Capitalism Salk Quorum: Devil's Asparagus


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is my last TrumpUSA capitalism-ode, and it's inspired by Mars Attacks! and Buckaroo Banzai.




Max and Jane were lovers and galactic voyagers from Venus where all the inhabitants were humanoids with blue hair. Max and Jane knew each other since they were young and they grew to become soul-mates. Their love was a true-love, and they were fascinated by the magic of romance itself. However, when Max went away on a mission one day and returned to discover that his colony on Venus was invaded by predatory alien creatures called Xenomorphs who decapitated Jane, Max went insane and became a vigilante known as 'Mad Max.'


As 'Mad Max,' the otherwise idealistic galactic voyager Max was now a loose-cannon, wielding lasers and weapons purely to hunt down the Xenomorphs and take them out like a bounty-hunter. Mad Max became the greatest dread of the Xenomorphs; Mad Max wiped out three colonies of Xenomorphs (using laser-guns, nuclear grenades, and toxic-gas). Mad Max set his eyes on Earth where Xenomorphs planned to land and create havoc. Mad Max was determined to destroy the Xenomorphs on Earth.


As Mad Max landed on Earth in the 1990s, he discovered there was some serious intellectual intrigue surrounding the development of computers in America. Particularly, Mad Max was fascinated by the rise of IBM and the slow emergence of Apple Computers and Microsoft under the business leadership of computing-geniuses Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Mad Max realized the Xenomorphs would target Silicon Valley, the exciting area in California where all this computing intrigue was being brewed. Mad Max came up with a scheme to frighten Jobs and Gates in an arena (the Salk Institute) so the Xenomorphs would become confused(!). The Xenomorphs would think, "Look, some other planetary visitor is frightening Jobs/Gates; that makes our mission a little redundant!"


Mad Max dressed up as the fictional American horror-film ghoul Michael Myers (a masked serial-killer from Halloween horror films). Mad Max (aka, 'Michael Myers') sent Jobs/Gates death-threat letters, demanding they meet with him at the Salk Institute (in southern California) where they would play an undisclosed 'game.' Jobs and Gates were alarmed and realized they had no choice but to show up to see what this was all about (or whether or not it was simply an elaborate computer-business PR-scheme one of their agents cooked up). When Jobs and Gates showed up at the Salk Institute, they found themselves running around the labryinths of walls and labs as the Xenomorphs and one female Salk employee named Laurie scurried in confusion as well.


The Salk Institute (named after the medical-scientist Jonas Salk who was credited for finding the cure to Polio) was architecturally oriented and spaced to make a cat-and-mouse game rather 'intriguing.' Mad Max (aka, 'Michael Myers') understood that the Xenomorphs would want to find an 'Earth-symbolic' arena in which to stage their chase-game with humans, so he beat them to the proverbial punch by luring Earth's two iconic computer-geniuses (Steve Jobs and Bill Gates) to the Salk before the Xenomorphs could plan anything, so when the giant cat-and-mouse game ensued, the Xenomorphs were utterly confused, wondering why this 'Michael Myers' was doing precisely what they would have planned themselves(!). As the female Salk employee Laurie deduced what was happening, she realized Mad Max was actually a hero.


After the Xenomorphs left Earth in a daze, Mad Max was declared the planetary savior, and Laurie wanted to meet with him and ask him why he wanted to help humanity. Mad Max explained that he had become a rogue vigilante after the Xenomorphs had killed his wife (Jane), so he set out to disorient and chase away the Xenomorphs from Earth for some extra dose of 'sweet-revenge.' Laurie was very impressed and enchanted by his 'Jane-revenge vigilante' biography. Laurie planned a special commemorative laser-tag contest at the Salk Institute in honor of Mad Max (where players pretended to be either Mad Max or the Xenomorphs). Soon, Max and Laurie fell in love...


American movie-star Kurt Russell (star of Escape from New York, The Thing, and Big Trouble in Little China) was intrigued by this whole Xenomorph-Max tale and the special commemorative laser-tag games gaining in popularity at the Salk Institute. Russell wanted to create a special pedestrian council which would determine what exactly those Xenomorphs were and whether or not American film-makers should expound sci-fi horror-themed storytelling to evaluate humanity's perspective on alien-contact. Russell was one of the big supporters of the relevant sci-fi films Contact, Star Trek: First Contact, and Alien: Covenant. Soon, one of the celebrity-executives of the movie-industry based restaurant-franchise Planet Hollywood contacted Russell (to form an intellectual property 'think-tank').


GOD: Wow, it seems humanity is fascinated with science-fiction.
SATAN: Mad Max saved Earth from the wrath of the Xenomorphs.
GOD: Yes, his 'chase-game' at Salk involving Jobs/Gates frustrated them!
SATAN: Now, Laurie oversees the annual commemorative laser-tag games as Salk.
GOD: Max and Laurie married...
SATAN: Perhaps Mad Max is finally over the haunting tragedy of the loss of Jane.
GOD: Jane was his first-love.
SATAN: It's intriguing how capitalism was an 'invisible character' in this 'tale.'
GOD: Yes, the whole Jobs/Gates Silicon Valley thing represented industry/intrigue.
SATAN: The Xenomorphs targeted Earth for its precocious 'commerce-play.'
GOD: Yes, human civilization on Earth is largely commerce-based (e.g., NASDAQ).
SATAN: Perhaps the Internet-hacker is the new terrorist!
GOD: That's why Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the new 'pioneers.'
SATAN: American kids are enjoying playing with LEGO city-sets and SimCity video-games.
GOD: Virtual commerce contests/games such as Monopoly (Parker Brothers) are iconic!
SATAN: Is capitalism the 'cradle' for fantasy-adventure?




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