Capitalism's only problem now.

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It would sure be nice if the English language had one single word to describe a combination of mental illness, extreme stupidity and utter dishonesty.

In situations like these, it would save me a lot of typing.

I propose that we coin a new word, for exactly this meaning.

I propose that the word we use shall be jbander.
The chart is right in front of them not one argument against the chart just trying to change the subject , its all they have, facts always get in the way of their o[pinions.
Do you know what distribution of wealth means. it has the opposite effect of the chart if taxes are the issue which they aren't, then the wealthy should pay more. Stick to the thread.
There are theories and there are realities. We are postindustrial compared to the past even though we have more comforts due to human advancements. Distribution of wealth is uneven. Not just for the rich but with the middle class also.
Partially, I suspect. I am pro capitalist, understand the potential failing of the system (many realized) as noted by Adam Smith. In the end, like smith, I see no better system.
Nor do I, but the disparity has to be addressed otherwise the people themselves will bring down capitalism. It is just right wing greed that's the problem,
Funny first I proved it with the chart and second you are now smarter then Adam smith , ya you bet , what a clown.
"Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it,"

Your comment is pure gibberish
Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.
Capitalism is the world's best and most dynamic economic system. But with the weird, inconsistent, ersatz libertarianism they've saddled capitalism with, the Right has managed to make going in the opposite direction more and more attractive to more and more people.

They've bought into the canard that proper guardrails and regulations are the bane of capitalism, when in fact they're necessary components of capitalism.

The result? Ridiculous, growing inequalities that are making people look at other options. It's as if they're begging for our own version of the French Revolution.
In left terms:

The less an employer makes the more an employee earns.

Competition with China actually stands to increase wages.

The more immigrants we allow in the higher our wages.

High taxes actually increases wages.

Technology replacing people increases wages too.
There are theories and there are realities. We are postindustrial compared to the past even though we have more comforts due to human advancements. Distribution of wealth is uneven. Not just for the rich but with the middle class also.
Capitalism it is destined to be uneven, that has nothing to do with the fact that the golden few don't deserve all the new wealth of this country which has been the case for over 40 years from 1981. You want the people to destroy capitals because they get nothing out of the massive prosperity we have.
With their ZIRP policy and endless quantitative easing, the Federal Reserve has widened the wealth gap. Savers are punished, and the elderly find their nest eggs are worth less and less. All to keep sclerotic banks afloat.

Government bailouts of failed institutions are not capitalism. Our government allows financial institutions to take insane risks and reap the profits when they succeed, and make the taxpayers pay for any massive losses.

Because interest rates are so low, investors chase after higher yields by putting their money in high-risk adventures which should not be receiving ANY capital. This is the exact same bullshit which led to the last crash.

NFTs, for chrissakes? Seriously?

If a financial organization fucks up, they should be broken up and the pieces sold off to organizations with a better, more sane business model.

This all started with LTCM, was exacerbated by the great bailouts of 2008 under the excuse they were Too Big To Fail, and now our banks are Too Big To Save. The next crash will be far, far worse.

The invisible hand is demanding a period of deflation, but our country is totally pain-intolerant now, so the Fed feels like it needs to avoid a badly needed correction and they just keep pumping more heroin into the banks' veins. This only serves to make the inevitable correction that much greater and any recovery that much longer.
Capitalism is the world's best and most dynamic economic system. But with the weird, inconsistent, ersatz libertarianism they've saddled capitalism with, the Right has managed to make going in the opposite direction more and more attractive to more and more people.

They've bought into the canard that proper guardrails and regulations are the bane of capitalism, when in fact they're necessary components of capitalism.

The result? Ridiculous, growing inequalities that are making people look at other options. It's as if they're begging for our own version of the French Revolution.
Yup that is 100% true. Reagan's trickle down lie was to do just what it did with tax law and laws to distribute the wealth up the ladder.
Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.
Yet another 1st year economics class kid thinks he knows everything :rolleyes:
Capitalism it is destined to be uneven, that has nothing to do with the fact that the golden few don't deserve all the new wealth of this country which has been the case for over 40 years from 1981. You want the people to destroy capitals because they get nothing out of the massive prosperity we have.

You argue that the golden few dont deserve all the new wealth. The government just gave them 3 trillion dollars in 2020 and 2021. It has nothing to do with capitalism. It has to do with corrupt govt and large corporations.
You do have a link, right?
The link is obvious, income inequality. It all became with Voodoo economics, aka trickle down which has never trickled down to the masses of people.

Ask yourself, why is so much poverty in the United States, and so much wealth and income to the billionaires?
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