Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

The people who sell their stocks to the company either hide the money or burn it for heat, eh?
Are those highly productive people engaging in stock manipulation as they were before 1982?

The Dangers of Buybacks: Mitigating Common Pitfalls

"Buybacks are a fairly new phenomenon and have been gaining in popularity relative to dividends recently.

"All but banned in the US during the 1930s, buybacks were seen as a form of market manipulation.

"Buybacks were largely illegal until 1982, when the SEC adopted Rule 10B-18 (the safe-harbor provision) under the Reagan administration to combat corporate raiders.

"This change reintroduced buybacks in the US, leading to wider adoption around the world over the next 20 years."
Are those highly productive people engaging in stock manipulation as they were before 1982?

The Dangers of Buybacks: Mitigating Common Pitfalls

"Buybacks are a fairly new phenomenon and have been gaining in popularity relative to dividends recently.

"All but banned in the US during the 1930s, buybacks were seen as a form of market manipulation.

"Buybacks were largely illegal until 1982, when the SEC adopted Rule 10B-18 (the safe-harbor provision) under the Reagan administration to combat corporate raiders.

"This change reintroduced buybacks in the US, leading to wider adoption around the world over the next 20 years."

Are those highly productive people engaging in stock manipulation as they were before 1982?

When I sell my stock, I'm not engaging in stock manipulation.
But you claim that capitalism required slavery, moron. Now you're claim that capitalism required slavery to be abolished.
Capitalism required slavery during the time when animal muscle power was the primary source of agricultural production. In Brazil, slaves were worked to death in 7 years in order to make massa prosper.

As the machine replaced animal horsepower. illiterate slaves became a social cost instead of a source of capitalist profit.
Capitalism required slavery during the time when animal muscle power was the primary source of agricultural production. In Brazil, slaves were worked to death in 7 years in order to make massa prosper.

As the machine replaced animal horsepower. illiterate slaves became a social cost instead of a source of capitalist profit.
So the USA needed slaves in 1861, but not in 1865? You know your theory is false on its face, don't you?
I don't care what color you are, commit crime, go to jail.

Tell your friends.
Tell yours.

"JPMorgan Chase is the largest bank in the United States. It also has the scandalous distinction of having admitted to five criminal felony counts brought by the U.S. Department of Justice since 2014 and a breathtaking series of additional charges from other regulators. (See its Rap Sheet here.)"

JPMorgan’s Crime Wave Continues, Calling into Question the Justice Department’s Lax Settlement with the Bank Last Year
What was the white default rate?
What was the black default rate?
What might explain any difference?

"In response to the Great Depression, the Federal Housing Administration was created through the National Housing Act of 1934.

"The purpose of the FHA was to regulate interest rates and mortgage terms.

"While this new government agency created an opportunity for whites to become homeowners and begin accumulating wealth, government-sanctioned racism kept blacks out of the housing market."

Staggering Loss of Black Wealth Due to Subprime Scandal Continues Unabated
Because the USSR was a totalitarian regime. They, quite rightly, saw us an enemy.
Here's what they saw:

They saw America destroying Korea and Vietnam in the wake of WWII, and they had no doubts about American intentions toward Russia's vast resources.
What the commies were demanding is not people with the same score paying higher rate. They wanted people with much lower FIFO scores to pay the same rate and put down the same downpayment..
As compensation for what act of governmental discrimination?
Here's what they saw:

They saw America destroying Korea and Vietnam in the wake of WWII, and they had no doubts about American intentions toward Russia's vast resources.
You're trying to sell socialism, but you can't even bring yourself to denounce the USSR?. Helluva sales pitch. Comrade.

Thanks, but no. Thanks.
Tell yours.

"JPMorgan Chase is the largest bank in the United States. It also has the scandalous distinction of having admitted to five criminal felony counts brought by the U.S. Department of Justice since 2014 and a breathtaking series of additional charges from other regulators. (See its Rap Sheet here.)"

JPMorgan’s Crime Wave Continues, Calling into Question the Justice Department’s Lax Settlement with the Bank Last Year

If any of those people committed felonies, put them in jail.
What might explain any difference?

"In response to the Great Depression, the Federal Housing Administration was created through the National Housing Act of 1934.

"The purpose of the FHA was to regulate interest rates and mortgage terms.

"While this new government agency created an opportunity for whites to become homeowners and begin accumulating wealth, government-sanctioned racism kept blacks out of the housing market."

Staggering Loss of Black Wealth Due to Subprime Scandal Continues Unabated

Thanks for the link.
Do you have one that answers the questions?

What was the white default rate?
What was the black default rate?
By denying free elections and imposing military dictators.
Who got rich from that?

Oh, because the commies allowed free elections and didn't impose military dictators. Thanks.

How does that North Korean grass taste this time of year? I hear it's yummy!

Thank goodness we stopped the North Korean commies, electricity is cool.

The Maastricht and Lisbon treaties (along with the German constitution) deprive the EU of having such an institution

The EU doesn't have a central bank?
Sure it does.
Who does it lend to?

EU Infrastructure Undermines Sovereignty | Michael Hudson

"The EU confederation has no ability to tax and spend; that remains local.

"Its tax policy focuses on taxing consumers via the Value Added Tax (VAT).

"More fatally, the eurozone has no ability – or at least, no willingness – to create money to fund deficit spending.

"The European Central bank only provides money to commercial banks, not for government budgets."
which obliges governments to save bondholders from loss instead of writing down bad debt.

Bondholders never have losses? Bad debt is never written down?
Not often enough since bondholders control banks and governments:

EU Infrastructure Undermines Sovereignty | Michael Hudson

"Eurozone rules – the Maastricht and Lisbon treaties – aimed at blocking governments from running budget deficits in a way that spend money into the economy to revive employment.

"The new aim is only to rescue bondholders and banks from making bad loans and even fraudulent loans, bailing them out at public expense."
Sure it does.
Who does it lend to?

EU Infrastructure Undermines Sovereignty | Michael Hudson

"The EU confederation has no ability to tax and spend; that remains local.

"Its tax policy focuses on taxing consumers via the Value Added Tax (VAT).

"More fatally, the eurozone has no ability – or at least, no willingness – to create money to fund deficit spending.

"The European Central bank only provides money to commercial banks, not for government budgets."

Thanks for the link.
Where does it help prove the claim "an institution which obliges governments to save bondholders from loss instead of writing down bad debt."?

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