Capitalism Guarantees Rising Inequality

Actually AIDS is rampant in your homo community.

Scum like you demand the rest of us pay for your diseases.

Go to hell.

Uh....stupid fuck.

Cuba, North Korea, the former USSR, etc had more poverty and inequality than the US. People are eating dead humans in North Korea to survive you stupid pile of shit.

Shut the fuck up.

Where is Democracy to be found in a world where the three richest individuals have assets that exceed the combined GDP of 47 countries?

A world where the richest 2% of global citizens "own" more than 51% of global assets?

Ready for the best part?

Capitalism ensures an already bad problem will only get worse.

"The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) states that income inequality 'first started to rise in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s in America and Britain (and also in Israel)'.

"The ratio between the average incomes of the top 5 per cent to the bottom 5 per cent in the world increased from 78:1 in 1988, to 114:1 in 1993..."

"Stiglitz relays that from 1988 to 2008 people in the world’s top 1 per cent saw their incomes increase by 60 per cent, while those in the bottom 5 per cent had no change in their income.

"In America, home to the 2008 recession, from 2009 to 2012, incomes of the top 1 per cent in America, many of which no doubt had a greedy hand in the causes of the meltdown, increased more than 31 per cent, while the incomes of the 99 per cent grew 0.4 per cent less than half a percentage point."

Spotlight on Worldwide Inequality

There are alternatives that don't require infinite "growth."
"The United States embargo against Cuba (known in Cuba as el bloqueo) is a commercial, economic, and financial embargo imposed on Cuba by the United States. It began on 19 October 1960 (almost two years after the Batista regime was deposed by the Cuban Revolution) when the US placed an embargo on exports to Cuba (except for food and medicine), and on 7 February 1962 was extended to include almost all imports..."

"The UN General Assembly has, since 1992, passed a resolution every year criticizing the ongoing impact of the embargo and claiming it to be in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and international law.[2] Human rights groups including Amnesty International,[2] Human Rights Watch,[18] and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights[19] have also been critical of the embargo."

United States embargo against Cuba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In other words, China is moving towards capitalism and the US is moving away from it.
Do you see any evidence of "free" markets in China or the US, and, if so, what, exactly, are their markets "free" of?
You need to do some basic research since I'm not getting paid for this.
My neither.
Does your definition of "free market" accord with Milton Friedman's or Adam Smith's interpretation of the term?
It is amazing the USSR fell apart, Cuba is a third class country, Venezuela is falling apart, North Korea has labor camps where people starve to death and China is turning more from socialism to fascism...yet we get stupid fuck liberals coming here touting the utopia of socialism.

Next....they will tout eating dog crap for dinner.
And capitalism enhances inequality:

It's true, when you live in a system where success is possible, the successful will make more.
If you live somewhere like Cuba, the smart, the stupid, the lazy and the hard worker are equally unsuccessful. This leads a moron like you to point to Cuba as a country to emulate.
Gee whiz, Milton Friedman, if we could only convince those hard-working Cubans to end their boycott of the greedy, fascist US?

Can you do this math, Milty?

"Is America the 'Land of Opportunity'? In two recent studies, we find that: (1) Upward income mobility varies substantially within the U.S. [summary][paper]

"Areas with greater mobility tend to have five characteristics: less segregation, less income inequality, better schools, greater social capital, and more stable families. (2)

"Contrary to popular perception, economic mobility has not changed significantly over time; however, it is consistently lower in the U.S. than in most developed countries. [summary][paper] "

Equality of Opportunity

I wonder what happened between 1980 and 1985 to eliminate the fluctuation that characterizes income mobility every where else in the world. Want to bet that it was something you think is a good idea? Could it have been the effect of the "Largest tax increase in American history?"
I was thinking it might be Ronny's and Maggy's Big Bang:confused:

"Within a year of Big Bang in 1986, when the City was deregulated, it became conventional wisdom to believe that management of the economy was best left to global market forces. The mantra of the market became even more pronounced when the Berlin Wall fell in 1990 and the Soviet empire collapsed soon afterwards..."

Who's to blame for the capitalism crisis? Let's start the list with Thatcher and Reagan | Business |
There are a few of them and it scares the hell out of governments everywhere.

Those are BLACKMARKETS, the free market's cousin.


There is a widespread underground economy in the US that, while not regulated, is not actually criminal.

More Americans Work in the Underground Economy - Businessweek

Do not forget that under the welfare/warfare police state a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich.

My experience is that when an economic activity goes underground is because there is a "law" regulating the same.

Has any one ever tried to surreptitiously sell you toilet paper? So you do the math.

Gee whiz, Milton Friedman, if we could only convince those hard-working Cubans to end their boycott of the greedy, fascist US?

Can you do this math, Milty?

"Is America the 'Land of Opportunity'? In two recent studies, we find that: (1) Upward income mobility varies substantially within the U.S. [summary][paper]

"Areas with greater mobility tend to have five characteristics: less segregation, less income inequality, better schools, greater social capital, and more stable families. (2)

"Contrary to popular perception, economic mobility has not changed significantly over time; however, it is consistently lower in the U.S. than in most developed countries. [summary][paper] "

Equality of Opportunity

I wonder what happened between 1980 and 1985 to eliminate the fluctuation that characterizes income mobility every where else in the world. Want to bet that it was something you think is a good idea? Could it have been the effect of the "Largest tax increase in American history?"
I was thinking it might be Ronny's and Maggy's Big Bang:confused:

"Within a year of Big Bang in 1986, when the City was deregulated, it became conventional wisdom to believe that management of the economy was best left to global market forces. The mantra of the market became even more pronounced when the Berlin Wall fell in 1990 and the Soviet empire collapsed soon afterwards..."

Who's to blame for the capitalism crisis? Let's start the list with Thatcher and Reagan | Business |

I get it, you found something that you don't like, and that obviously falls outside the possible explanations for a change that occurred in 1982, and declared it reversed entropy.

Must be nice.
How does socialism/communism promote "equality?"

Taking from those not in power and keeping for the ruling equality?

Making sure everyone only gets a certain amount of food, gas, equality?

Stalin lived a life of luxury while he gave demands to randomly kill people in the projects and claim they were spies/traitors to keep the masses afraid of him.....that sounds like equality to a liberal, eh?
How does socialism/communism promote "equality?"

Taking from those not in power and keeping for the ruling equality?

Making sure everyone only gets a certain amount of food, gas, equality?

Stalin lived a life of luxury while he gave demands to randomly kill people in the projects and claim they were spies/traitors to keep the masses afraid of him.....that sounds like equality to a liberal, eh?
Or maybe Stalin wasn't really a Socialist.
How does socialism/communism promote "equality?"

Taking from those not in power and keeping for the ruling equality?

Making sure everyone only gets a certain amount of food, gas, equality?

Stalin lived a life of luxury while he gave demands to randomly kill people in the projects and claim they were spies/traitors to keep the masses afraid of him.....that sounds like equality to a liberal, eh?
Or maybe Stalin wasn't really a Socialist.

Of course not because under true socialism only nice people get into positions of power, and the government would never do anything mean or unfair and every child has a pink unicorn for a pet.
I wonder what happened between 1980 and 1985 to eliminate the fluctuation that characterizes income mobility every where else in the world. Want to bet that it was something you think is a good idea? Could it have been the effect of the "Largest tax increase in American history?"
I was thinking it might be Ronny's and Maggy's Big Bang:confused:

"Within a year of Big Bang in 1986, when the City was deregulated, it became conventional wisdom to believe that management of the economy was best left to global market forces. The mantra of the market became even more pronounced when the Berlin Wall fell in 1990 and the Soviet empire collapsed soon afterwards..."

Who's to blame for the capitalism crisis? Let's start the list with Thatcher and Reagan | Business |

I get it, you found something that you don't like, and that obviously falls outside the possible explanations for a change that occurred in 1982, and declared it reversed entropy.

Must be nice.
I honestly don't have a clue what fluctuation characteristic of income inequality was eliminated in 1982.
I was thinking it might be Ronny's and Maggy's Big Bang:confused:

"Within a year of Big Bang in 1986, when the City was deregulated, it became conventional wisdom to believe that management of the economy was best left to global market forces. The mantra of the market became even more pronounced when the Berlin Wall fell in 1990 and the Soviet empire collapsed soon afterwards..."

Who's to blame for the capitalism crisis? Let's start the list with Thatcher and Reagan | Business |

I get it, you found something that you don't like, and that obviously falls outside the possible explanations for a change that occurred in 1982, and declared it reversed entropy.

Must be nice.
I honestly don't have a clue what fluctuation characteristic of income inequality was eliminated in 1982.

Is that because you didn't read the link, or is it because it would destroy your claim that it is capitalism that is the problem?
And capitalism enhances inequality:

"A child raised in the bottom fifth of the income scale through much of the southern United States has around a 5 percent chance of rising to the top fifth—4 percent in Atlanta and 4.3 percent in Charlotte—while a low-income child has a 9.6 percent chance of rising in Los Angeles and 11.2 percent in San Francisco.

"Do Republicans think poor kids in California are just twice as likely to be hardworking as poor kids in Georgia and North Carolina?

"Or might there be something else going on?

"Not to mention, even an 11.2 percent chance of going from low-income to high-income is pretty damn low if what we're looking at is an issue of merit.

"Those numbers are in line with Pew's earlier finding that 43 percent of Americans born in the bottom fifth of the income ladder never move up, and a full 70 percent never reach the middle.

"The 'this is about advantages and inequality, not individual merit' hypothesis gains strength when you learn that rich kids with below-average test scores are more likely to graduate from college than poor kids with above-average test scores."

Daily Kos: Republicans believe rich people just work harder. So how do they explain these statistics?

And capitalism enhances inequality:

It's true, when you live in a system where success is possible, the successful will make more.
If you live somewhere like Cuba, the smart, the stupid, the lazy and the hard worker are equally unsuccessful. This leads a moron like you to point to Cuba as a country to emulate.
Gee whiz, Milton Friedman, if we could only convince those hard-working Cubans to end their boycott of the greedy, fascist US?

Can you do this math, Milty?

"Is America the 'Land of Opportunity'? In two recent studies, we find that: (1) Upward income mobility varies substantially within the U.S. [summary][paper]

"Areas with greater mobility tend to have five characteristics: less segregation, less income inequality, better schools, greater social capital, and more stable families. (2)

"Contrary to popular perception, economic mobility has not changed significantly over time; however, it is consistently lower in the U.S. than in most developed countries. [summary][paper] "

Equality of Opportunity

Gee whiz, Cuba can't trade with dozens of other countries.....their failure is our fault. LOL!

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