Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

China will also be less hypocritical than the US when it comes to protecting human rights; there has never been a global empire as bloody as the US's.

"The major wars the United States has fought since the surrender of Japan in 1945 — in Korea, Indochina, Iraq and Afghanistan — have produced colossal carnage. For most of them, we do not have an accurate sense of how many people died, but a conservative estimate is at least 6 million civilians and soldiers."
The Washington Post Editorial Board are a bunch of anti American turncoats

I guess they never recovered from eating magic mushrooms and running naked at Woodstock
The World Bank is a socialist enterprise. I would abolish it tomorrow if I could.

The New Deal impoverished this country for over a decade.
The New Deal was 100x more conservative than anything they are implementing today. For example, it created the Civilian Conservation Corps: people could get fed if they were hungry by performing work. Today, they don't dare ask anyone to perform labor in exchange for sustenance, they just hand it out.

Still, I agree, and the New Deal was the begging of the end for many freedoms and true capitalism. Programs that followed went further and further into socialism.

I think the OP here is calling the World Bank "capitalist" just because it deals with money (capital): not all monetary systems are capitalism, and capitalism is not the basis of all monetary systems.
Democratic Republic in spire of the Republicans' best efforts:

GOP lawmakers in 28 states, including Pa., have introduced more than 100 bills seeking to restrict ballot access | Analysis - Pennsylvania Capital-Star
All people have access. Just walk or drive to the polling place. Or REQUEST an absentee Ballot with proper ID. Mail out ballots should be illegal. Ballot harvesting IS illegal.
The UN held elections in 1948 that the communists refused to participate in

Any proposed election in 1945 would have been impossible amd was never seriously considered by the UN
The UN wasn't created until October of 1945 two months after Koreans were prepared to determine their government.

Do you believe Koreans were incapable of practicing popular sovereignty without benevolent white men sharing their burden?

The communist NK refused to participate in sham elections in 1948 because the military dictator imposed on SK by the US was busy killing communists and others opposed to his puppet government

"Bodies of suspected communists following the Bodo League massacre, 1950."

5 Brutal Dictators The U.S. Helped Slaughter Hundreds Of Thousands

"Then, in 1961, South Koreans — who were at this point poorer than North Koreans — saw the rise of Park Chung-Hee, a military general who seized leadership via a coup tacitly supported by the U.S. Upon entering office, Park declared the rule of martial law and amended the constitution to support his own authoritarianism."
You mean millions of communist fighters with civilians caught in the crossfire

Not to mention the batshit crazy muslim terrorists
Communist dictators who become billionaires by becoming IMF puppets, and Muslims who profit from US invasions/occupations of their homeland are bigger threats to humanity:

"...Ceausescu, but during his 23 years in power, the regime liquidated all potential political opposition at home and funneled Romania’s resources out through an elaborate network of public-private partnerships that made the Communist dictator one of the world’s richest men.

"And through it all, as Romania’s foreign debt more than tripled, the US Treasury-backed IMF was always there with an open line of credit to ensure Ceausescu never had to reform."

5 Brutal Dictators The U.S. Helped Slaughter Hundreds Of Thousands
Communist dictators who become billionaires by becoming IMF puppets, and Muslims who profit from US invasions/occupations of their homeland are bigger threats to humanity:

"...Ceausescu, but during his 23 years in power, the regime liquidated all potential political opposition at home and funneled Romania’s resources out through an elaborate network of public-private partnerships that made the Communist dictator one of the world’s richest men.

"And through it all, as Romania’s foreign debt more than tripled, the US Treasury-backed IMF was always there with an open line of credit to ensure Ceausescu never had to reform."

5 Brutal Dictators The U.S. Helped Slaughter Hundreds Of Thousands

So you like Ceausescu or you don't?
Do you believe Koreans were incapable of practicing popular sovereignty without benevolent white men sharing their burden?
The soviets dominated north korea is in the days and serveral years after liberation from japan

Do you think the north koreans are lucky to be communists instead of being liberated by America?
That's a myth I often see progs spouting.. What's the evidence for it?

Liberals are the ones who invented liar loans, moron.
Wall Street bribed corrupt politicians to create stated income loans, Loon. (p.3)

"Overview of my testimony I make seven major points.

"1. We have decent data on the incidence of fraud in stated income loans. The incidence is 90 percent. We know from investigations that it was overwhelmingly the lenders and their agents that prompted these frauds.

"No governmental entity ever required any entity to make, or purchase, a stated income loan.

"Even at their most anti-regulatory extreme, U.S. regulators warned against stated income loans.

"We know roughly how many fraudulent stated income loans were made.

"Over two million fraudulent mortgage loans were made in 2006 alone.

"It was overwhelmingly fraudulent loans to borrowers who lacked any ability to repay their loans out of their income that caused the housing bubble to hyper-inflate"

Ultimate Guide to Note Investing Due Diligence - NoteVestment
Which is completely immaterial since poor Americans are living under a domestic economy that has been siphoning wealth upwards since Reagan, Rube:

Income and Poverty in the United States: 2020
  • "Median household income was $67,521 in 2020, a decrease of 2.9 percent from the 2019 median of $69,560 (Figure 1 and Table A-1). This is the first statistically significant decline in median household income since 2011."

Um ... a decreased household income once makes Americans poor. Wow, that's stupid ... even for you ...
So refute it

"Conservatism in every place and time is founded on deception.

"The deceptions of conservatism today are especially sophisticated, simply because culture today is sufficiently democratic that the myths of earlier times will no longer suffice."

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?

More Marxism gone wild claims! Choice is deception! So you SERIOUSLY believe that government controlling the means of production would ... ahem .... not be "deceitful." Wow, you're a fool
Thats not correct

As everyone found out when unqualified minorities defaulted on their morgages
What's the definition of a liar's loan?

Which party is responsible for verifying the borrower has adequate income to repay her home loan?

Bill Black: Lenders’ Lies about Liar’s Loans and “Rigorous Underwriting” | naked capitalism

The definition of a liar’s loan is that it is designed for the purpose of avoiding not simply 'rigorous' underwriting, but rather the most minimal underwriting any property lender must do to have any chance of surviving.
"Yes, 'rigorous underwriting' is the absolute essential to managing risk in property lending.

"Yes, in the case of conventional home lending, rigorous underwriting can reduce credit risk to tiny proportions.

"One of the 'Four C’s' of minimally competent underwriting for such loans is 'Capacity.'

"That means that the lender, must at a minimum, verify that the borrower has adequate income to repay the home loan.
your link says the Russian invaded in august of 1945, the US came in after that to prevent the so called “free-elections”

can they really be “free elections” if the socialist in Moscow are running it??
The Soviets liberated Korea from the Japanese occupation from north to south.
They could have liberated the entire peninsula, but they stopped at the 38th parallel in accordance with an American request.

The Korean election slated for 1945 was organized by people's committees throughout the entire peninsula designed to coordinate the transition to national independence without any entangling foreign alliances

People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia

"Under (Woon-hyung) Lyuh's leadership, the newly formed Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence (CPKI) organized people's committees throughout the country to coordinate the transition to independence.

"On 28 August 1945 the CPKI announced that it would function as the temporary national government of Korea.[1]: p.64 

"On 6 September, CPKI activists met in Seoul and established the PRK.[1]: p.65 "

Lyuh Woon-hyung believed Korean independence was essential for world peace.

He is rare among politicians in modern Korean history because he is revered in both South and North Korea.

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