Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Dead wrong as usual:

Socialism - Wikipedia

"One such system is the cooperative economy, a largely free market economy in which workers manage the firms and democratically determine remuneration levels and labour divisions.

"Productive resources would be legally owned by the cooperative and rented to the workers, who would enjoy usufruct rights.[350]

"Another form of decentralised planning is the use of cybernetics, or the use of computers to manage the allocation of economic inputs.

"The socialist-run government of Salvador Allende in Chile experimented with Project Cybersyn, a real-time information bridge between the government, state enterprises and consumers.[351] :stir:

"Another, more recent variant is participatory economics, wherein the economy is planned by decentralised councils of workers and consumers."
You didn't prove me wrong. You just spouted your sleazy propaganda.
Hardly Rich-Bitch.

When debt grows faster than the productive economy it means more and more income and GDP needs to be paid to finance.

Debts that can't be paid means transferring property to creditors. reducing consumer spending and home ownership rates, and sinking the economy into austerity in which only rich parasites (like you) profit.

Debt and Power | Michael Hudson

"At 5 percent interest, a debt doubles every 15 years.

"If you can imagine since the whole debt take-off in 1945, the first 15 years gets you to 1960.

"Then, the debt doubles again by 1975, and doubles again by 1990, then again by 2005, and then today – 64 times the relatively small debt owed back in 1945, some 75 years ago.

"And the creation of yet new credit (peoples’ debt to the banks and to wealthy savers) has grown at a similar rate even without new lending taking place, so the debt overhead actually has grown much, much more than that 5% a year.

"It’s grown more like 15% per year.

"That is much faster than national income or GDP.

"This disparity in expansion paths means that more and more income and GDP needs to be paid each year, So, to answer your question, too much debt is when it can’t be paid – that is, can’t be paid without transferring property to creditors, reducing consumer spending and home ownership rates, and plunging the economy into austerity in which only the wealthy financial class is affluent."

When debt grows faster than the productive economy it means more and more income and GDP needs to be paid to finance.

You shouldn't borrow in that case.

Debts that can't be paid means transferring property to creditors. reducing consumer spending and home ownership rates, and sinking the economy into austerity in which only rich parasites (like you) profit.

Creditors don't spend, invest and boost the economy?

in which only rich parasites (like you) profit.

Saving and investing is no fair, eh comrade?

"At 5 percent interest, a debt doubles every 15 years.

So pay off your debt.

"That is much faster than national income or GDP.

So is my savings and investments.
The assholes are the billionaire crony-capitalists like Trump who lie about why wealth and income inequality has exploded in the US over the last forty years.

Eight graphs that tell the story of U.S. economic inequality - Equitable Growth
The billionaires are the ones that back the Democrats. One of them gave the filthy ass Democrats almost a half billion dollars. Another one (Soros) fucking owns the Democrat party.

I don't give a shit about much money other people make. I am not a greedy envious asshole like you Left Wing shitheads.

A wealthy person has never taken any of the money that I earned.

However the government takes my earned money by force every year and gives it away to welfare queens and Illegals.
I claimed the vast majority of individuals working in a capitalist system are required to leave the decision making to someone else; do you disagree?
Lying again. Here's what you said:
It is required under the capitalist system just as the serf was required to work his lord's land for his entire life and slaves were destined to serve their masters.
That's not true. Why can't you just admit you were wrong?
Free or government subsidized education and medical care lower the costs of living and doing business; why would Ayn Rand object to that?

FACT CHECK: Did Ayn Rand Receive Social Security Benefits?
I don't give a shit about Ayn Rand. But using government services that we all pay for, while still opposing the existence of those services, isn't hypocritical. It's a subtle but important distinction that you are, frankly, too stupid to understand.
I don't give a shit about Ayn Rand. But using government services that we all pay for, while still opposing the existence of those services, isn't hypocritical. It's a subtle but important distinction that you are, frankly, too stupid to understand.
Left wingers keep insisting that only those who support government programs are entitled to receive benefits. That notion is profoundly fascist.
I don't really get the deification of democracy. It's a reasonable mechanism for making decisions when it's imperative we're all on the same page. But most decisions facing society don't require everyone to be on the same page. ie in most cases we don't need to take a vote and force everyone to take the same path. But that's what socialists want. I'm not sure why.
Democracy is a bad way to make decisions. The only justification for using it is because we don't have any other way. I genuinely can't think of anything that requires a democratic solution.
There's a tension between the profit motive and one person/one vote that is transforming US democracy into an oligarchy:

"During the first postwar decades, tensions between the two were moderated through the socio-political embedding of capitalism by an interventionist tax and welfare state.

"Yet, the financialization of capitalism since the 1980s has broken the precarious capitalist-democratic compromise. Socioeconomic inequality has risen continuously and has transformed directly into political inequality."

Democracy and capitalism are parts of an interdisciplinary branch of the social sciences that focuses on interrelationships between individuals, governments and public policy.

Political Economics describes any government policy with an economic impact, and in the US that entails capitalism and democracy.

What Is Political Economy?.
The "tension" is the fact that democracy loots the capitalist system for its wealth. Democracy is fundamentally a parasite.
When debt grows faster than the productive economy it means more and more income and GDP needs to be paid to finance.

You shouldn't borrow in that case.

Debts that can't be paid means transferring property to creditors. reducing consumer spending and home ownership rates, and sinking the economy into austerity in which only rich parasites (like you) profit.

Creditors don't spend, invest and boost the economy?

in which only rich parasites (like you) profit.

Saving and investing is no fair, eh comrade?

"At 5 percent interest, a debt doubles every 15 years.

So pay off your debt.

"That is much faster than national income or GDP.

So is my savings and investments.
George's conception of a parasite is someone who works hard, invests and saves his money.

It's 1984!
What liberties? If you're talking about all the goods and services you've declared to be "rights", I guess it would be whomever you try to take them from. It's never made much sense to me. Maybe you can clarify. Probably not
In #2513 you said: "In general when liberals or marxists use the term "human right", they mean "free shit". Human rights include assembly, movement, religion, speech, and thought. Do you expect people to pay for such "rights"? Do you imagine my right to free speech requires you to give up yours?
As you have characterized them, they are goods and services that others must provide you. You're claiming a right to demand the service of others.
If I've ever characterized a human right as a good or service others must provide, it was unintentional. Apparently, you subscribe to the "survival of the fittest" approach to society while I believe in reasons and rights. I don't see how freedom of speech or education or medical care or assembly can be construed as a zero-sum transaction, do you?

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