Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

ero, he took zero. I know you don’t do math, anything times zero equals…….. zero
Here's your zero (and 0.1)

Trump reported making more than $1.6 billion while president - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

"Donald Trump reported making more than $1.6 billion in outside revenue and income during his four years as President of the United States, according to a review of his financial disclosures by CREW.

"While Trump publicly took credit for donating his taxpayer-funded salary, that ended up being less than 0.1% of the revenue and income he disclosed during his presidency. Far from being a sacrifice, the donation was merely a fig leaf to cover up four years of brazen corruption"
Which party is responsible for verifying the borrower has adequate income to repay her home loan?
I think lenders were pressured by do-gooder libs in government and the civil rights racket to make more loans in low income, aka black, neighborhoods

The borrowers lied (sometimes coached by unscrupulous lenders) about their income

Then the big banks bundled the bad loans into investment scams and sold them to anyone gullible enough to buy them

Lots of blame to go around, but the original sin was government
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If you lie about your income, you are lying
"The definition of liar’s loan is that the lender does not verify the borrower’s income (and more extreme liar’s loans do not verify the borrower’s job or assets).

"The CEO causes the lender to make liar’s loans for the purpose of inflating the borrower’s reported income, which makes it possible for the lender to make more and larger loans, which enriches the CEO."

Bill Black: Lenders’ Lies about Liar’s Loans and “Rigorous Underwriting” | naked capitalism
"The definition of liar’s loan is that the lender does not verify the borrower’s income (and more extreme liar’s loans do not verify the borrower’s job or assets).

"The CEO causes the lender to make liar’s loans for the purpose of inflating the borrower’s reported income, which makes it possible for the lender to make more and larger loans, which enriches the CEO."

Bill Black: Lenders’ Lies about Liar’s Loans and “Rigorous Underwriting” | naked capitalism

"The definition of liar’s loan is that the lender does not verify the borrower’s income (and more extreme liar’s loans do not verify the borrower’s job or assets).

Yup, they didn't verify income or assets.
Who is the liar in any of these loans?
No they weren't. There's no such thing as a "free election" that the communists are running.
Communists would likely have won in Korea in 1945 because they led the fight against capitalist Japan; which side would you have died for?
What's the definition of a liar's loan?

Which party is responsible for verifying the borrower has adequate income to repay her home loan?

Bill Black: Lenders’ Lies about Liar’s Loans and “Rigorous Underwriting” | naked capitalism

The definition of a liar’s loan is that it is designed for the purpose of avoiding not simply 'rigorous' underwriting, but rather the most minimal underwriting any property lender must do to have any chance of surviving.
"Yes, 'rigorous underwriting' is the absolute essential to managing risk in property lending.

"Yes, in the case of conventional home lending, rigorous underwriting can reduce credit risk to tiny proportions.

"One of the 'Four C’s' of minimally competent underwriting for such loans is 'Capacity.'

"That means that the lender, must at a minimum, verify that the borrower has adequate income to repay the home loan.
I keep telling you, moron, that the only people that got screwed by the "liar loans" were the banks go granted them. They did it so the regulators would approve their mergers.

The feds are totally responsible for the sub prime mortgage fiasco.
Communists would likely have won in Korea in 1945 because they led the fight against capitalist Japan; which side would you have died for?
More like because they murdered anyone who expressed support for the capitalist candidate. That's how communists conduct election campaigns.
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