
Capitalism has been destroyed by corporatism, elitism and the donor class.

True capitalism would have ensured America was the dominant nation for 2000 years. Welcoming in China destroyed this prospect, among other challenges though it is largely self induced.

Remember, China will win, not because of communism though.

Capitalism IS
corporatism the collection of money into a single entity and a legal system that protects the owners while making them wealthy beyond all reason.

Elitism is the birthplace of capitalism. The elite have the resources to become capitalists.

donor class is just capitalists ensuring their legal protection.

Ladies and gentlemen...MAGAT "education"

View attachment 944542

Capitalism IS
corporatism the collection of money into a single entity and a legal system that protects the owners while making them wealthy beyond all reason.

Elitism is the birthplace of capitalism. The elite have the resources to become capitalists.

donor class is just capitalists ensuring their legal protection.

Ladies and gentlemen...MAGAT "education"

View attachment 944543
You think a small company started by a man with a dream is "elitism"?

Maybe you don't understand what the problem with todays capitalism is. Sit this one out if you want to politicize rather than understand the issue.
When the next generations enter the workforce as mature citizens, they will inherit everything that the government has paid for and is indebted for. For example, they will 'own' our nations interstate highway system, the military, all government agencies, other infrastructure, the national parks. They then, with their votes, can dispose of these as they wish.

So, at the end of the day while the rich own the money, and their own stuff, the other citizens own all the rest.
No, we don't.
They let us think we do

What happens when a rich guy wants a piece of land but the not rich guy won't sell?
That's right, the rich guy uses the government he pays for to evict the not rich guy dooming hom with unpayable legal bills and fines along the way.

We are little more than an inconvenience to them.
That they must pay for our labor is an inconvenience.
That they must use the courts to take what is ours is an inconvenience.

And, if they could, they'd eliminate the inconveniences.

See Project 25 for reference.
Ultimately capitalism is good but it doesn't belong in medical care, education or food.

No system is perfect.
Ultimately, capitalism is destructive to everything but the capitalist who wins in the end.

For capitalism to succeed the wealth of the capitalist must continue to grow ad infinitum.
Once the servants' wealth is depleted it takes from fellow capitalists.
This must continue because, in the end...

But, you're right in recognizing the capitalist effect on health care.
Any new drugs cure ANYTHING?
Any new drugs you take "one and done"

No, as long as people grow old and get sick they'll need health care and the capitalist will be right there to drain their every last penny till they die.
It is sickening to see how many have been brainwashed and indoctrinated when it comes to "capitalism" vs our free market, free enterprise system.

The word “capitalism” was unknown to our founders. In fact it was used and popularized by Karl Marx to attack a free market system and put it in an evil light. By contrast, our founder’s often describe our system in a manner promoting a free market, free trade, or free enterprise ___ “free” being the operative word. For example see Thomas Jefferson : First Annual Message to Congress

”Agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and navigation, the four pillars of our prosperity, are the most thriving when left most free to individual enterprise.”

I have never found our founders using the word “capitalism” to describe our system. In fact, the very reason for granting power to Congress to “regulate commerce” among the States was to protect and advance free trade among the States by forbidding one state taxing another state’s exports which passed through its borders. This is further illustrated in Article 1, Section 9 which declares: No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one States over those of another; nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one States, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

But our progressive/socialist domestic enemies do not like the word “free” being used to describe our economic system because it is hard to attack the word “free” which clearly implies the people are to be “free” to engage in commerce and freely trade with their mutual consent ___ an original inalienable right of mankind. “Capitalism” on the other hand gives great latitude to cast America’s system in an evil light, particularly as a system manipulated by evil “Crony Capitalists”.

For more on the distinction between our system, as intended by our Founders, and “Capitalism”, see: PART TWO: Free Enterprise is Better than Capitalism
Jefferson, ay?
In total, of the more than six hundred people Jefferson enslaved, he freed only ten people – all members of the same family.
I don't even like the word capitalism. I like free markets. But if you say free markets and capitalism together, we don't have that. What we have, and what is being pawned off from behind the cloak of ''capitalism,'' is economic interventionism.

We have central planning by a central bank. We have a welfare state. A belief in deficit finance and inflationism.
capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than any other system,,
This doesn't even make any sense. Poverty is a feature of capitalist systems. You're poor because you don't have the money to purchase the things you need. Hunter Gatherers hunt and gather for things they need. I'm not sure how the context applies. Capitalism lifted people out of poverty because the system they came out of, feudalism, had them as serfs.
What economic system do you advocate for?
Social Capitalism.

Limit earnings
Hold the capitalist criminally responsible for acts committed that would knowingly harm others (See Love Canal, Ford Pinto, Tobacco for reference)
Remove barriers to opening businesses
Employees of a bankrupt business get first crack at assets...
The capital of the poor is their labor. Properly managed it can do great things, especially in a free enterprise system.
Unionism is the flip side of Capitalism on the economic coin.
The union and the capitals both gather the resources needed for the business to succeed the allocate those resources to maximize value.

This is why capitalists hate unions.
I don't even like the word capitalism. I like free markets. But if you say free markets and capitalism together, we don't have that. What we have, and what is being pawned off from behind the cloak of ''capitalism,'' is economic interventionism.

We have central planning by a central bank. We have a welfare state. A belief in deficit finance and inflationism.
There is no such thing as a free market. We don't have free resources in a capitalist system. Property itself is legalized force backed by the government. You can't get around the government creation of the market itself because you can't get around property itself being a creation of government.
Haha... funny stuff.
The poor in western/capitalist nations are better off than 80% of the world population.
To be poor in America is like being wealthy in non capitalist societies
Should we discuss how the western/capitalist nations stripped those poor nations of resources?

Why not?
Free market capitalism requires nothing beyond a stable legal framework that protects property rights.
Free market capitalism requires nothing beyond a stable legal framework that protects property rights.
Yeah, nothing other than the use of force to separate property owners from serfs. Just that one minor thing. :laugh:
It is sickening to see how many have been brainwashed and indoctrinated when it comes to "capitalism" vs our free market, free enterprise system.

The word “capitalism” was unknown to our founders. In fact it was used and popularized by Karl Marx to attack a free market system and put it in an evil light. By contrast, our founder’s often describe our system in a manner promoting a free market, free trade, or free enterprise ___ “free” being the operative word. For example see Thomas Jefferson : First Annual Message to Congress

”Agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and navigation, the four pillars of our prosperity, are the most thriving when left most free to individual enterprise.”

I have never found our founders using the word “capitalism” to describe our system. In fact, the very reason for granting power to Congress to “regulate commerce” among the States was to protect and advance free trade among the States by forbidding one state taxing another state’s exports which passed through its borders. This is further illustrated in Article 1, Section 9 which declares: No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one States over those of another; nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one States, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

But our progressive/socialist domestic enemies do not like the word “free” being used to describe our economic system because it is hard to attack the word “free” which clearly implies the people are to be “free” to engage in commerce and freely trade with their mutual consent ___ an original inalienable right of mankind. “Capitalism” on the other hand gives great latitude to cast America’s system in an evil light, particularly as a system manipulated by evil “Crony Capitalists”.

For more on the distinction between our system, as intended by our Founders, and “Capitalism”, see: PART TWO: Free Enterprise is Better than Capitalism
Capitalism is economic not a political system.
Do try to stay on topic.

Free Market Economy or
I'll have 4 ounces of ground beef flattened into a patty and cooked on a grill for 2.5 minutes at 450 degrees then place between 2 slices of bread with a slice of american cheese, lettuce, pickles, tomato, onions an ketchup.

The rest of the world
Capitalism or
A Whopper with cheese please.
Should we discuss how the western/capitalist nations stripped those poor nations of resources?

Why not?
It is more the fault of corrupt governments in those countries. The people there are no worse off for being pillaged of those resources than they would be otherwise.
Are you being serious?? Hopefully not.

Holy shit dude, I really hope you are in grade school skipping today.
Seems you're afraid to actually address the post.
Why is that?
Didn't you know it was the Natives that saved the capitalist Pilgrims from starvation?


Was it the poverty that drove the Bounty crew to stay on Tahiti?



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