Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Which proves once again how little equality of opportunity means to rich-bitch dick-licks like you.
Trump provides opportunity, moron. He provides a lot more of it than the government, and he does it out of his own pocket.
You're dead wrong, Piggy.

"No matter how hard the propaganda machine has tried to refute Marx’s analysis, his ideas have stood the test of time
ROFL! You have to be kidding. I can disprove Marx's labor theory of value in 1 minute.
"Every time the alarms sound announcing another economic crisis, sales of Karl Marx’s books skyrocket. Few understood how capitalism works and its consequences for humanity like this 19th-century German thinker.

Hmm, that's just plain wrong. Ever heard of Adam Smith?

"No matter how hard the hegemonic propaganda machine has tried to refute his analysis and decree the death of the ideas to which he dedicated his life, Marxism resists the test of time and its validity – not only as a method to understand the world, – but as a tool to transform it, is proven."

Ten Marxist Ideas That Define the 21st Century - MLToday

Totally wrong.
Perhaps you’ve noticed something. There have been massive staffing shortages throughout the US and elsewhere. Workers are walking out or just not showing up.

How dire can their situation be if millions are sitting out the work force?
Dire enough millions of productive workers are willing to sacrifice a weekly slave-wage stipend to protest the control useless eaters like you have over this economy. What sacrifice have you made for the greater good of your society?
Yup. You can move the terms around, doesn't change the math.
It prioritizes productive workers over parasitic shareholders.

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly

"Capital Income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Employee income + Cost of materials)

"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Capital income + Cost of materials)"

Does the algebra confuse you?
Dire enough millions of productive workers are willing to sacrifice a weekly slave-wage stipend to protest the control useless eaters like you have over this economy. What sacrifice have you made for the greater good of your society?
I wouldn't sacrifice for the greater good unless someone held a gun on me. In fact, the government holds a gun on me every time I pay taxes.
You're dead wrong, Piggy.

"No matter how hard the propaganda machine has tried to refute Marx’s analysis, his ideas have stood the test of time

"Every time the alarms sound announcing another economic crisis, sales of Karl Marx’s books skyrocket. Few understood how capitalism works and its consequences for humanity like this 19th-century German thinker.

"No matter how hard the hegemonic propaganda machine has tried to refute his analysis and decree the death of the ideas to which he dedicated his life, Marxism resists the test of time and its validity – not only as a method to understand the world, – but as a tool to transform it, is proven."

Ten Marxist Ideas That Define the 21st Century - MLToday

Marxism isn't dead?
Where are they following it? Link?

this 19th-century German thinker.

German failure.
Sitting out of the work force to protest Bezos and Musk?

How selfless.
No, they're looking out for themselves, and I applaud their efforts. At least they're not whining to the government to do something about it. That's the way things are supposed to work. If they're not getting paid enough, they should refuse to work. Maybe they'll figure out a way to make a living besides working for an "employer". It's a real thing.
It prioritizes productive workers over parasitic shareholders.

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly

"Capital Income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Employee income + Cost of materials)

"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Capital income + Cost of materials)"

Does the algebra confuse you?

It prioritizes productive workers over parasitic shareholders.

No it doesn't. It just moves the same terms around, it doesn't change them. Not even a little.

"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

She should start her own company and move the terms around all she likes.

Does the algebra confuse you?

Nope. Does moving capital income and employee income to the other side of the formula
change the size of either number?
Lots of capitalist competition in the USSR, eh?
How many blue jeans makers?
Or private farms? Auto makers?
How many capitalist invasions of Russia in the 20th Century?
Why did Russian life expectancy plunge when capitalism took root in the 1990s?
What percentage of Russians currently live behind bars, and how does that number compare to the US?
How many capitalist invasions of Russia in the 20th Century?
Why did Russian life expectancy plunge when capitalism took root in the 1990s?
What percentage of Russians currently live behind bars, and how does that number compare to the US?

How many capitalist invasions of Russia in the 20th Century?

Aww.....poor Russia. They had to enslave their own people because.....capitalist invasions.

Why did Russian life expectancy plunge when capitalism took root in the 1990s?

Because the commie scum were allowed to steal more instead of being lined up and shot.

What percentage of Russians currently live behind bars,

Under communism, basically all of them.
How many capitalist invasions of Russia in the 20th Century?
Why did Russian life expectancy plunge when capitalism took root in the 1990s?
What percentage of Russians currently live behind bars, and how does that number compare to the US?
How many capitalist countries did the USSR invade?
What royal family was Sam Walton from?
Met Life.
Why would a pig-fuck like you care?

Sam Walton - Wikipedia

"Samuel Moore Walton was born to Thomas Gibson Walton and Nancy Lee, in Kingfisher, Oklahoma.

"He lived there with his parents on their farm until 1923.

"However, farming did not provide enough money to raise a family, and Thomas Walton went into farm mortgaging.

"He worked for his brother's Walton Mortgage Company, which was an agent for Metropolitan Life Insurance,[4][5] where he foreclosed on farms during the Great Depression."

Met Life.
Why would a pig-fuck like you care?

Sam Walton - Wikipedia

"Samuel Moore Walton was born to Thomas Gibson Walton and Nancy Lee, in Kingfisher, Oklahoma.

"He lived there with his parents on their farm until 1923.

"However, farming did not provide enough money to raise a family, and Thomas Walton went into farm mortgaging.

"He worked for his brother's Walton Mortgage Company, which was an agent for Metropolitan Life Insurance,[4][5] where he foreclosed on farms during the Great Depression."
So his father was an employee of an insurance company?

You are so desperate.

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