Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

By allowing shareholders (parasites) to benefit from company earnings while making (productive) society responsible for their loses.
Shareholders don't do that. Congress does.

Furthermore, shareholders are not parasites. The company would not exist without them. How do you imagine companies come into existence, magic?
So now Wall Street banks and corporations steal your homes, savings, and pensions?

Is that your idea of

"William McKinley ran for president on the basis of the gold standard."

Gold standard - Wikipedia
No corporation ever stole from me. Government, on the other hand, does it on a daily basis.
But socialism, ultimately is. Democracy is fine when its scope and use is strictly constrained - ie it's only used when necessary. But socialists want "both society and the economy run democratically" - and that's everything. That's what's totalitarian about your goals.
My definition of totalitarian: a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. That's not majority rule. That's rugged individualism manifested by "free" market mechanisms over democratic planning and limitations on private control of resources.

You look at Stalin and see a socialist.
I see a rich crony capitalist tyrant.

Stalin Was the First Koch Sucker – Politics Plus
My definition of totalitarian: a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. That's not majority rule. That's rugged individualism manifested by "free" market mechanisms over democratic planning and limitations on private control of resources.

How can rugged individualism be totalitarian? According to your own definition it doesn't fit the bill. Are rugged individuals "subservient" to the state? Was early American government "centralized?" Was it dictatorial?

I'll give you one thing, it definitely not democratic. The latter is often totalitarian. Just take our current government. It dictates everything we do.

You obviously don't understand the meaning of ordinary English words. You're a prog moron.

You look at Stalin and see a socialist.
I see a rich crony capitalist tyrant.

Stalin Was the First Koch Sucker – Politics Plus

The picture at the right is meaningless. Koch wasn't a crony of our government. Anyone who says Stalin was a capitalist is a fucking moron. Your photo says nothing about our government.
I don't play the "sides" game. But how about this? The day the Koch brothers, or any other "private tyrants", have you arrested, be sure and post. I'll admit you were right. For now, you're not.
Why limit private tyrannies to those who can have you arrested?
How many innocent human beings have died from the pollution of Koch industries?

How many native Americans have been defrauded by your heroic capitalists?

The rich, rugged individualists you seem to admire have a long history of congressional investigations, DoJ consent decrees, civil lawsuits and felony convictions that pose a bigger threat to democracy than Trump could ever imagine, but maybe that's what impresses you the most about private profits obtained by socializing losses?
Why limit private tyrannies to those who can have you arrested?

Because A tyranny can only exist when people can arrest you, moron.
How many innocent human beings have died from the pollution of Koch industries?

Virtually none.

How many native Americans have been defrauded by your heroic capitalists?

Politicians and government officials have defrauded them any times more.

The rich, rugged individualists you seem to admire have a long history of congressional investigations, DoJ consent decrees, civil lawsuits and felony convictions that pose a bigger threat to democracy than Trump could ever imagine, but maybe that's what impresses you the most about private profits obtained by socializing losses?

Government socializes the losses, moron, and in most cases government mismanagement creates the losses.

Are you really such a moron that you believe there wouldn't be any crime or corruption in a socialist society? We already know the USSR was rife with crime and corruption. China is currently rife with crime and corruption.
Why limit private tyrannies to those who can have you arrested?
How many innocent human beings have died from the pollution of Koch industries?

How many native Americans have been defrauded by your heroic capitalists?

The rich, rugged individualists you seem to admire have a long history of congressional investigations, DoJ consent decrees, civil lawsuits and felony convictions that pose a bigger threat to democracy than Trump could ever imagine, but maybe that's what impresses you the most about private profits obtained by socializing losses?

How many innocent human beings have died from the pollution of Koch industries?

2 maybe 3?
Make sure you bomb one half of the country into oblivion AFTER you deny free elections peninsula-wide in 1945.

U.S. War Crimes of Korean War 2/2 - Impunity Watch

"Though the North Koreans had a reputation for viciousness, according to Cumings, U.S. soldiers actually engaged in more civilian massacres.

"This included dropping over half a million tons of bombs and thousands of tons of napalm, more than was loosed on the entire Pacific theater in World War II."

How many innocent human beings has the heroic US military murdered since 1945?
My definition of totalitarian: a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. That's not majority rule.
[dumbass memes omitted for decency]
Majority rule can certainly be totalitarian. And if you think majority rule should be applied to everything, that's exactly what you're asking for.
Make sure you bomb one half of the country into oblivion AFTER you deny free elections peninsula-wide in 1945.

U.S. War Crimes of Korean War 2/2 - Impunity Watch

"Though the North Koreans had a reputation for viciousness, according to Cumings, U.S. soldiers actually engaged in more civilian massacres.

"This included dropping over half a million tons of bombs and thousands of tons of napalm, more than was loosed on the entire Pacific theater in World War II."

How many innocent human beings has the heroic US military murdered since 1945?

Just like a fucking Marxist to condemn the US for liberating South Korea from the Communists. And to ignore the fact that Capitalist SK has a booming democratic economy while Socialist NK is an authoritarian oppressive third world shithole.
America's economic success was not solely due to cotton. That's a commie myth
Strawman arguments aren't much of an improvement over ad hominem.
American economic success was not solely due to cotton, but cotton was its most important export:

How slavery became America’s first big business

"Slavery, particularly the cotton slavery that existed from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the Civil War, was a thoroughly modern business, one that was continuously changing to maximize profits.

" To grow the cotton that would clothe the world and fuel global industrialization, thousands of young enslaved men and women — the children of stolen ancestors legally treated as property — were transported from Maryland and Virginia hundreds of miles south, and forcibly retrained to become America’s most efficient laborers.

"As they were pushed into the expanding territories of Mississippi and Louisiana, sold and bid on at auctions, and resettled onto forced labor camps, they were given a task: to plant and pick thousands of pounds of cotton."
How do they steal your homes, savings, and pensions? We know beyond all doubt that the government steals our homes, savings, and pensions.
'Private equity stole our pensions'

"Can workers in 21st-century Britain have their pensions stolen from under their noses?

"This is exactly what the GMB union says has happened to hundreds of thousands of employees of companies that collapsed after being bought by private equity firms.

"Employees who contributed for decades to pension schemes now find themselves in poverty after leveraged-buyout firms walked away from pension liabilities amounting to at least £2bn, according to figures from the union last week."

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