Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

What about profits?

What are the most important aspects of a capitalist system?

"Accumulation of Capital​

"The centerpiece of a capitalist system is the accumulation of capital.

" In a capitalist system, the driving force behind economic activity is to make a profit.

"Capitalists see amassing profits as a way to provide a powerful incentive to work harder, innovate more and produce things more efficiently than if the government had sole control over citizens' net worth.

"This financial incentive is the reason capitalist economies see innovation as going hand-in-hand with their market system."

Capitalists see amassing profits as a way to provide a powerful incentive to work harder,

Yes, individuals respond to incentives.

"This financial incentive is the reason capitalist economies see innovation as going hand-in-hand with their market system."

And that's the reason communist economies don't innovate.
That's the reason communist economies suck.
Has a so-called "private tyrant" ever executed anyone?
When has capitalism existed without killing workers?

The 10 Biggest Strikes In U.S. History

"The strikers protested unsafe conditions, oppressive hours, and paltry pay. When railroad worker Charles Hall was fired unfairly, it was the final straw.

"During the strike, violent clashes broke out between pro-labor crowds and company-hired security forces & police across the country from Texas to Illinois, leaving at least nine dead and dozens injured."
When has capitalism existed without killing workers?

The 10 Biggest Strikes In U.S. History

"The strikers protested unsafe conditions, oppressive hours, and paltry pay. When railroad worker Charles Hall was fired unfairly, it was the final straw.

"During the strike, violent clashes broke out between pro-labor crowds and company-hired security forces & police across the country from Texas to Illinois, leaving at least nine dead and dozens injured."
An accident is not an execution, moron. Socialist enterprises also have accidents.


Strikers are breaking the law if they occupy company property.
No, I mean people like Woodrow Wilson and Margret Sanger.

You really are ignorant of the history of your ideology, aren't you?
I'm not confused about where Hitler went for inspiration.
Have you noticed how conservatives fear equality?

Why the Nazis studied American race laws for inspiration

"They (Nazis) debated whether they should bring Jim Crow segregation to the Third Reich.

"They engaged in detailed discussion of the statutes from the 30 US states that criminalised racially mixed marriages.

"They reviewed how the various US states determined who counted as a ‘Negro’ or a ‘Mongol’, and weighed whether they should adopt US techniques in their own approach to determining who counted as a Jew.

"Throughout the meeting the most ardent supporters of the US model were the most radical Nazis in the room."
Wilson was spouting the theory of Social Darwinism before WW I, moron. So was Margret Sanger. That makes it clear that the NAZIs didn't invent the concept. American liberals did.
Racists sprouted Social Darwinism and white supremacists invented the concept:

Why the Nazis studied American race laws for inspiration

"But the reality is that, in the early 20th century, the US, with its vigorous and creative legal culture, led the world in racist lawmaking.

"That was not only true of the Jim Crow South.

"It was true on the national level as well.

"The US had race-based immigration law, admired by racists all over the world; and the Nazis, like their Right-wing European successors today (and so many US voters) were obsessed with the dangers posed by immigration."
Racists sprouted Social Darwinism and white supremacists invented the concept:

Why the Nazis studied American race laws for inspiration

"But the reality is that, in the early 20th century, the US, with its vigorous and creative legal culture, led the world in racist lawmaking.

"That was not only true of the Jim Crow South.

"It was true on the national level as well.

"The US had race-based immigration law, admired by racists all over the world; and the Nazis, like their Right-wing European successors today (and so many US voters) were obsessed with the dangers posed by immigration."
The bottom line is that leftwing Dims like Woodrow Wilson and Margaret Sanger promoted social darwinism long before the NAZIs endorsed it.
If you're going to discuss economics, then use the terms economics uses, and not some hocus pocus you or Karl Marx invented.

"Karl Marx, Inflation, and the Gold Standard​

"Marx applied the labor value theory to money.

"According to Marx, the use of a particular commodity like gold or silver for money rests on the fact that — like all other commodities — there is an amount of 'socially necessary labor' required to produce it.

"If, for example, one ounce of gold requires ten hours’ labor, its value is equal to another product requiring ten hours’ labor.

"Marx’s labor theory led him to say that 'Although gold and silver are not by nature money, money is by nature gold and silver'"

Lenin and Marx: Sound Money Advocates? | Louis Rouanet

"Karl Marx, Inflation, and the Gold Standard​

"Marx applied the labor value theory to money.

Which is easily proven wrong.

"According to Marx, the use of a particular commodity like gold or silver for money rests on the fact that — like all other commodities — there is an amount of 'socially necessary labor' required to produce it.

Marx is wrong, of course.

"If, for example, one ounce of gold requires ten hours’ labor, its value is equal to another product requiring ten hours’ labor.

Uh . . . . . no. If an orange costs $1.00 on April 1, and there is a severe frost in Florida on April 2, why does it cost $1.50 on April 3? The same amount of labor went into growing it.

"Marx’s labor theory led him to say that 'Although gold and silver are not by nature money, money is by nature gold and silver'"

Lenin and Marx: Sound Money Advocates? | Louis Rouanet

Marx is a buffoon who knew nothing about economics.. I just proved it.
The Chinese have taken up against tick-tokers. By the way, banksters love them very much: they graze outside the "social state", they do not ask for pensions. There are only a few successful tick-tokers
"The Chinese "queen of live broadcasts" Viya was fined $210 million for tax evasion. Investors lost 12% of Bilibili and Ali Baba"
As the "virtual economy of gags" becomes established against the background of automation, the main way of making money for the impoverished population will be the monetization of the protrusion of their mental abnormalities.
Shamelessness in public was recently considered a sign of mental illness.

Tik-tok will become the main cultural channel of the capitalist future, predicted the film "Idiocracy"
I favor private currency so government can't use it as a means to loot everyone who has a bank account or any financial instrument denominated in the units of that currency.
What prevents the issuers of your private currency from looting your bank account? Would you like Wall Street to control the monopoly of violence instead of government?
What prevents the issuers of your private currency from looting your bank account? Would you like Wall Street to control the monopoly of violence instead of government?
What prevents them from doing it now? How does the gold standard give banks "the monopoly on violence?"

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