Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

To hell with minorities. Majority rule for every. fucking. thing!

I don't want to accomplish that.
Do you want financial interests to disable government, which is the only power strong enough to tax and check their power via public regulation?

The last forty years have seen a feudal-type financial version of the military conquests that seized land and levied tribute a thousand years ago.

When the "magic of compound interest" elevates debts beyond the ability to be paid, consumers must be taxed more heavily, and public spending must be rolled back to squeeze out more fiscal surplus to pay the bankers and bondholders.

Only Democracy has the power to prevent that from happening.
When the "magic of compound interest" elevates debts beyond the ability to be paid, consumers must be taxed more heavily, and public spending must be rolled back to squeeze out more fiscal surplus to pay the bankers and bondholders.

Stop borrowing from the banks.
Tell the government to stop selling bonds.
And meet your obligations, deadbeat.
But enough about communists.
"Adam Smith was very much against colonialism because that lead to wars, and wars led to public debt.

"He said the solution to prevent this financial class of bondholders burdening the economy by imposing more and more taxes on consumer goods every time they went to war was to finance wars on a pay-as-you-go basis.

"Instead of borrowing, you’d tax the people."

The inversion of Classical Economics | Michael Hudson
when it comes to Common Stock traded on the Stock Exchange.
.The opportunity to buy publicly traded stock depends on how much money you have. Therefore, anybody with less money than a Walton heir has less opportunity to buy stock than the heir does.
"Adam Smith was very much against colonialism because that lead to wars, and wars led to public debt.

"He said the solution to prevent this financial class of bondholders burdening the economy by imposing more and more taxes on consumer goods every time they went to war was to finance wars on a pay-as-you-go basis.

"Instead of borrowing, you’d tax the people."

The inversion of Classical Economics | Michael Hudson

"Adam Smith was very much against colonialism because that lead to wars, and wars led to public debt.

No more colonies. You have any more areas of agreement with Adam Smith?

"Instead of borrowing, you’d tax the people."

Commies taxed the people 100%. How well did that work?
Engels was a wealthy man
Fortunately he wasn't overly impressed with an accident of birth:

Friedrich Engels - Wikipedia

"In 1848, Engels co-authored The Communist Manifesto with Marx and also authored and co-authored (primarily with Marx) many other works.

"Later, Engels supported Marx financially, allowing him to do research and write Das Kapital.

"After Marx's death, Engels edited the second and third volumes of Das Kapital.

"Additionally, Engels organised Marx's notes on the Theories of Surplus Value which were later published as the 'fourth volume' of Das Kapital.[8][9]

"In 1884, he published The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State on the basis of Marx's ethnographic research."
Capitalism is what allowed our country to develop into the greatest country in the world. Central planning would have sentenced us to a perpetual state of poverty, shortages, distrust, no freedom and a total dependence on government followed by economic collapse and chaos. You people who would rather be a part of the "collective" should pick one of those great Marxist destinations and go there. It'll be good for your head.
Yes, capitalism has been good for America. Our growth and prosperity came from it, including my best years as a business owner, which was a win-win-win for all involved.

Sometimes however, certain industries within capitalism, go a bit too far and, while profitting extensively themselves, they ruin things for other businesses and the public. This is why capitalism does need to have some degree of socialism, and why the government for the people has to step in and keep things on an even keel.

The US has been a combination of socialism and capitalism at least since the 1930's, and it has worked well. When either capitalism or socialism go to extremes, without any balance whatsoever, that's when things go bad.
I can't be a parasite?

Why would you change now?
Sounds like you've been one your entire life.
What you can't do is buy stock with zero money saved.

I was saving $250 month to buy a car. Now with a $250/mo rent increase, that $250/mo is going to go to my landlord.

He also cant buy stock after being nuclear annhilated. America needs to see that we are on the eve of destruction. (Russia)
There certainly is an alternative.
Capitalism doesn't seek anything, moron. Your anthrophomising is horseshit. Your terms are bullshit.
What about profits?

What are the most important aspects of a capitalist system?

"Accumulation of Capital​

"The centerpiece of a capitalist system is the accumulation of capital.

" In a capitalist system, the driving force behind economic activity is to make a profit.

"Capitalists see amassing profits as a way to provide a powerful incentive to work harder, innovate more and produce things more efficiently than if the government had sole control over citizens' net worth.

"This financial incentive is the reason capitalist economies see innovation as going hand-in-hand with their market system."
Do you want financial interests to disable government, which is the only power strong enough to tax and check their power via public regulation?

The last forty years have seen a feudal-type financial version of the military conquests that seized land and levied tribute a thousand years ago.

When the "magic of compound interest" elevates debts beyond the ability to be paid, consumers must be taxed more heavily, and public spending must be rolled back to squeeze out more fiscal surplus to pay the bankers and bondholders.

Only Democracy has the power to prevent that from happening.
You said private corporations control the government. Now your admitting it's the other way around.

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