Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

"As long as other countries play an artificial economic game that U.S. diplomacy can control, finance is able to achieve today what used to require bombing and loss of life by soldiers."

Nobody makes you play.

Do your own thing.

It works for Iran, North Korea and Venezuela.
The UN held elections in 1948 that the communists refused to participate in

Any proposed election in 1945 would have been impossible amd was never seriously considered by the UN
Do you know the correct answer to this question?

"4. At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, U.S. President Roosevelt and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin discussed the postwar future of Korea. Stalin advocated independence as soon as possible. Roosevelt

a. agreed to immediate independence
b. advocated a trusteeship of 20-30 years, citing the positive example of U.S. rule in the Philippines
c. suggested Korea remain a part of the Japanese Empire, to be occupied by Allied forces"

There were no Koreans present or consulted at Yalta.
Koreans were fully capable of deciding their own popular sovereignty in 1945 without adding to the White Man's Burden.

DECEMBER 31, 2002

A Pop Quiz on Korea

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All people have access. Just walk or drive to the polling place. Or REQUEST an absentee Ballot with proper ID. Mail out ballots should be illegal. Ballot harvesting IS illegal.
Some people wait in lines that are hours long to cast a ballot only to find Republicans have scrubbed their names from the voting rolls.

The very real threat of voter suppression - The Boston Globe
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Now they're 37th in the world for real GDP per capita.
North Korea is 216th.
How did SK achieve that degree of economic success?
Here's one reason:

14. Park Chung-hee, who had served in the Japanese army during the Second World War, participated in a coup in 1961, and then became president in 1963. His rule, to 1979, was characterized by

a. economic growth and political liberalization
b. a “sunshine policy” towards North Korea
c. economic growth, martial law, censorship, political repression, and torture of political prisoners

SK had more efficient dictators and the US dollars working in its favor.

DECEMBER 31, 2002

A Pop Quiz on Korea

If not a Democracy, what is it?They've had elections since day one. That's democracy.
I don't call what we have endured as blacks democratic. And in the very beginning poor whites and women could not vote.
How did SK achieve that degree of economic success?
Here's one reason:

14. Park Chung-hee, who had served in the Japanese army during the Second World War, participated in a coup in 1961, and then became president in 1963. His rule, to 1979, was characterized by

SK had more efficient dictators and the US dollars working in its favor.

DECEMBER 31, 2002

A Pop Quiz on Korea


How did SK achieve that degree of economic success?

We saved them from communism.
The soviets dominated north korea is in the days and serveral years after liberation from japan

Do you think the north koreans are lucky to be communists instead of being liberated by America?
Neither North nor South Koreans required occupation by the US or USSR anymore than France, or Belgium, or Greece, or the UK did. Koreans were divided politically in 1945 but relatively unified in their desire to be an independent country.
Neither North nor South Koreans required occupation by the US or USSR anymore than France, or Belgium, or Greece, or the UK did. Koreans were divided politically in 1945 but relatively unified in their desire to be an independent country.

Neither North nor South Koreans required occupation by the US or USSR anymore than France, or Belgium, or Greece, or the UK did.

The south is now free, while the north is still enslaved by your commie heroes.
The US military's 800 bases around the world are there to support the US dollar as the global reserve currency; your lifestyle and mine are underwritten by destroying countries like Iraq and Afghanistan on the opposite side of planet.

Dollar Recycling | Michael Hudson

" Ending the gold-exchange standard in 1971 created a situation in which the excess U.S. dollars thrown off by the U.S. payments deficit end up in foreign central banks.

"For these central banks, the inflow of surplus dollars poses the problem of what do we do with them.

"Central banks don’t buy stocks and bonds, or control of corporations, because that is risky and also does not directly help their own economy.

"So central banks buy US Treasury bonds and bills – IOUs of the U.S. Government.

"For the United States, the money that is spent on running a balance-of-payments deficit on military account and on American investors buying Chinese stocks and Chinese companies, dollars are recycled back to the United States to buy US Treasury bonds."
That isn't why they are there. However, I will concede that the vas majority of them are unnecessary.
Neither North nor South Koreans required occupation by the US or USSR anymore than France, or Belgium, or Greece, or the UK did. Koreans were divided politically in 1945 but relatively unified in their desire to be an independent country.
Once the USSR occupied North Korea, we were required to occupy South Korea.
By "banned" I mean the US military refused to allow Koreans to decide their own fate after WWII:
So did the USSR, douchebag.

People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia

"After the American arrival in September 1945, the United States Army Military Government in Korea controlled the peninsula south of the 38th parallel.

"The military governor Lieutenant-General John R. Hodge refused to recognize the PRK and its People's Committees, and outlawed it on 12 December.[6]: p.57  He later stated, 'one of our missions was to break down this Communist government'"

I don't have a problem with that. Stalin installed his puppet in North Korea.
Do you know the correct answer to this question?

"4. At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, U.S. President Roosevelt and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin discussed the postwar future of Korea. Stalin advocated independence as soon as possible. Roosevelt

There were no Koreans present or consulted at Yalta.
Koreans were fully capable of deciding their own popular sovereignty in 1945 without adding to the White Man's Burden.

DECEMBER 31, 2002

A Pop Quiz on Korea

Of course he favored independence. Stalin was an expert at subverting democracies, and having one so close to one of his puppet states would make it easy.

I have to hand it do you, it takes real courage to defend Stalin.
Neither North nor South Koreans required occupation by the US or USSR anymore than France, or Belgium, or Greece, or the UK did. Koreans were divided politically in 1945 but relatively unified in their desire to be an independent country.
How about Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, East Germany, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania?
Do you know the correct answer to this question?

"4. At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, U.S. President Roosevelt and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin discussed the postwar future of Korea. Stalin advocated independence as soon as possible. Roosevelt

There were no Koreans present or consulted at Yalta.
Koreans were fully capable of deciding their own popular sovereignty in 1945 without adding to the White Man's Burden.

DECEMBER 31, 2002

A Pop Quiz on Korea

Roosevelt and Churchill did not think so no matter what was agreed to at Yalta

They were deciding the fate of millions of koreans and japanese and condemning them to communism was not an option

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