Capital Grift: Exorcising Teachers/SoHo


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
SoHo has become synonymous with the 'aesthetics/flair' of urbanization and traffic and commerce, but is modern civilization requiring a certain kleptomania exorcism?



"Three members of U.S. President Trump's cabinet (Margaret, Ted, and Sheila) were assigned to 'stake-out' the area of SoHo and look for 'pedestrian signs' of Republican support for the White House in this high age of consumer fashions and aesthetics. Margaret, Ted, and Sheila were 'capitalism-sharks' and were familiar with the 'grift-tone' of the consumer-art market and therefore searched for 'signs' of political idealism in SoHo (just as Trump requested). The trio called themselves the Grifters."


"The Grifters came into contact with an eccentric millionaire in SoHo named Brady who lived alone in a lavish apartment in SoHo designed to look like the Old West. Brady himself dressed in an authentic Old West outfit when he greeted the Grifters for an early supper and wine meeting. Brady and the Grifters discussed how the general pedestrian 'hysteria' surrounding the 'conveniences' of consumerism had turned the art market into something of a 'bravado-show.' The Grifters got the eerie feeling that Brady represented a new age cynicism. They were relieved to discover he was a Republican."


"Afterwards, the Grifters met with a sensitive Catholic priest who was visiting SoHo to pass out brochures about the renovated Vatican website. This priest, Father Francis, wanted people to feel 'comfortable' about the modern conveniences regarding networking and technologies that gave people unlimited access to spiritual resources such as online Bibles. Father Francis told the Grifters that the best way to 'understand' patriotism in the age of high commerce and fashion was to simply 'immerse' yourself in the 'thick' world of lifestyle-vanities (e.g., Facebook, Wal-Mart, Amazon, Playboy, etc.). The Grifters were relieved to discover that Father Francis too was a supporter of the Republican Party and the Trump Administration."


"Finally, the Grifters met with a fat-cat SoHo saloon-manager who went by the funny alias 'Kingpin.' Kingpin explained that SoHo was in some ways changed because of consumerism and in some ways endlessly respectful of art-aesthetics traditions honoring the rights/interests of creative thinkers who wanted privacy in the age of media. The Grifters asked Kingpin what he thought about patterns of Occultism-behaviors in SoHo, and Kingpin oddly told them that an underground Satanic cult met in the area and were rumored to worship a goat-head image of an anarchic 'Hell-god' named Yera symbolizing capitalism-yearning. The Grifters were unnerved to see that Kingpin was somewhat 'jaded' by all this 'modern melodrama'."


TRUMP: So what did you discover?
GRIFTERS: We got a lot of 'ominous stimulation.'
TRUMP: What do you mean?
GRIFTER: We met an artist, a priest, and a saloon-manager.
TRUMP: Their names?
GRIFTERS: Brady, Father Francis, and 'Kingpin.'
TRUMP: What did they tell you?
GRIFTERS: They believed SoHo was a modern 'beacon' of 'ethos.'
TRUMP: Aha, a 'lighthouse' of aesthetics in a new age sea of traffic!
GRIFTERS: Right, trade blended with 'spiritual tariffs.'
TRUMP: Did you get a sense of pedestrian idealism towards 'TrumpUSA'?
GRIFTERS: We got the sense there was plenty of 'commercial negotiation.'
TRUMP: So the everyday voter thinks about commerce in terms of vanities?
GRIFTERS: Everyday lifestyle vanities (e.g., Facebook, Vanity Fair, etc.).
TRUMP: Do you think the Republicans are becoming 'dinosaurs'?
GRIFTERS: It seems that commercial interest balance conservatism with 'escapism.'
TRUMP: But are people generally 'worried' about the 'aesthetics' of capitalism?
GRIFTERS: They think a good deal about the 'quality' of shopping!
TRUMP: What should educators know/think?
GRIFTERS: Maybe the Home Shopping Network is the new Pony Express...
TRUMP: So the White House should invest more in 'shoplifting-exorcism.'
GRIFTERS: That seems to be the 'trend.'




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