
If government's taking 1/3 of the profits then you're a piss poor capitalist.

This is the "don't raise taxes" on the "MAKERS" argument from 2011/2012.

The makers are the workers.
the takers are the capitalists
We can live without the latter but not the former.

The workers can make nothing without the minds who build the means of production

The capitalists are the true makers'

Even small business owners are capitalists.
View attachment 944663

Is that what you think?

View attachment 944665

That's why they have accountants.
Accounting, as a profession, came into being with the creation of the income tax.

They reinvest or invest in other ventures because THEY ARE GREEDY
and greed is a drug like heroin
The more you take, the more you want.

you are clearly misguided on this topic.
Some reading would be in order.
Wrong you are brainwshed on this topic

Accountants were a profession long before income tax. Capitalism is not greed and self interest are not the greed either

Incestment is not taking
View attachment 944663

Is that what you think?

View attachment 944665

That's why they have accountants.
Accounting, as a profession, came into being with the creation of the income tax.

They reinvest or invest in other ventures because THEY ARE GREEDY
and greed is a drug like heroin
The more you take, the more you want.

you are clearly misguided on this topic.
Some reading would be in order.


The workers can make nothing without the minds who build the means of production

The capitalists are the true makers'

Even small business owners are capitalists.

You think Musk built Tesla?

He bought in then forced the designers out.

Tesla” these days, it's obviously Elon Musk. But at one point, the moniker went to Martin Eberhard, who co-founded the electric-vehicle maker in 2003. Eberhard headed Tesla Motors as CEO before Musk ousted him in 2007.



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I don't disagree.
But that isn't a result of capitalism either.
You can start by blaming Alan Greenspan and others that built and cultivated the "debt and income" mentality of both the government and us.
Using credit as income is not a principle of capitalism, indeed, it is opposite.
Capitalism will use debt to invest in greater returns, not use debt to replace income that doesn't exist
To be clear, I very much favor capitalism and have practiced it myself for my whole life.

To be clear, I very much oppose crony capitalism and fascism, both of which we have in spades in this country today and for decades at least.
Wrong you are brainwshed on this topic

Accountants were a profession long before income tax. Capitalism is not greed and self interest are not the greed either

Incestment is not taking

And that's just one thing you got wrong.
View attachment 944663

Is that what you think?

View attachment 944665

That's why they have accountants.
Accounting, as a profession, came into being with the creation of the income tax.

They reinvest or invest in other ventures because THEY ARE GREEDY
and greed is a drug like heroin
The more you take, the more you want.

you are clearly misguided on this topic.
Some reading would be in order.
Thanks for the advice, but I know all I need to know on the subject. :biggrin:

The workers can make nothing without the minds who build the means of production

The capitalists are the true makers'

Even small business owners are capitalists.
True. Capitalists get the ball rolling, then others get on for the ride.
Hard to believe we are discussing the definition of "capitalism" in the current events forum as if it was something new. What's the alternative?
To be clear, I very much favor capitalism and have practiced it myself for my whole life.

To be clear, I very much oppose crony capitalism and fascism, both of which we have in spades in this country today and for decades at least.
My preferred term is "modern corporatism".
I believe, and maintain that America is no longer a capitalist system. We are a corporatocracy.
Our federal system is wholly corrupt by the central banks/the market system and large corporate interest.
They do not represent us. At all. They are, indeed, the enemy of our way of life.
One of two things is going to happen in America, and it is not in the distant future - it is already happening.
1) America, with the support/votes of both the millennial and GenZ generations - will move towards socialism. It is already happening. Obviously. And that will result in a kind of dependency poverty that has existed in every nation that embraced socialism.
2) America will simply continue the corporatist agenda and the middle class will continue to shrink, ownership of production will continue to concentrate and eventually lead to the collapse of the system, and long term economic problems will be global.

Either way - America and the world in tow, will suffer. We are screwed.
I have zero confidence that Congress and a President will suddenly go back to representing the benefit of the people and end the corruption.
Hell no.
I embrace capitalism as described by Adam Smith. He noted that open market capitalism can function properly only within a moral and ethical society.

We do not have a moral and ethical society in this country anymore. We have crony capitalism blossoming into fascism, the unholy marriage of government and special interests crony capitalism.
Adam Smith might of been brilliant in his time but he's a moron in ours. The justification for owning property and resources and rights themselves according to Smith comes from God but we know better today that God isn't a rational justification for anything.
Adam Smith might of been brilliant in his time but he's a moron in ours. The justification for owning property and resources and rights themselves according to Smith comes from God but we know better today that God isn't a rational justification for anything.
God is the rational justification for everything. :bowdown:
Our federal system is wholly corrupt by the central banks/the market system and large corporate interest.
They do not represent us. At all. They are, indeed, the enemy of our way of life.
We the people have failed to act in our own best interests. How can we expect our elected representatives to look out for us if we don't give a sh-t about ourselves?
Capitalism will happen. Despite the presumptions of the state. It's just a question if whether it's legal or not
Capitalism will happen. Despite the presumptions of the state. It's just a question if whether it's legal or not
Yeah. It's just a matter of whether the government will legitimize the use of force to maintain your dominion over land and resources.
We the people have failed to act in our own best interests. How can we expect our elected representatives to look out for us if we don't give a sh-t about ourselves?
It's not that we don't give a shit, we are, collectively, too stupid and too self interested.
"I hate Walmart!! I hate Walmart" - said everyone pushing a cart full of Chinese shit at Walmart

This mentality and a WHOLE LOT OF THIS.......


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