
You think a small company started by a man with a dream is "elitism"?

Maybe you don't understand what the problem with todays capitalism is. Sit this one out if you want to politicize rather than understand the issue.
You think a guy with a truck and a lawnmower is a "capitalist?"
You think a guy pushing a hot dog cart is "elite?"

True that capitalism facilitates unbridled materialism, which is the real problem.
Human nature is the real problem. No matter the system.
50 years ago Milton Friedman said those very famous words that are even more true today than then - speaking about the differences between free market and socialist systems, and the inherent problem of a socialist system - "Where are you going to find these angels who will organize society for us? You think Russia doesn't operate on greed? China? Is political greed somehow more noble than individual greed? Do you think more political appointees are given based on merit, rather than political clout in socialist governments than America? Truth is, I don't trust anyone with the power to organize society. It is an indisputable fact that a society driven by the production of individuals seeking wealth has less of the kind of grinding poverty you speak of - than any other system."
You think a guy with a truck and a lawnmower is a "capitalist?"
You think a guy pushing a hot dog cart is "elite?"

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No, you do.

The McDonalds you see today didn't just drop from the sky, it was started by one man and then a team.

Ditto for endless numbers of companies.

The problem today is that once these companies become massive they lobby to maintain more marketshare, stifle competition, get free hand outs and tax breaks that they do not need. This is NOT capitalism.
Ultimately, capitalism is destructive to everything but the capitalist who wins in the end.

For capitalism to succeed the wealth of the capitalist must continue to grow ad infinitum.
Once the servants' wealth is depleted it takes from fellow capitalists.
This must continue because, in the end...
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But, you're right in recognizing the capitalist effect on health care.
Any new drugs cure ANYTHING?
Any new drugs you take "one and done"

No, as long as people grow old and get sick they'll need health care and the capitalist will be right there to drain their every last penny till they die.
Become a capitalist yourself and these problems won't affect you. Of course, the established capitalists think that the money (the capital) that you are saving up to invest should be spent on their stuff.
And? Capitalism doesn't require stock prices to go up.
When there is no growth the capitalist flees the investment.
Capitalism is like the 600 pound fat guy.
The larger it gets the more it must consume to maintain its size and even more must be consumed to grow.

Eventually it will consume everything leaving only Love Canal in its wake.
When there is no growth the capitalist flees the investment.
Capitalism is like the 600 pound fat guy.
The larger it gets the more it must consume to maintain its size and even more must be consumed to grow.

Eventually it will consume everything leaving only Love Canal in its wake.
Blame high corporate taxes. Many businesses would like to simply pay their taxes due each year, but the historically high rates force them to reinvest profits into company expansion that they might not do otherwise.
Yeah, nothing other than the use of force to separate property owners from serfs. Just that one minor thing. :laugh:
You are on target.

What we call capitalism and the elitists like to call the "free Market"
Is nothing more than an continuation of the "Divine Right of Kings" from Europe.
The capitalist is the royalty
Some skilled persons are permitted to operate independently in trades, as long as the Royalty isn't inconvenienced. Bakers, clothiers and the like.
Some are permitted to operate as merchants as long as the Sopranos, I mean the Royal class gets their cut and are not inconvenienced.
The rest, the serfs, operate in service to the royal class, the Capitalist.


some think they can join the royal class by virtue of their wealth.
What they come to find out is that their wealth is PERMITTED, not earned and the royal class will dispose of you when you become an inconvenience.
(See Epstein and Prince Andrew for reference.)
It is more the fault of corrupt governments in those countries. The people there are no worse off for being pillaged of those resources than they would be otherwise.
Corrupt governments?

Describe the "corrupt governments" in South America that allowed Spain and Portugal to strip the continent of tons of gold and silver.

Did Montezuma get elected?
Become a capitalist yourself and these problems won't affect you. Of course, the established capitalists think that the money (the capital) that you are saving up to invest should be spent on their stuff.
Of course it will affect me unless I'm the last one standing.
Capitalism collapses because competition is gone and there's no wealth to drive growth.

Capitalism is self destructive like an addict.
You are on target.

What we call capitalism and the elitists like to call the "free Market"
Is nothing more than an continuation of the "Divine Right of Kings" from Europe.
The capitalist is the royalty
Some skilled persons are permitted to operate independently in trades, as long as the Royalty isn't inconvenienced. Bakers, clothiers and the like.
Some are permitted to operate as merchants as long as the Sopranos, I mean the Royal class gets their cut and are not inconvenienced.
The rest, the serfs, operate in service to the royal class, the Capitalist.


some think they can join the royal class by virtue of their wealth.
What they come to find out is that their wealth is PERMITTED, not earned and the royal class will dispose of you when you become an inconvenience.
(See Epstein and Prince Andrew for reference.)
Millions carve out a great life regardless of the influence of the elites.
Corrupt governments?

Describe the "corrupt governments" in South America that allowed Spain and Portugal to strip the continent of tons of gold and silver.

Did Montezuma get elected?
I'm referring to modern times.
Of course this is true, and the individual is responsible for managing it.
If greed is "human nature" explain the Natives of the Americas, Polynesians?

Greed is a learned response to shortages.
We teach it to children starting at birth.
We deny them what they want till we think they "deserve" it.
So they learn the appropriate compensating behaviors.
To take more than you need so when it is denied you're not affected.
Blame high corporate taxes. Many businesses would like to simply pay their taxes due each year, but the historically high rates force them to reinvest profits into company expansion that they might not do otherwise.
You mean they would take all that money and spend it on castles but reinvest because doing so would cost them money?

So you think growing the business, hiring more people is a bad thing for the capitalist?

you're flailing.
You are on target.

What we call capitalism and the elitists like to call the "free Market"
Is nothing more than an continuation of the "Divine Right of Kings" from Europe.
The capitalist is the royalty
Some skilled persons are permitted to operate independently in trades, as long as the Royalty isn't inconvenienced. Bakers, clothiers and the like.
Some are permitted to operate as merchants as long as the Sopranos, I mean the Royal class gets their cut and are not inconvenienced.
The rest, the serfs, operate in service to the royal class, the Capitalist.


some think they can join the royal class by virtue of their wealth.
What they come to find out is that their wealth is PERMITTED, not earned and the royal class will dispose of you when you become an inconvenience.
(See Epstein and Prince Andrew for reference.)
HAHAHA!!! - yeah and the commissars in a socialist systems aren't the "Kings" in a socialist setting.


Socialism - 98% grinding, back breaking poverty, 2% living like Kings.

Capitalism - 2% living like Kings, 75% living in comfort, 20% less than comfort, but nowhere near socialist-system level of poverty, and 1% living in squalor out of choice.

Now go back to your parents basement, provided to you by capitalism... in the comfort of A/C, running water, refrigerators and all other means of comfort - all provided to you by capitalism and bitch about what you have absolutely zero understanding of.

If greed is "human nature" explain the Natives of the Americas, Polynesians?

Greed is a learned response to shortages.
We teach it to children starting at birth.
We deny them what they want till we think they "deserve" it.
So they learn the appropriate compensating behaviors.
To take more than you need so when it is denied you're not affected.
I don't think protecting yourself against shortages by stocking up is really greed.
Millions carve out a great life regardless of the influence of the elites.
DESPITE not "regardless"

And if that "great life" inconveniences the elite?

Ever hear of a poor guy successfully demanding the condemnation of a rich guy's property so he can build a bigger storage shed?
There ya go.
HAHAHA!!! - yeah and the commissars in a socialist systems aren't the "Kings" in a socialist setting.


Socialism - 98% grinding, back breaking poverty, 2% living like Kings.

Capitalism - 2% living like Kings, 75% living in comfort, 20% less than comfort, but nowhere near socialist-system level of poverty, and 1% living in squalor out of choice.

Now go back to your parents basement, provided to you by capitalism... in the comfort of A/C, running water, refrigerators and all other means of comfort - all provided to you by capitalism and bitch about what you have absolutely zero understanding of.

Your ignorance of and inability to discuss the topic is is clear.
This is what happens when you educate yourself at STUPID_MAGAT_THEOLOGY.DUM


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