Capitalism: Explain how it creates "wealth and prosperity"?


No person should be allowed to own the labor of another person.

Labor is an action.One can't own an action.

Can you own a push-up? Can you own hammering in a nail? Can you own lifting a box? Obviously not. Actions are just something one does with one's body. Someone else can't own them, as they aren't physical resources in the real world.

Tell that to the whole institution of slavery 150 years ago? LOL.
Are Employees paid 100% of what they produce? If not, by what justification are they not paid for all the work they did?

Employees know the wage when they accept employment, where are you trying to go with this?

What does that have to do with anything?

Slaves know how much food they are going to get per meal when they go work the cotton fields.

You are describing a system that allows people to legally own the labor of another, but blame the victims for the system?


So what's your solution....or do you have one?

Broad ownership encouraged by abolishing the labor market. People should be paid the value of their productivity, not the value of their labor on a "market exchange" like a commodity market or any other market.

But their labor IS a commodity. Do you have the slightest clue of what you are talking about?

Why should we allow their labor to BE a commodity?
Employees know the wage when they accept employment, where are you trying to go with this?

What does that have to do with anything?

Slaves know how much food they are going to get per meal when they go work the cotton fields.

You are describing a system that allows people to legally own the labor of another, but blame the victims for the system?


So what's your solution....or do you have one?

Broad ownership encouraged by abolishing the labor market. People should be paid the value of their productivity, not the value of their labor on a "market exchange" like a commodity market or any other market.

But their labor IS a commodity. Do you have the slightest clue of what you are talking about?

Why should we allow their labor to BE a commodity?

How does one "allow" that which simply "is"?
Wow you are very naive.

Your name-calling doesn't explain why a person can't operate his own business rather than opt to be employed by someone else.

How can a person who is poor open their own business when the barriers to entry are high and the only way to make money is to compete in a labor market controlled by the owners who have no vested interest in competition or seeing you succeed?

Yes you are Naive.

There are only 6 million businesses in the united states.

0.03% of them employ 50% of America.

But no no, the solution is to let ALL the 154 million Americans open their OWN business using the current system?
How can a person who is poor open their own business when the barriers to entry are high and the only way to make money is to compete in a labor market controlled by the owners who have no vested interest in competition or seeing you succeed?

What barriers to entry?
How can a person who is poor open their own business when the barriers to entry are high and the only way to make money is to compete in a labor market controlled by the owners who have no vested interest in competition or seeing you succeed?

What barriers to entry?
Cost to own other essential property such as floor space, tools, you know, CAPITAL.

There is a cost to owning CAPITAL, one that most LABOR cannot afford because CAPITALIST pay LABOR less than they are WORTH.
70 percent bad
Well leave the country then okay? Gives me better parking if you do.

Agreed!!! I can never understand these little "Fidels". They hate this country so damned bad? Who the HELL is keeping them here? Unlike the USSR (when it was in power) no one says you can't leave any damned time you wish. Jesus Christ these whining little crybaby bitches.
Nope. Retired. Using my social security and Medicare and loving it. You should leave if you don't like facts moron.
How can a person who is poor open their own business when the barriers to entry are high and the only way to make money is to compete in a labor market controlled by the owners who have no vested interest in competition or seeing you succeed?

What barriers to entry?

The kind that vested interests create by colluding with the regulatory regime. Erecting barriers to entry is the primary functional impact of state regulation on business.

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