Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Met Life.
Why would a pig-fuck like you care?

Sam Walton - Wikipedia

"Samuel Moore Walton was born to Thomas Gibson Walton and Nancy Lee, in Kingfisher, Oklahoma.

"He lived there with his parents on their farm until 1923.

"However, farming did not provide enough money to raise a family, and Thomas Walton went into farm mortgaging.

"He worked for his brother's Walton Mortgage Company, which was an agent for Metropolitan Life Insurance,[4][5] where he foreclosed on farms during the Great Depression."

Why would a moron like you have a clue?
haha yeah it was the USthat keep NK from being successful

if socialism was so great, a weak capitalist country wouldn’t stop it…and in 70 years that’s more the. enough time to rebuild
Why are you calling the "greatest purveyor of violence on the planet" a "weak capitalist country"? The US killed one of every three Koreans living north of the 38th parallel between 1950-55.

Since that time the US has inflicted economic sanctions and military provocations on NK in order to ensure it never regains its pre-Korean War economic dominance.

All of this happened because the US refused to allow free elections on that peninsula in 1945:

"Lyuh Woon-hyung or Yo Un-hyung[c] (May 25, 1886 – July 19, 1947) was a Korean politician who argued that Korean independence was essential to world peace, and a reunification activist who struggled for the independent reunification of Korea following its national division in 1945.

"His pen-name was Mongyang (몽양; 夢陽), the Hanja for 'dream' and 'the sun.'

"He is rare among politicians in modern Korean history in that he is revered in both South and North Korea."

Lyuh Woon-hyung - Wikipedia
Why are you calling the "greatest purveyor of violence on the planet" a "weak capitalist country"? The US killed one of every three Koreans living north of the 38th parallel between 1950-55.

Since that time the US has inflicted economic sanctions and military provocations on NK in order to ensure it never regains its pre-Korean War economic dominance.

All of this happened because the US refused to allow free elections on that peninsula in 1945:

"Lyuh Woon-hyung or Yo Un-hyung[c] (May 25, 1886 – July 19, 1947) was a Korean politician who argued that Korean independence was essential to world peace, and a reunification activist who struggled for the independent reunification of Korea following its national division in 1945.

"His pen-name was Mongyang (몽양; 夢陽), the Hanja for 'dream' and 'the sun.'

"He is rare among politicians in modern Korean history in that he is revered in both South and North Korea."

Lyuh Woon-hyung - Wikipedia
yeah it’s the Is fault not Kim Sung
It's socialism that has starved people do death. The famine in Ukraine, Ethiopia, Great leap forward, Biafra, and Biafra are all great examples. Name one capitalist country where people starved to death.

"'I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.' -Winston Churchill'"

"The British had a ruthless economic agenda when it came to operating in India and that did not include empathy for native citizens.

"Under the British Raj, India suffered countless famines.

"But the worst hit was Bengal.

"The first of these was in 1770, followed by severe ones in 1783, 1866, 1873, 1892, 1897 and lastly 1943-44."

The Bengal Famine: How the British engineered the worst genocide in human history for profit
Why are you calling the "greatest purveyor of violence on the planet" a "weak capitalist country"? The US killed one of every three Koreans living north of the 38th parallel between 1950-55.

Since that time the US has inflicted economic sanctions and military provocations on NK in order to ensure it never regains its pre-Korean War economic dominance.

All of this happened because the US refused to allow free elections on that peninsula in 1945:

"Lyuh Woon-hyung or Yo Un-hyung[c] (May 25, 1886 – July 19, 1947) was a Korean politician who argued that Korean independence was essential to world peace, and a reunification activist who struggled for the independent reunification of Korea following its national division in 1945.

"His pen-name was Mongyang (몽양; 夢陽), the Hanja for 'dream' and 'the sun.'

"He is rare among politicians in modern Korean history in that he is revered in both South and North Korea."

Lyuh Woon-hyung - Wikipedia
North Korea invaded South Korea, dumbass. Here's a good solution to the problem: don't invade your neighbors.
NOrth Korea brought that on itself. All it had to do to prevent it is not invade South Korea
"6. In August 1945 defeated Japanese forces formally turned over authority in Korea to the broad-based Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence, led by Lyuh Woon-hyung, which in September proclaimed the Korean People’s Republic (KPR). When U.S. forces under Gen. Reed Hodge arrived in Inchon to accept the Japanese surrender, they

. ordered all Japanese officials to remain in their posts, refused to recognize Lyuh as national leader, and soon banned all public reference to the KPR

b. recognized Lyuh as the legitimate head of state

c. negotiated with Lyuh to facilitate swift attainment of independence of a united Korea

DECEMBER 31, 2002

A Pop Quiz on Korea


"'I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.' -Winston Churchill'"

"The British had a ruthless economic agenda when it came to operating in India and that did not include empathy for native citizens.

"Under the British Raj, India suffered countless famines.

"But the worst hit was Bengal.

"The first of these was in 1770, followed by severe ones in 1783, 1866, 1873, 1892, 1897 and lastly 1943-44."

The Bengal Famine: How the British engineered the worst genocide in human history for profit

I will have to research that.
"6. In August 1945 defeated Japanese forces formally turned over authority in Korea to the broad-based Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence, led by Lyuh Woon-hyung, which in September proclaimed the Korean People’s Republic (KPR). When U.S. forces under Gen. Reed Hodge arrived in Inchon to accept the Japanese surrender, they

. ordered all Japanese officials to remain in their posts, refused to recognize Lyuh as national leader, and soon banned all public reference to the KPR

b. recognized Lyuh as the legitimate head of state

c. negotiated with Lyuh to facilitate swift attainment of independence of a united Korea

DECEMBER 31, 2002

A Pop Quiz on Korea

yes the Japanese lost the war, and their empire…thank goodness those fascist lost
Although I may not have said it quite that way, I grok your meaning. And I agree.

it would be wonderful if we could nationally disabuse ourselves of the false belief that we are or should be a “democracy.”

I don’t necessarily know what you mean by “corporatocracy,” although I suppose I grasp it in a rough way. In any case, we never agreed to be ruled or managed by any corporations or combination of such elites.

We used to be a more capitalist society: and, to the extent we’ve strayed from that in favor of creeping Marxism, we could use a healthy injection of capitalism again.

And without qualification, we could help ourselves and the world in huge ways if we would commit ourselves to returning to our roots as a Constitutional Republic — and proceed accordingly.
The United States is a good example a constitutional republic that is based on democratic principals. The Founders created the blueprints for the United States government in an effort to achieve a delicate balance between liberty and order, and between liberty and equality. However what makes the nation both a republic and democracy is addition of the Bill of Rights to the constitution.

Another good example of a Constitutional Republic is the Peoples Republican of China. However, this Constitutional Republic purposefully avoids democratic principals. It address only political rights, the structure of goverment and affirmation of control by the Communist Party. The constitution gives the people the right to vote, for communist, the right to freedom of speech and assembly, providing it is not used to attack the goverment. It is excellent example of a anti-democratic Constitutional Republic.
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The United States is a good example a constitutional republic that is based on democratic principals. The Founders created the blueprints for the United States government in an effort to achieve a delicate balance between liberty and order, and between liberty and equality. However what makes the nation both a republic and democracy is addition of Bill of Rights to the constitution.

Another good example of a Constitutional Republic is the Peoples Republican of China. However, this Constitutional Republic purposefully avoids democratic principals. It address only political rights, the structure of goverment and affirmation of control by the Communist Party. The constitution gives them the right to vote, for communist, the right freedom of speech, providing it is not used to attack the goverment. It is excellent example of a anti-democratic Constitutional Republic.
I don’t see how the Peoples’ “Republic [sic]” of China qualifies as a Republic. Them giving themselves that name doesn’t make it so.
I don’t see how the Peoples’ “Republic [sic]” of China qualifies as a Republic. Them giving themselves that name doesn’t make it so.
A Republic is form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizens. In China, the people vote on representatives which technically makes them a republic. The constitution guarantees that the National Assembly will be controlled by members of the Communalist Party. However, delegates who not communist may be members of local non-communist parties. So yes, they are a republic but lack democratic principals of legal equality and political freedom.
A Republic is form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizens. In China, the people vote on representatives which technically makes them a republic. The constitution guarantees that the National Assembly will be controlled by members of the Communalist Party. However, delegates who not communist may be members of local non-communist parties. So yes, they are a republic but lack democratic principals of legal equality and political freedom.
Oh, come now. Chinese citizens vote on their reps.
Take a selfie in front of the mirror all that you want.


Main article: Marxism

Capital: Critique of Political Economy, by Karl Marx, is a critical analysis of political economy, meant to reveal the economic laws of the capitalist mode of production.
Karl Marx saw capitalism as a historical stage, once progressive but which would eventually stagnate due to internal contradictions and would eventually be followed by socialism. Marx claimed that capitalism was nothing more than a necessary stepping stone for the progression of man, which would then face a political revolution before embracing the classless society.Marxists define capital as "a social, economic relation" between people (rather than between people and things). In this sense they seek to abolish capital. They believe that private ownership of the means of production enriches capitalists (owners of capital) at the expense of workers ("the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer"). In brief, they argue that the owners of the means of production do not work and therefore exploit the workerforce. In Karl Marx's view, the capitalists would eventually accumulate more and more capital, impoverishing the working class, and creating the social conditions for a revolution that would overthrow the institutions of capitalism. Private ownership over the means of production and distribution is seen as a dependency of non-owning classes on the ruling class, and ultimately a source of restriction of human freedom.
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Oh, come now. Chinese citizens vote on their reps.
All citizens of the People’s Republic of China who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote and stand for election, regardless of ethnic background, race, sex, occupation, religious belief, education level, property status or length of residence. The caveat is most candidates will be members of the Communist Party although there are candidates from other local or reginal parties and some are elected. However, the constitution insures the Communist Party will always control the National People's Congress.

Satisfaction with China’s government has grown stronger and stronger over the years. 40 years ago, most Chinese could hardly afford a a bicycle and all travel was restricted. Today they are driving cars, 297 million of them all over the country. There are more cars on the road in China than any other country including the US. China is the number one car market in the world. Just as economic success has come to China so has personal freedoms certainly not what we enjoy as Americans but far greater than they were 40 years ago. The Chinese can change jobs, move across country and afforded a great deal personal freedom with little inference from the government. The one thing you can not do in China is openly attack the government. Had the attack on the Capitol occurred in China, those that survived the attack would be serving long prison terms today. Surprisingly, China's crime rates for violate crime is almost equal to the US inspite of their tough treatment of criminals.

Capitalism is not only tolerated in China but encouraged. There are less government restriction on businesses in China than in the US. In fact the government is often criticize for the lack safety restrictions, violation of workman compensation regulations, and general treatment of employees. As long as businesses keeps their noise out government business, the government will do likewise for them.
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Finance capitalism is transforming US democracy into an oligarchy, something neither Trump nor Biden has any problem with.
Can’t say I disagree. And after this fucking abomination from Bloomberg Finance...

...I feel like I’m on board with “eat the rich” mentality. Although, I’d label it as more “eat the elite”. The inflation, gas prices, supply chain issues, gutting of small business, all of it is being done on purpose. Build back better and the great reset is the elites trying to institute modern day sharecropping on a global scale.

Fuck these guys. We do not live in a capitalist society. We do not live in a republic. Unelected administrators in the alphabet agencies of the executive branch are making all the laws. Not our legislature, who are more than happy to go along with it and pretend like their hands are tied. Big business lobbies them to help them destroy their competitors. Then the government outsources their tyranny to these “private entities” for things like censorship in big tech, for covidstan, and again our legislators, both state and federal, want to pretend like their hands are tied. Then the likes of Psaki, Bill Gates, and Bloomberg have the fucking gall to tell us we “consume too much”, that were “not locked down enough”, and that “we’re the ones who need to sacrifice and be taxed more in the name of global warming”, while they Jetset all over the globe, exempt themselves from their own rules, and shield themselves the destruction they wrought on the rest of us. Fuck them. They are all banding together to forever pull up the ladder on us and force us to sell our souls to the company store. Nope, nope, noppity, nope.
All citizens of the People’s Republic of China who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote and stand for election, regardless of ethnic background, race, sex, occupation, religious belief, education level, property status or length of residence. The caveat is most candidates will be members of the Communist Party although there are candidates from other local or reginal parties and some are elected. However, the constitution insures the Communist Party will always control the National People's Congress.

Satisfaction with China’s government has grown stronger and stronger over the years. 40 years ago, most Chinese could hardly afford a a bicycle and all travel was restricted. Today they are driving cars, 297 million of them all over the country. There are more cars on the road in China than any other country including the US. China is the number one car market in the world. Just as economic success has come to China so has personal freedoms certainly not what we enjoy as Americans but far greater than they were 40 years ago. The Chinese can change jobs, move across country and afforded a great deal personal freedom with little inference from the government. The one thing you can not do in China is openly attack the government. Had the attack on the Capitol occurred in China, those that survived the attack would be serving long prison terms today. Surprisingly, China's crime rates for violate crime is almost equal to the US inspite of their tough treatment of criminals.

Capitalism is not only tolerated in China but encouraged. There are less government restriction on businesses in China than in the US. In fact the government is often criticize for the lack safety restrictions, violation of workman compensation regulations, and general treatment of employees. As long as businesses keeps their noise out government business, the government will do likewise for them.
I suppose there is a sense in which you may be right. Here in the USA a person has real choices. Although she or he may not get any wins, a voter can even vote for a registered communist party candidate.

I’m not an expert on Chinese ballots. But I understand that the “choices” are all of ne Party. A person wishing to cast a vote for a Libertarian for instance is not permitted any choice of a candidate from any such Party.
It never has been a democracy we are a representative republic...look it up....
I did and shows that your wrong.

The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens. ... These officials represent the citizens' ideas and concerns in government. Voting is one way to participate in our democracy.

You want a fascist theocracy.
I did and shows that your wrong.

The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens. ... These officials represent the citizens' ideas and concerns in government. Voting is one way to participate in our democracy.

You want a fascist theocracy.
We have some elements of a democratic society. We don’t vote directly (in most matters) on our laws. We vote for representatives who then vote directly on the laws. If we don’t like the results, we can vote for the other candidate.

That said, we are not a small d democracy at all. We are a Constitutional Republic. Our national charter does not permit even our representatives to pass some laws — at all. It is a Constitution which explicitly LIMITS the things that can be made law.

Indeed, in part, this Republic was founded upon a mistrust of democracy. At least it feared the prospect of a tyranny of the majority. So no. We are not a democracy. We accept some precepts of democracy but we also place limits on how far it may go.

I like democracy to the extent that We, the People, are our own sovereigns and should accordingly have a say in our own societal laws and rules. That does NOT, however, make us a democracy. I for one don’t want to live in a democracy without constraining it FROM trampling my rights and liberties — or yours.

I consider our Founders and Framers to be almost divinely inspired. Their work was brilliant.

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