Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

georgephillip I believe your original topic for this thread is close to the truth: "Capitalism is NOT democratic: Democracy is NOT capitalist"

As far as playing the blame game about who is in jail vs who is not, sorted by race, I'll have to pass. I believe those who commit crimes and are convicted by a jury are there because of circumstances, not race, but any argument is subjective. That topic doesn't have much to do with Capitalism nor Democracy, imho.

The point I am trying to make is that the system we (in the USA) are living under is NOT capitalism, and there is growing doubt that our Democracy counts for much. Under the capitalism that was forged by the founding men, INVESTORS BEAR RISK. Any system where the investors have no risk and can cause slavery, indentured service, or otherwise violate a person's God given freedoms of self-determination, IS NOT CAPITALISM.

It should be stressed that the formation and development of the USA WAS THE FIRST EVER of its kind: a capitalist system where any ordinary person has the ability to rise above poverty, guaranteed by certain inalienable, God given, rights to justice under a fair system. There is no clause that guarantees success, and many may fail, but in any case, the decisions of the individual dictate the outcome. Did it take a while for people of non-English decent to be treated with those same rights? Yes, because of the run-away and RICH slave system of the south. It cost a lot of lives to correct that abomination, the lives of whites, blacks, native Americans, and many others to achieve that. It's not perfect, we can't reach into someone's heart and force them to see the truth. But we can enforce the laws that were established in the constitution, as written and as intended.

The Slave states of the south were a perfect example of socialism. It was revered around the world as how great at class-system could be. You seem to be advocating that we continue to return to the socialist (class/slave) system. That system that we, as a nation and God Fearing men and women, rejected during our formation. This is the only real problem I have with most of what you are pontificating.

The purpose of a people's government, by the people and for the people, is to 1) establish laws 2) ensure the laws are enforced, and 3) judge when those laws are in violation. They created 3 (THREE) branches of government in hopes of establishing a balance so that the government could not take ownership and become what those men knew as evil. Under socialism, there would have to be a 4th (FOURTH) branch of the federal government, and that branch would be in charge of OWNERSHIP. The way our founders established it, OWNERSHIP is left to the people. That, my friend is the beautiful thing we respect as capitalism.
Your FICO score isn't the only thing that determines your credit worthyness.

Who are the authors of this chart? They appear to be a group of nobody communists.
"According to court testimony, some of the loan officers at Wells Fargo spoke of these subprime loans as 'ghetto loans,' and referred to their black customers as 'mud people.'
Staggering Loss of Black Wealth Due to Subprime Scandal Continues Unabated

"There was even a cash incentive for loan officers to aggressively market subprime mortgages in minority neighborhoods.

"In the end, the Justice Department found that 4,500 homeowners in Baltimore andthe Washington, D.C., region that had been affected by these flat-out racist lending practices."
It's hard for me to understand how an economic system dedicated to maximizing profit for a relative handful of society can be compatible with a political system allegedly based on one person/one vote?

"Capitalism and democracy follow different logics: unequally distributed property rights on the one hand, equal civic and political rights on the other; profit-oriented trade within capitalism in contrast to the search for the common good within democracy; debate, compromise and majority decision-making within democratic politics versus hierarchical decision-making by managers and capital owners."
It's hard for me to understand how an economic system dedicated to maximizing profit for a relative handful of society can be compatible with a political system allegedly based on one person/one vote?

You're free to buy, or not buy, from any capitalist. Vote with your dollars.

You should have stopped after the first 6 words, "It's hard for me to understand"
Why would you care?
You support the genocide that made America "exceptional," so why would Russian self-defense in 1945 bother you aside from its propaganda value?
How was invading Poland, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Besarbia "self defense?"
The point I am trying to make is that the system we (in the USA) are living under is NOT capitalism, and there is growing doubt that our Democracy counts for much. Under the capitalism that was forged by the founding men, INVESTORS BEAR RISK. Any system where the investors have no risk and can cause slavery, indentured service, or otherwise violate a person's God given freedoms of self-determination, IS NOT CAPITALISM.
There seems to be a distinction between "capitalism" and "free markets" that I'm unclear about. I'm more clear about the last forty years during which we've seen a shift from manufacturing to finance that has coincided with a drastic increase in income/wealth inequality

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"Marx and many of his less radical contemporary reformers saw the historical role of industrial capitalism as being to clear away the legacy of feudalism—the landlords, bankers, and monopolists extracting economic rent without producing real value.

"However, that reform movement failed.

"Today, the finance, insurance, and real estate (FIRE) sector has regained control of government, creating neo-rentier economies.

"The aim of this postindustrial finance capitalism is the opposite of industrial capitalism as known to nineteenth-century economists: it seeks wealth primarily through the extraction of economic rent, not industrial capital formation.

"Tax favoritism for real estate, privatization of oil and mineral extraction, and banking and infrastructure monopolies add to the cost of living and doing business.

"Labor is increasingly exploited by bank debt, student debt, and credit card debt while housing and other prices are inflated on credit, leaving less income to spend on goods and services as economies suffer debt deflation. Today’s new Cold War is a fight to internationalize this rentier capitalism by globally privatizing and financializing transportation..."
So the world Bank harms other countries by giving them money?
The World Bank and IMF loan money to countries with a few conditions like the countries receiving the funds are required to repay the loans by exporting plantation crops and buy their grains from US exporters, creating a food dependency on US farmers.

They are also required to vote with the US at the UN, buy US-made weapons, and generally behave like well-trained lap dogs.

They are NOT free.
The World Bank and IMF loan money to countries with a few conditions like the countries receiving the funds are required to repay the loans by exporting plantation crops and buy their grains from US exporters, creating a food dependency on US farmers.

They are also required to vote with the US at the UN, buy US-made weapons, and generally behave like well-trained lap dogs.

They are NOT free.
Easy solution: don't take the money.
would be happy to abolish the World Bank tomorrow. It's no friend of capitalism
The World Bank and its related organizations are the best friends of neoliberal capitalism imaginable which is exactly why the came into existence at the time when rich capitalists were planning to repeal the New Deal programs that created the greatest middle class in world history.
The World Bank and its related organizations are the best friends of neoliberal capitalism imaginable which is exactly why the came into existence at the time when rich capitalists were planning to repeal the New Deal programs that created the greatest middle class in world history.
The World Bank is a socialist enterprise. I would abolish it tomorrow if I could.

The New Deal impoverished this country for over a decade.
The World Bank and IMF loan money to countries with a few conditions like the countries receiving the funds are required to repay the loans by exporting plantation crops and buy their grains from US exporters, creating a food dependency on US farmers.

Post a couple of the loan agreements that support your claim.
Post a couple of the loan agreements that support your claim.
He's right about what the World Bank does. That's fine with me. If they want American taxpayer money, then they better well vote with the USA in the UN.

However, there's nothing about exporting cash crops. There are something about maintaining a positive balance of payments, I think.
Germany is not Europs. Taking a side in the Russian civil war is not "invading" it. After the commies took over, the USSR invalided Poland (twice), Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina, Iran, Hungary. Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Northern Norway, Bornholm, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Manchuria, Korea, the Kuril Islands, Afghanistan, parts of Georgia and Ukraine
Germany is part of Europe.
So is France.

When Harry Truman refused to allow free elections in 1945 in Korea, Italy, and Greece because communist patriots would have won (since capitalists in those countries were more likely to have collaborated with Nazis and Imperial Japan), Stalin had no choice than to create a buffer zone to protect Russian from yet one more invasion from the west.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
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He's right about what the World Bank does. That's fine with me. If they want American taxpayer money, then they better well vote with the USA in the UN.

However, there's nothing about exporting cash crops. There are something about maintaining a positive balance of payments, I think.

Usually the IMF says they have to cut government spending and raise taxes.
Makes sense, gotta pay back their loans somehow.
Germany is part of Europe.
So is France.

When Harry Truman refused to allow free elections in 1945 in Korea, Italy, and Greece because communist patriots would have won (since capitalists in those countries were more likely to have collaborated with Nazis and Imperial Japan), Stalin had no choice than to create a buffer zone to protect Russian from yet one more invasion from the west.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

When Harry Truman refused to allow free elections in 1945 in Korea, Italy, and Greece because communist patriots would have won

Oh no!!

We resisted your commie a-hole buddies.
How did that work out for South Korea, Italy and Greece?
Why don't you compare their GDP to Russia's, Cuba's, Venezuela's and North Korea's?
The World Bank and IMF loan money to countries with a few conditions like the countries receiving the funds are required to repay the loans by exporting plantation crops and buy their grains from US exporters, creating a food dependency on US farmers.

They are also required to vote with the US at the UN, buy US-made weapons, and generally behave like well-trained lap dogs.

They are NOT free.

Or run away like a little twat.

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