Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Post a couple of the loan agreements that support your claim.
Why would I bother?

Michael Hudson Discusses the IMF and World Bank: Partners In Backwardness | naked capitalism

"The World Bank was set up from the outset as a branch of the military, of the Defense Department. John J. McCloy (Assistant Secretary of War, 1941-45), was the first full-time president.

"He later became Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank (1953-60).

"McNamara was Secretary of Defense (1961-68), Paul Wolfowitz was Deputy and Under Secretary of Defense (1989-2005), and Robert Zoellick was Deputy Secretary of State.

"So I think you can look at the World Bank as the soft shoe of American diplomacy."
Makes sense, gotta pay back their loans somehow.
Makes sense to those who believe any country can pay any amount of debt if it just impoverishes its labor enough. Such countries raise their interest rates high enough to bring on a depression (austerity), breaking up labor unions in the proce$$.
We resisted your commie a-hole buddies.
How did that work out for South Korea, Italy and Greece?
Why don't you compare their GDP to Russia's, Cuba's, Venezuela's and North Korea's
What surprises you about countries paying tribute to the ruling empire of the day? The IMF and World Bank backed economic elites in the countries they "helped", protecting the richest one percent and foreign investors from balance-of-payments problems. The IMF enables its wealthy clients to move their money out of the country without taking a foreign-exchange loss, leaving the vast majority of their populations to pay the austerity induced costs.
Makes sense to those who believe any country can pay any amount of debt if it just impoverishes its labor enough. Such countries raise their interest rates high enough to bring on a depression (austerity), breaking up labor unions in the proce$$.

Makes sense to those who believe any country can pay any amount of debt if it just impoverishes its labor enough.

So sad.

Such countries raise their interest rates high enough to bring on a depression (austerity), breaking up labor unions in the proce$$.

The labor unions didn't save them?
Makes sense to those who believe any country can pay any amount of debt if it just impoverishes its labor enough. Such countries raise their interest rates high enough to bring on a depression (austerity), breaking up labor unions in the proce$$.
What a giant load of horseshit.
Stalin had no choice? What complete horseshit.
Stalin not only knew how many times western capitalists had invaded his homeland in the previous 133 years; he was also likely aware of capitalism's plans in 1945 to "finish the job"

Operation Unthinkable - Wikipedia

"Operation Unthinkable was the name given to two related possible future war plans by the British Chiefs of Staff against the Soviet Union in 1945.

"The plans were never approved or implemented.

"The creation of the plans was ordered by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in May 1945 and developed by the British Armed Forces' Joint Planning Staff in May 1945 at the end of World War II in Europe.[1]

"One plan assumed a surprise attack on the Soviet forces stationed in Germany to "impose the will of the Western Allies" on the Soviets. 'The will' was qualified as 'a square deal for Poland',[2] which probably meant enforcing the recently signed Yalta Agreement."
Are there any third world countries that are safe to lend to?
Ones that aren't hopelessly corrupt?
Can you post a list?

Ask your lord and master.
My side won WWII. And then we kicked your ass in the Cold War.
Your capitalist side won WWII because Russian socialists destroyed your German competitors. Ever since you've regularly advanced property rights over human rights, and you're actually sufficiently deluded to believe you are the Good Guys. You're not. You are useless eaters whose economic system is killing this planet.
Is that supposed to show an alternate currency that people want to hold?
It shows the US dollar commands its global reserve currency role because the US military maim. murders, and displaces millions of innocent people on the opposite side of the planet from Wall Street to enforce its rule. How much do you make? Be specific.
No they weren't, dumbass. North Korea invaded South Korea, and US Troops never set foot on North Vietnamese soil. North Vietnam, on the other hand, did invade South Vietnam.
North Korea attempted to liberate South Korea in 1950 AFTER the US military prevented free peninsula-wide elections in 1945. When the "invasion" began a majority of Koreans supported overthrowing the US installed military dictator in Seoul, and only thousands of UN troops (90% US) prevented Koreans from taking control of their entire country.

US bombing campaigns maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of Vietnamese. There never would have been a North Vietnam or a North Korea if US imperialists hadn't found it profitable to occupy both countries.
Stalin not only knew how many times western capitalists had invaded his homeland in the previous 133 years; he was also likely aware of capitalism's plans in 1945 to "finish the job"

Operation Unthinkable - Wikipedia

"Operation Unthinkable was the name given to two related possible future war plans by the British Chiefs of Staff against the Soviet Union in 1945.

"The plans were never approved or implemented.

"The creation of the plans was ordered by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in May 1945 and developed by the British Armed Forces' Joint Planning Staff in May 1945 at the end of World War II in Europe.[1]

"One plan assumed a surprise attack on the Soviet forces stationed in Germany to "impose the will of the Western Allies" on the Soviets. 'The will' was qualified as 'a square deal for Poland',[2] which probably meant enforcing the recently signed Yalta Agreement."
I already gave you the extensive list of countries the USSR invaded before the start of WW II. Every country in Europe has been invaded numerous times, so this whine is totally bogus. The USSR was a threat to all it's neighbors. What was their excuse for invading Poland within a year of the end of their civil war?

Russo-Polish War | History, Facts, & Significance
North Korea attempted to liberate South Korea in 1950 AFTER the US military prevented free peninsula-wide elections in 1945. When the "invasion" began a majority of Koreans supported overthrowing the US installed military dictator in Seoul, and only thousands of UN troops (90% US) prevented Koreans from taking control of their entire country.

US bombing campaigns maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of Vietnamese. There never would have been a North Vietnam or a North Korea if US imperialists hadn't found it profitable to occupy both countries.

You mean it invaded South Korea. Your post is a big fucking lie. It's communist propaganda.

What happened at the end of the Vietnam war shows that people would rather die than live in a communist country. That's what you support.

Since you're so concerned about puppet governments, why do you defend the USSR which set one up in North Korea?
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Your capitalist side won WWII because Russian socialists destroyed your German competitors. Ever since you've regularly advanced property rights over human rights, and you're actually sufficiently deluded to believe you are the Good Guys. You're not. You are useless eaters whose economic system is killing this planet.
Property rights are human rights, dumbfuck.

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