
You mean they would take all that money and spend it on castles but reinvest because doing so would cost them money?

So you think growing the business, hiring more people is a bad thing for the capitalist?

you're flailing.
Of course, expansion can be a good thing. I'm just saying that not all business want to expand. But seeing the government take a third of your profits often forces them to.
No, you do.

The McDonalds you see today didn't just drop from the sky, it was started by one man and then a team.

Ditto for endless numbers of companies.

The problem today is that once these companies become massive they lobby to maintain more marketshare, stifle competition, get free hand outs and tax breaks that they do not need. This is NOT capitalism.

It was BOUGHT by a CAPITALIST who made his money selling milkshake machines.



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Of course, expansion can be a good thing. I'm just saying that not all business want to expand. But seeing the government take a third of your profits often forces them to.
If government's taking 1/3 of the profits then you're a piss poor capitalist.

This is the "don't raise taxes" on the "MAKERS" argument from 2011/2012.

The makers are the workers.
the takers are the capitalists
We can live without the latter but not the former.
I embrace capitalism as described by Adam Smith. He noted that open market capitalism can function properly only within a moral and ethical society.

We do not have a moral and ethical society in this country anymore. We have crony capitalism blossoming into fascism, the unholy marriage of government and special interests crony capitalism.
I embrace capitalism as described by Adam Smith. He noted that open market capitalism can function properly only within a moral and ethical society.

We do not have a moral and ethical society in this country anymore. We have crony capitalism blossoming into fascism, the unholy marriage of government and special interests crony capitalism.

Socialism can work if every citizen does all that they are supposed to do, and every government member is immune from corruption... essentially angels.

Capitalism can still work despite a minority of citizens not doing what they are supposed to. And will still work, even if the government is highly corrupt.
Despite almost total corruption of elected officials in Washington, America's economy is still strong, and the vast-vast-vast majority of it's citizens are doing quite well in comparison to even the best socialist system in history.

Socialism can work if every citizen does all that they are supposed to do, and every government member is immune from corruption... essentially angels.

Capitalism can still work despite a minority of citizens not doing what they are supposed to. And will still work, even if the government is highly corrupt.
Despite almost total corruption of elected officials in Washington, America's economy is still strong, and the vast-vast-vast majority of it's citizens are doing quite well in comparison to even the best socialist system in history.
I'm no economist, but the debt of the government and the debt of individuals and families mean that "America's economy" is very much a house of cards.
When there is no growth the capitalist flees the investment.
Capitalism is like the 600 pound fat guy.
The larger it gets the more it must consume to maintain its size and even more must be consumed to grow.

Eventually it will consume everything leaving only Love Canal in its wake.
If government's taking 1/3 of the profits then you're a piss poor capitalist.
That's why capitalists reinvest profits, to protect them from taxation. This usually means business expansion, which means even more expansion to protect even more profits from taxation. Soon you have another 'General Motors'.
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I'm no economist, but the debt of the government and the debt of individuals and families mean that "America's economy" is very much a house of cards.
Lots of the debt is investments. Stock market investors routinely lose $Billions in value without a whimper from the general economy. It's all part of the risk of investing.
I'm no economist, but the debt of the government and the debt of individuals and families mean that "America's economy" is very much a house of cards.
I don't disagree.
But that isn't a result of capitalism either.
You can start by blaming Alan Greenspan and others that built and cultivated the "debt as income" mentality of both the government and us.
Using credit as income is not a principle of capitalism, indeed, it is opposite.
Capitalism will use debt to invest in greater returns, not use debt to replace income that doesn't exist
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That's why capitalists reinvest profits, to protect them from taxation. This usually means business expansion, which means even more expansion to protect even more profits from taxation. Soon you have another 'General Motors'.

Is that what you think?


That's why they have accountants.
Accounting, as a profession, came into being with the creation of the income tax.

They reinvest or invest in other ventures because THEY ARE GREEDY
and greed is a drug like heroin
The more you take, the more you want.

you are clearly misguided on this topic.
Some reading would be in order.


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