Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Neither North nor South Koreans required occupation by the US or USSR anymore than France, or Belgium, or Greece, or the UK did. Koreans were divided politically in 1945 but relatively unified in their desire to be an independent country.
In 1945 and into ‘46 korea was still occupied by the Japanese army and koreans were not yet in a position to choose

so the russians and Americans chose for them
Some people wait in lines that are hours long to cast a ballot only to find Republicans have scrubbed their names from the voting rolls.

The very real threat of voter suppression - The Boston Globe
Buzz off ,Troll. The only ones cheating are the fuckin' Dems. They want COVID rules forever. Can't win without 'em. Why? Because the Dem party has sold out to pig bitches like the Jihad Squad.
This is the turd who defends the communist puppet state in North Korea.

You show me where I have ever defended communism, big mouth.
You are an ignorant liar.
To you, democrats are all communists. That's how fucking ignorant you are.
Um ... a decreased household income once makes Americans poor. Wow, that's stupid ... even for you ...
Household purchasing power for 90% of Americans has declined over the last forty years; where have you been?

"In fact, despite some ups and downs over the past several decades, today’s real average wage (that is, the wage after accounting for inflation) has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago.

"And what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest-paid tier of workers."

For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades
So you SERIOUSLY believe that government controlling the means of production would ... ahem .... not be "deceitful." Wow, you're a fool
Not foolish enough to believe private bankers planning the economy works for anyone except the richest one percent and other useless eaters, like you.
The borrowers lied (sometimes coached by unscrupulous lenders) about their income

Then the big banks bundled the bad loans into investment scams and sold them to anyone gullible enough to buy them
You should never forget the role corrupt appraisers played in this scam.
Property values were inflated in order to continue doing business with mortgage makers

Bill Black: Mortgage Appraisal Fraud is Baaack...Because Bank Execs Profit From It | naked capitalism

"The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) report described one of three epidemics of accounting control fraud that drove the financial crisis in these terms.

“Some real estate appraisers had also been expressing concerns for years. From 2000 to 2007, a coalition of appraisal organizations circulated and ultimately delivered to Washington officials a public petition; signed by 11,000 appraisers and including the name and address of each, it charged that lenders were pressuring appraisers to place artificially high prices on properties. According to the petition, lenders were ‘blacklisting honest appraisers’ and instead assigning business only to appraisers who would hit the desired price targets” [FCIC 2011: 18]."
Lots of blame to go around, but the original sin was government
Government never coerced private bankers to engage in control accounting fraud.

In fact, some in government were warning about what was coming long before Lehman Brothers became extinct:

The Best Way to Rob a Bank is To Own One - Bill Black Part 4

"In September 2004, Chris Swecker, not a random person, the senior FBI person in charge of dealing with mortgage fraud.

"Think of this for language. Used the phrase that there was a developing 'epidemic' of mortgage fraud and predicted explicitly that it would cause a financial 'crisis' if it was not prevented."
Not foolish enough to believe private bankers planning the economy works for anyone except the richest one percent and other useless eaters, like you.
Private bankers can't plan the economy, moron. They don't have control over the entire economy. They only have control over their own bank.
Yup, they didn't verify income or assets.
Who is the liar in any of these loans?
Those engaged in predatory lending, Loser.

The Best Way to Rob a Bank is To Own One - Bill Black Part 4

"Now, there’s a case in the early 2000s in Baltimore where Wells Fargo targets the African-American community in Baltimore.

"If you want to expand your market, this is a market of poor, working-class, and even unemployed black Baltimore is not within the web of your financialization, and Wells Fargo explicitly targets black working families and poor families in Baltimore so explicitly that when this shows up in court because they’re approving loans to people that in no way could ever repay the loan.
Government never coerced private bankers to engage in control accounting fraud.

In fact, some in government were warning about what was coming long before Lehman Brothers became extinct:

The fact that some bankers commit crime doesn't make them all guilty of that crime, just as the fact that some Dim politicians are child molesters doesn't mean they are all child molesters.

The Best Way to Rob a Bank is To Own One - Bill Black Part 4

"In September 2004, Chris Swecker, not a random person, the senior FBI person in charge of dealing with mortgage fraud.

"Think of this for language. Used the phrase that there was a developing 'epidemic' of mortgage fraud and predicted explicitly that it would cause a financial 'crisis' if it was not prevented."

The best way to loot the taxpayers is to get elected to Congress.

The federal government ordered banks to commit what you call "mortgage fraud."
"The definition of liar’s loan is that the lender does not verify the borrower’s income (and more extreme liar’s loans do not verify the borrower’s job or assets).

Yup, they didn't verify income or assets.
Who is the liar in any of these loans?
How does that harm the borrower? When they were checking, frauds like you complained about it. You called that "red lining."
His salary he took zero. Are you saying he was supposed to sell all of his properties? Hahaha dude you’re really a full Un hearted asshole
The lefties knew this request was absurd. They made it purely for propaganda purposes. It just shows how thoroughly corrupt they are. Meanwhile, they don't have a word of complaint about Nazi Pissosi's insider trading.
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