Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

However regulated capitalism and a democratic republic such as we have in the US work fairly well together
They work well for the richest 1% to 10% of society as the last forty years of neoliberalism have proven in the US.

From colonialism to neoliberalism | Health Poverty Action.
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The richest one percent paid an effective tax rate of around 42% when Ike was in the White House, and they pay about half that much today.

top one percent effective tax rate - Google Search

Whoa, what's that smell? OMG, it really reeks. Sniff, sniff. OMG, it's you! Wow that stinks, you're just making yourshit up again. OMG it really smells.

The top 1% earn about 20% of the income and they pay almost 50% of the taxes. But hey, you have more data you just made up ...
You're too fucking MAGA to realize why millions of Americans no longer earn enough to pay taxes at the rates they once did. Why don't you take a few Econ courses at Trump U?


And now you make up that Americans are poor! Sure we are, speed racer. How stupid are you? Seriously, how stupid?

LOL, Americans are poor. OMG you're lost in stupid ...
In other words, the government is at fault. You admit that, but you want government to take over the banks.
Government acting in the interest$ of corrupt oligarch$ bailed-out the perpetrators of the Great Recession. Anyone paying attention to the repeated crises of capitalism since the 1980s realizes where the problem lies. The rich are the problem. When they control government, the rich are STILL the problem.
When has government existed without war and debt?

War is 10,000 years old, yet you blame it on capitalism?

You're a special kind of stupid.
And you're a special kind of chicken-shit.
Here's my question again.
See if you can find a new way to cluck-out of answering:

When have private fortunes existed without war and debt?
Government acting in the interest$ of corrupt oligarch$ bailed-out the perpetrators of the Great Recession. Anyone paying attention to the repeated crises of capitalism since the 1980s realizes where the problem lies. The rich are the problem. When they control government, the rich are STILL the problem.
Government is the perpetrator of the so-called "Great Recession."
That's a flat-out lie, of course. Trump is 100 times cleaner than any Democrat politician we've had in the last 100 years.
Got any evidence to support that stupidity?

Ten Reasons Trump is the Most Corrupt President in U.S. History | Republic Report

"This website focuses on corruption of American politics and policy, so we’ve been busy for four years. Donald Trump, with a few months left in his presidential term, is the most corrupt president in U.S. history — meaning he has, more than any predecessor, used his powerful job to advance his own financial, political, and personal interests, and those of his cronies and patrons.

"Here are 10 of the biggest reasons why Trump deserves this terrible distinction..."
Got any evidence to support that stupidity?

Ten Reasons Trump is the Most Corrupt President in U.S. History | Republic Report

"This website focuses on corruption of American politics and policy, so we’ve been busy for four years. Donald Trump, with a few months left in his presidential term, is the most corrupt president in U.S. history — meaning he has, more than any predecessor, used his powerful job to advance his own financial, political, and personal interests, and those of his cronies and patrons.

"Here are 10 of the biggest reasons why Trump deserves this terrible distinction..."
He was investigated for 2 1/2 years, and they found nothing. They couldn't find a single law he violated.
Got any evidence to support that stupidity?

Ten Reasons Trump is the Most Corrupt President in U.S. History | Republic Report

"This website focuses on corruption of American politics and policy, so we’ve been busy for four years. Donald Trump, with a few months left in his presidential term, is the most corrupt president in U.S. history — meaning he has, more than any predecessor, used his powerful job to advance his own financial, political, and personal interests, and those of his cronies and patrons.

"Here are 10 of the biggest reasons why Trump deserves this terrible distinction..."
You didn't post any evidence of corruption, asshole. You posted a link to propaganda.
Marxism already died, why are you still quoting the Marxist economist?
You're dead wrong, Piggy.

"No matter how hard the propaganda machine has tried to refute Marx’s analysis, his ideas have stood the test of time

"Every time the alarms sound announcing another economic crisis, sales of Karl Marx’s books skyrocket. Few understood how capitalism works and its consequences for humanity like this 19th-century German thinker.

"No matter how hard the hegemonic propaganda machine has tried to refute his analysis and decree the death of the ideas to which he dedicated his life, Marxism resists the test of time and its validity – not only as a method to understand the world, – but as a tool to transform it, is proven."

Ten Marxist Ideas That Define the 21st Century - MLToday

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