Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

One man's "mob" is another man's democracy. Poor Mr. Cantor. While coddling the wealthy, he forgot who can put more votes in his column.
One man's "mob" is another man's democracy. Poor Mr. Cantor. While coddling the wealthy, he forgot who can put more votes in his column.

yeah...poor Mr. Cantor...he is willing to pass on the majority vote so he can protect the business owners so they can hire those that so desperately need a job.

FYI....thanks for recognizing and admitting that the democrats do what they do for votes....not necessarily what is best for the country.
Let's assume for a moment that you are right, and this defenseless woman deserved to be maced by armed policemen. Using this logic, how many over the top, out of control "conservatives" should have been maced during the town halls leading up the the Healthcare Legislation battles?

Or at any of the teaparty events where they were allowed to have guns on them, spit at congressmen and even Palen/Bachmann inciting the loonies by placing bullseyes on maps, targeting congressmen and their districts.

The ows are angels compared to that.

:lol: On what planet did the spitting happen? And please don't bother posting a you tube clip that doesn't show it because it didn't happen.

And as for that crap about Palin/Bachmann using 'bullseyes' on maps.... :lol:

This is just too fucking funny. Seriously. Talk about creating drama. :lol:

And for the record.... remember that guy with the guy that the media used to demonstrate the 'dangerous racists' in the TEA Parties... remember what color that guys skin was? Yea, he was a black guy. And he was absolutely entitled to bear arms. We have that right. It is nothing to fear.

This pathetic repeating of media driven hysteria is pathetic.

The spitting happened and the redneck who did the spitting was disgusting. You Repugs just love the dumb pliable rednecks, doncha..

Michigan Militia plans ‘open carry’ gun tea party to ‘take the stigma out of the word militia.’

This Saturday, on April 10, the Michigan Militia plans to host a tea party “open carry” gun rally. The Militia, which is a successor to the violent anti-government Michigan Militias of the mid-’90s, has come under criticism since the FBI raids of the Hutaree, a Michigan-based Christian militia that had planned to murder police officers.

Michigan Militia plans ‘open carry’ gun tea party to ‘take the stigma out of the word militia.’ | ThinkProgress

Sweet lil angelic teapartiers, right? These militias are violent and they were connected to the teaparty.
Jobs will never be created by tax relief. Coddling the wealthy, allowing the very few to consolidate the most wealth will never produce any good for the majority, only for those very few.

Demand. Consumer demand is what creates jobs. No rich bastard ever opened a shop because he got a tax break. He opened it because he thought there were plenty of willing, able consumers ready to buy his product.

Trickle down never has worked. There's no reason to believe it will ever work. And we should not revisit that failed policy now.

Putting as much cold hard cash into AS MANY HANDS AS POSSIBLE will create demand. Demand creates jobs.

A flat tax means a tax rate increase for the majority of American consumers while it provides a substantial tax decrease for the richest few. That takes more capital out of the hands of the American consumer and put more cash in the hands of those who have done nothing to create jobs, in spite of generous tax breaks.

What makes anyone sincerely think that removing money from the majority in the form of higher taxes by the "flat tax" will result in increased consumer spending (the real engine of our economy)?
The Socialist/Progressive Democrats are whipping up a whole lot of violent hysteria before the coming Election. That should be apparent to everyone. It's pretty shameful. Cantor has every right to be concerned. We should all be concerned.
The Socialist/Progressive Democrats are whipping up a whole lot of violent hysteria before the coming Election. That should be apparent to everyone. It's pretty shameful. Cantor has every right to be concerned. We should all be concerned.
The feared Left doesn't have guns like the right wingers do. Check your local militia group. You know, those aged teenagers with a Peter Pan complex and a love of physical destruction. Those Timmy McViegh types are the ones known to act out with violence. because they have.
The Socialist/Progressive Democrats are whipping up a whole lot of violent hysteria before the coming Election. That should be apparent to everyone. It's pretty shameful. Cantor has every right to be concerned. We should all be concerned.
The feared Left doesn't have guns like the right wingers do. Check your local militia group. You know, those aged teenagers with a Peter Pan complex and a love of physical destruction. Those Timmy McViegh types are the ones known to act out with violence. because they have.

Same ole lame argument. The Left has plenty of violent kooks out there. And the Democrats are promoting angry violent confrontation before the Election. Anyone with common sense can see that. It's "Community Organizing" rearing its ugly head again. I think it's time to say goodbye to the Community Organizers. See ya in 2012.
House GOP Leader Eric Cantor decried the protests that started several weeks ago in New York, and have spread to major cities across the country. Cantor said in a speech at the Values Voters Summit in Washington that he is "increasingly concerned" about the "growing mobs" represented at the protests.

First Read - Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

While I STILL have no idea what the "Occupy Wallstreet" folks want, I cannot see how they are any different than any of the Tea Party events that Cantor and his fellow Republicans loved. Do they even care how hypocritical they sound anymore?

How many Tea Partiers were arrested at their events?
And tell me what these kids did to get arrested and pepper sprayed?
I see why he's concerned. Things could get ugly. Some on the Left are promoting violent confrontation. So it will likely happen at some point. It's very sad.

"Some people say" - watch Faux much?

If you look at the parties involved in the protest Facebook pages and websites they keep repeating they want this to be non violent and peaceful.
The Hard Right is not afraid of violence at all, simply that they are going to get their political asses handed to them as the great majority of America says, "No Tea Party, no corporate corruption of the process, and no more Dem and Pub career politicians screwing the people over."

The Hard Right has every right to be fearful. Be careful they don't reach for guns, and if they do, put it down immediately.
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House GOP Leader Eric Cantor decried the protests that started several weeks ago in New York, and have spread to major cities across the country. Cantor said in a speech at the Values Voters Summit in Washington that he is "increasingly concerned" about the "growing mobs" represented at the protests.

First Read - Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

While I STILL have no idea what the "Occupy Wallstreet" folks want, I cannot see how they are any different than any of the Tea Party events that Cantor and his fellow Republicans loved. Do they even care how hypocritical they sound anymore?

That's what is so amusing about the Left. Announce a demonstration and every single grievance gets aired. "Liberate the gay pandas in Africa! And support Palestine!"
Anybody gonna tell us what you plan to replace capitalism with?

The point is we don't want it replaced, we want it regulated. So Wall Street bonuses don't go up, while we still continue to bleed jobs.
When we started deregulating in the 80's, we started loosing our manufacturing jobs while the top 1% started to make the gap even larger. We are sick of living in a country where we attack the middle class, while letting the 1% do as they please. When will you guys stop attacking main street, how about you answer that?
The Socialist/Progressive Democrats are whipping up a whole lot of violent hysteria before the coming Election. That should be apparent to everyone. It's pretty shameful. Cantor has every right to be concerned. We should all be concerned.
The feared Left doesn't have guns like the right wingers do. Check your local militia group. You know, those aged teenagers with a Peter Pan complex and a love of physical destruction. Those Timmy McViegh types are the ones known to act out with violence. because they have.

Same ole lame argument. The Left has plenty of violent kooks out there. And the Democrats are promoting angry violent confrontation before the Election. Anyone with common sense can see that. It's "Community Organizing" rearing its ugly head again. I think it's time to say goodbye to the Community Organizers. See ya in 2012.

Good parrot.

Try to discredit the protests, GOP debate 101.

Everyone involved in the protests has pushed a civil and non-violent occupation.
The feared Left doesn't have guns like the right wingers do. Check your local militia group. You know, those aged teenagers with a Peter Pan complex and a love of physical destruction. Those Timmy McViegh types are the ones known to act out with violence. because they have.

Same ole lame argument. The Left has plenty of violent kooks out there. And the Democrats are promoting angry violent confrontation before the Election. Anyone with common sense can see that. It's "Community Organizing" rearing its ugly head again. I think it's time to say goodbye to the Community Organizers. See ya in 2012.

Good parrot.

Try to discredit the protests, GOP debate 101.

Everyone involved in the protests has pushed a civil and non-violent occupation.

Don't tell them that, they can't handle that.
why is it called occupy wallstreet?

becuase they know wallstreet caused this mess with their speculation.

There are no mobs just Americans in thr street saying THIS IS WRONG fix it experts.

If your heroes in Washington had been doing their jobs right, this 'mess' would not have happened.

Blame the fucking politicians, moron. It was their responsibility to regulation these bastards.


I loved this tidbit from the link;

"Some in Washington have actually condoned the pitting of Americans against Americans," Cantor said of the protests after accusing the Obama administration's policies of being an "assault on many of our nation's bedrock principles."


Cantor is calling himself and the tea-party out!

That's funny right there I don't care who you are...of course if you’re a tea-party apologists you won't think it’s quite as funny as I do but the irony is so glaring it's hard to overlook.


I find your post entertainingly ironic too.

Genuine question.... Do you make an effort to be this thick or does it come naturally?
The feared Left doesn't have guns like the right wingers do. Check your local militia group. You know, those aged teenagers with a Peter Pan complex and a love of physical destruction. Those Timmy McViegh types are the ones known to act out with violence. because they have.

Same ole lame argument. The Left has plenty of violent kooks out there. And the Democrats are promoting angry violent confrontation before the Election. Anyone with common sense can see that. It's "Community Organizing" rearing its ugly head again. I think it's time to say goodbye to the Community Organizers. See ya in 2012.

Good parrot.

Try to discredit the protests, GOP debate 101.

Everyone involved in the protests has pushed a civil and non-violent occupation.

And the left did not do that to the TEA Party Protests?

How many people were arrested - on average - at any TEA Party protest?

You're funny. I'll give you that. :lol:

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