservative he promised to be. So, they threw him out for folding on issues like Immigration.

The left will now say it means nothing to those Americans who are fed up with the Immigration reform and Amnesty. The politicians are now trying to ditch the word Amnesty altogether because it ticks off voters. So now its just comprehensive Immigration reform, which is just a smoke screen for Amnesty.
The right has wanted amnesty but have filibustered immigration reform.

Obama deports more and more and puts more Border Patrol agents on the ground.


Nothing will change.
[ame=]Illegal Immigrants Pouring Across Border For Eric Cantor's Amnesty - YouTube[/ame]

Number of children crossing alone from Mexico into U.S. surges - CBS News

They shouldn't be there. Ordinarily, this facility houses only adults who cross the border illegally. But in the last 11 days, the Department of Homeland Security says it's been overwhelmed with a flood of children crossing into the Rio Grande Valley in Texas -- 48,000 just last month, as many as 200 children a day.
To truly show the country that Republican hearts are in the right place they can start by finally passing The Dream Act! But how many realistically think the Republicans will do that?
It will be a great travesty for truth if the media along with radio and TV talk show hosts and politicians go around saying and acting as if the majority of registered republicans across the nation are against comprehensive immigration reform because the Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost his primary and Mr. Cantor was a proponent of this type of legislation. The Cantor primary involved sixty-five thousand voters that isn't dispositive about anything nationally. Unfortunately, the incumbent loss here is primarily about the quality of the individual candidates. Mr. Cantor lost touch with ordinary voters in his district he was so busy trying to look good in the national spotlight he forgot what is critical is how good you look in the local spot light. Moreover, this guy David Brat has a lot of personal appeal he really seems like a regular guy that is going to go to Washington and do what is right he is going to do what is right for ordinary people and he is trustworthy he will tell the truth. Plain and simple Mr. Brat ran a better campaign that is all this race is about!
Cantor's district is 60 miles from D.C.

What does that say about how out of touch the rest (both D and R) of them are?
To truly show the country that Republican hearts are in the right place they can start by finally passing The Dream Act! But how many realistically think the Republicans will do that?
Failed premise and nothing but an appeal to emotionalism.
With so few TP in the House next year as there will be, immigration reform will happen.

It has to if the GOP wants the presidency in 2016.
Once again the anti-American left pretends that "comprehensive immigration reform" is about immigration and not about allowing criminal illegal aliens free access into the formerly greatest Nation in the world.
To truly show the country that Republican hearts are in the right place they can start by finally passing The Dream Act! But how many realistically think the Republicans will do that?

To show that Democrat hearts are in the right place, they can start by finally deporting the 12 million illegal aliens in the country, and show that they CARE about the tens of millions of AMERICANS UNEMPLOYED. They seem to act like this gigantic issue doesn't even exist.

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