Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

The PRK were a hostile invasion force. Barring them from the country was entirely appropriate.
Where do you imagine the PRK came from before launching their "hostile invasion..."?

People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia

"The People's Republic of Korea (PRK)[a] was a short-lived provisional government that was organized at the time of the surrender of the Empire of Japan at the end of World War II.

"It was proclaimed on 6 September 1945, as Korea was being divided into two occupation zones, with the Soviet Union occupying the north, and the United States occupying the south. Based on a network of people's committees,.."

"On 15 August 1945, the Japanese Empire was defeated by the Allies.

"The Imperial Japanese authorities requested that a government be established to ensure the safety of their persons and property after the occupation ended.

"Whilst the Soviet Union continued to fight the Japanese Empire in Chongjin, Endo Ryusaku [ko; ja], who served in the Japanese Government-General sought to secure the return of the Japanese.

"He proposed to Song Jin-woo that he take over the security and administrative rights of Korea, but when this was rejected, he asked to meet Lyuh Woon-hyung in Seoul."

"Lyuh Woon-hyung or Yo Un-hyung[c] (May 25, 1886 – July 19, 1947) was a Korean politician who argued that Korean independence was essential to world peace..."

"He is rare among politicians in modern Korean history in that he is revered in both South and North Korea."
Where do you imagine the PRK came from before launching their "hostile invasion..."?

People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia

"The People's Republic of Korea (PRK)[a] was a short-lived provisional government that was organized at the time of the surrender of the Empire of Japan at the end of World War II.

"It was proclaimed on 6 September 1945, as Korea was being divided into two occupation zones, with the Soviet Union occupying the north, and the United States occupying the south. Based on a network of people's committees,.."

"On 15 August 1945, the Japanese Empire was defeated by the Allies.

"The Imperial Japanese authorities requested that a government be established to ensure the safety of their persons and property after the occupation ended.

"Whilst the Soviet Union continued to fight the Japanese Empire in Chongjin, Endo Ryusaku [ko; ja], who served in the Japanese Government-General sought to secure the return of the Japanese.

"He proposed to Song Jin-woo that he take over the security and administrative rights of Korea, but when this was rejected, he asked to meet Lyuh Woon-hyung in Seoul."

"Lyuh Woon-hyung or Yo Un-hyung[c] (May 25, 1886 – July 19, 1947) was a Korean politician who argued that Korean independence was essential to world peace..."

"He is rare among politicians in modern Korean history in that he is revered in both South and North Korea."
It was a Soviet puppet government - just the thing you claim to hate.
North Korea attempted to liberate South Korea in 1950 AFTER the US military prevented free peninsula-wide elections in 1945. When the "invasion" began a majority of Koreans supported overthrowing the US installed military dictator in Seoul, and only thousands of UN troops (90% US) prevented Koreans from taking control of their entire country.

US bombing campaigns maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of Vietnamese. There never would have been a North Vietnam or a North Korea if US imperialists hadn't found it profitable to occupy both countries.

North Korea attempted to liberate South Korea in 1950 AFTER the US military prevented free peninsula-wide elections in 1945.

Maybe they should liberate North Korea today?

When the "invasion" began a majority of Koreans supported overthrowing the US installed military dictator in Seoul,

"It was proclaimed on 6 September 1945, as Korea was being divided into two occupation zones, with the Soviet Union occupying the north

The Soviet Union was the worst!!!!
Why did they occupy poor North Korea?
Is that why North Korea is still a shithole, 216th in GDP per capita, while South Korea
has the 37th highest GDP per capita? I mean, less than $2000 per capita GDP is a great achievement
for communism, and still no free elections. South Korea has free elections and over $40,000 per capita GDP. Clear proof that capitalism is bad.
In other words, you object to the fact that the voters want nothing to do with your subversive schemes.
Socialists or Libertarians face virtually impossible odds in gaining voter support since the two major parties control ballot access among other advantages. Anyone who sees a difference between Republican or Democrat when it comes to fundamental values is blind.
By "banned" you mean they chose not to have it.
By "banned" I mean the US military refused to allow Koreans to decide their own fate after WWII:

People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia

"After the American arrival in September 1945, the United States Army Military Government in Korea controlled the peninsula south of the 38th parallel.

"The military governor Lieutenant-General John R. Hodge refused to recognize the PRK and its People's Committees, and outlawed it on 12 December.[6]: p.57  He later stated, 'one of our missions was to break down this Communist government'"
By "banned" I mean the US military refused to allow Koreans to decide their own fate after WWII:

People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia

"After the American arrival in September 1945, the United States Army Military Government in Korea controlled the peninsula south of the 38th parallel.

"The military governor Lieutenant-General John R. Hodge refused to recognize the PRK and its People's Committees, and outlawed it on 12 December.[6]: p.57  He later stated, 'one of our missions was to break down this Communist government'"

By "banned" I mean the US military refused to allow Koreans to decide their own fate after WWII:

Who is stopping the Koreans from deciding their own fate today?
Define "superior currency," and what does our military have to do with anything?
The US military's 800 bases around the world are there to support the US dollar as the global reserve currency; your lifestyle and mine are underwritten by destroying countries like Iraq and Afghanistan on the opposite side of planet.

Dollar Recycling | Michael Hudson

" Ending the gold-exchange standard in 1971 created a situation in which the excess U.S. dollars thrown off by the U.S. payments deficit end up in foreign central banks.

"For these central banks, the inflow of surplus dollars poses the problem of what do we do with them.

"Central banks don’t buy stocks and bonds, or control of corporations, because that is risky and also does not directly help their own economy.

"So central banks buy US Treasury bonds and bills – IOUs of the U.S. Government.

"For the United States, the money that is spent on running a balance-of-payments deficit on military account and on American investors buying Chinese stocks and Chinese companies, dollars are recycled back to the United States to buy US Treasury bonds."
The Washington Post Editorial Board are a bunch of anti American turncoats

I guess they never recovered from eating magic mushrooms and running naked at Woodstock
How many civilians has the US military killed since 1945?
think the OP here is calling the World Bank "capitalist" just because it deals with money (capital): not all monetary systems are capitalism, and capitalism is not the basis of all monetary systems.
Imho, the World Bank serves the same function today as military occupation provided during past times:
Michael Hudson Discusses the IMF and World Bank: Partners In Backwardness | naked capitalism
"The purpose of a military conquest is to take control of foreign economies, to take control of their land and impose tribute.

"The genius of the World Bank was to recognize that it’s not necessary to occupy a country in order to impose tribute, or to take over its industry, agriculture and land. Instead of bullets, it uses financial maneuvering.

"As long as other countries play an artificial economic game that U.S. diplomacy can control, finance is able to achieve today what used to require bombing and loss of life by soldiers."

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