

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
For the erudite who pretend an esoteric, if not novel, endeavor.

Capitalist is participant in a system as old as time- capitalism- humans have been bartering since one discovered another had something he wanted and was willing to trade something he had for it and the involved party's agreed to an exchange. That is capitalist, using capitalism to benefit the involved. Period. It ain't rocket science- and it ain't esoteric- IMproper education, brought to you by ILL informed opinionaters have led millions down a path filled with, well, opinion, based on bias and prejudice, usually political, and gained a reward, sometimes financially- that, dear readers (as few of you as there are) is capitalism- the involved party's are capitalist. Period. Their politics is immaterial.

There are those, in any gathering of humans (and sometime animals, but, less so) who would rather take what they don't own, by force, threat of force, coercion, intimidation, etc.- yes, they're rewarded, financially, or with property acquisition- btw, financial is property- so STFU- those are criminals- writing laws doesn't make it moral- theft (see the previous) is immoral. Period. That isn't capitalism, though it is exercised by capitalist- communism, an economic theory, exercised by humans, does exactly what is the immoral, as do those claiming a moral high ground; republic or democracy, or theocratic, or monarchy- except, in a monarchy, or communist environment, the state controls all the economic activity, enFORCED with the previously mentioned, which are a trademark of our US gov't-

Our monetary system, in the US, is part Keynesean theory, designed for the British Monarchy, mixed with capitalism, enforced by communist/fascist tactics- that is called Statist- it has nothing to do with the monetary system, capitalism. It is financed, in our case, by Borrow to Spend, top down economics, i.e. Keynesean theory designed for the British Monarchy, by a British subject, John Maynard Keynes.

In the US, Reagan coined, Trickle Down Economics- same same- but, ANY economic system has to be initiated/financed by the bearer (holder) of the tool (in modern times, money) provides the tool and the incentive to use it (see above means of incentive, laws)- in today's world, that holder (bearer) is the Federal Reserve. It creates the tools (numbers on a computer screen) out of thin air, the US gov't Borrows it and spends it lending it value- the system, is capitalism/Statist and has created a system, within itself called Crony Capitalism, for good reason- but, in a Communist society it would be called Crony Communism- same same- enFORCMENT uses the same tactics, laws- to threaten, coerce, intimidate and steal what doesn't belong to it-

This is a bit of the tip of the ice berg and I'm sure eyes have already glazed over and/or turned away, which is indicative of stupid and not desirous of expanding/evolving a knowledge-
For the erudite who pretend an esoteric, if not novel, endeavor.

Capitalist is participant in a system as old as time- capitalism- humans have been bartering since one discovered another had something he wanted and was willing to trade something he had for it and the involved party's agreed to an exchange. That is capitalist, using capitalism to benefit the involved. Period. It ain't rocket science- and it ain't esoteric- IMproper education, brought to you by ILL informed opinionaters have led millions down a path filled with, well, opinion, based on bias and prejudice, usually political, and gained a reward, sometimes financially- that, dear readers (as few of you as there are) is capitalism- the involved party's are capitalist. Period. Their politics is immaterial.

There are those, in any gathering of humans (and sometime animals, but, less so) who would rather take what they don't own, by force, threat of force, coercion, intimidation, etc.- yes, they're rewarded, financially, or with property acquisition- btw, financial is property- so STFU- those are criminals- writing laws doesn't make it moral- theft (see the previous) is immoral. Period. That isn't capitalism, though it is exercised by capitalist- communism, an economic theory, exercised by humans, does exactly what is the immoral, as do those claiming a moral high ground; republic or democracy, or theocratic, or monarchy- except, in a monarchy, or communist environment, the state controls all the economic activity, enFORCED with the previously mentioned, which are a trademark of our US gov't-

Our monetary system, in the US, is part Keynesean theory, designed for the British Monarchy, mixed with capitalism, enforced by communist/fascist tactics- that is called Statist- it has nothing to do with the monetary system, capitalism. It is financed, in our case, by Borrow to Spend, top down economics, i.e. Keynesean theory designed for the British Monarchy, by a British subject, John Maynard Keynes.

In the US, Reagan coined, Trickle Down Economics- same same- but, ANY economic system has to be initiated/financed by the bearer (holder) of the tool (in modern times, money) provides the tool and the incentive to use it (see above means of incentive, laws)- in today's world, that holder (bearer) is the Federal Reserve. It creates the tools (numbers on a computer screen) out of thin air, the US gov't Borrows it and spends it lending it value- the system, is capitalism/Statist and has created a system, within itself called Crony Capitalism, for good reason- but, in a Communist society it would be called Crony Communism- same same- enFORCMENT uses the same tactics, laws- to threaten, coerce, intimidate and steal what doesn't belong to it-

This is a bit of the tip of the ice berg and I'm sure eyes have already glazed over and/or turned away, which is indicative of stupid and not desirous of expanding/evolving a knowledge-

So much ignorance.

First off, you have never read the "General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money."

Here it is, free of charge:

The Monetary system in America goes back to either 1791 with the first banking act, or 1913 with the rise of the Banksters and the early move to the Federal Reserve System.

All of this came about before Lord Keynes wrote his treatise and long before any American knew who he was. He certainly had ZERO impact on the structure of our monetary system, Keynes did popularize deficit spending, though if you actually read Keynes it isn't in the way we use it but as a tool to fight recession. (Note: Keynes was wrong as Friedman and history have both proven.) The insane deficits we currently run are not Keynesian and are more in tune with banana republics.

Reagan never "coined Trickle Down Economics." That was an ignorant bit of Slander by Joe Biden and the democrats (yes, the scumbag has been in government that long.) Reagan followed the neo-Classical economic views of Arthur Laffer and to an extent Milton Friedman that, as John Baptist Say stated "Supply gives rise to demand," known as Say's Law. Keynes had rejected Say's law and posited that demand drives production. Keynes was an academic with virtually no experience in the real world - he never held a job outside of academia and would not associate with anyone not viewed as intellectual aristocracy. This is to say Lord Keynes was woefully out of touch with reality.

To demonstrate just HOW WRONG Keynes was, on need only consider the iPhone. There was no demand for a pocket computer when Apple put out the iPhone. Compaq and HP had been making "smart phones" for years before Apple stole it from them - and they couldn't give the damn things away. The iPaq was a flop.

Apple Stole it, called it iPhone and had a hit. How did that happen? There was no demand, Keynes claimed that demand creates a supply to meet it, but no one demanded an iPhone. Steve Jobs was a marketing genius and created a supply that gave rise to demand by creating desire in the public through hype.

I will grant that your basic statement of capitalism as a trade of value for value which is entirely voluntary on both sides is correct.
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This is a bit of the tip of the ice berg and I'm sure eyes have already glazed over and/or turned away, which is indicative of stupid and not desirous of expanding/evolving a knowledge-

How could they turn away from such a sugar coated diatribe of arrogance?
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How could they turn away from such a sugar coated diatribe of arrogance?
No, arrogance is false pretense of knowing something- I offered opinion, based on observation (with observed evidence and facts)= knowing- what did you offer in rebuttal? A personal attack- it's not difficult, even for a non-formally indoctrinated, rube, to hi-lite a disagreement and explain why- yet, you the other IMproperly, though obviously, gov't approved educated can't even do that simple task- imagine that.
I missed the point the OP was trying to make, and if there was a conclusion then it went right over my head. Being obviously less erudite myself, I would challenge anyone out there to explain WTF he said. And I would challenge the OP writer to learn how to write clear, cogent, and structured posts that follow the basics of good writing listed below:

It may seem to be a personal attack, but it really isn't. It's actually a critique that ought to be considered if you want to start a reasoned conversation.
For the erudite who pretend an esoteric, if not novel, endeavor.

Capitalist is participant in a system as old as time- capitalism- humans have been bartering since one discovered another had something he wanted and was willing to trade something he had for it and the involved party's agreed to an exchange. That is capitalist, using capitalism to benefit the involved. Period. It ain't rocket science- and it ain't esoteric- IMproper education, brought to you by ILL informed opinionaters have led millions down a path filled with, well, opinion, based on bias and prejudice, usually political, and gained a reward, sometimes financially- that, dear readers (as few of you as there are) is capitalism- the involved party's are capitalist. Period. Their politics is immaterial.

There are those, in any gathering of humans (and sometime animals, but, less so) who would rather take what they don't own, by force, threat of force, coercion, intimidation, etc.- yes, they're rewarded, financially, or with property acquisition- btw, financial is property- so STFU- those are criminals- writing laws doesn't make it moral- theft (see the previous) is immoral. Period. That isn't capitalism, though it is exercised by capitalist- communism, an economic theory, exercised by humans, does exactly what is the immoral, as do those claiming a moral high ground; republic or democracy, or theocratic, or monarchy- except, in a monarchy, or communist environment, the state controls all the economic activity, enFORCED with the previously mentioned, which are a trademark of our US gov't-

Our monetary system, in the US, is part Keynesean theory, designed for the British Monarchy, mixed with capitalism, enforced by communist/fascist tactics- that is called Statist- it has nothing to do with the monetary system, capitalism. It is financed, in our case, by Borrow to Spend, top down economics, i.e. Keynesean theory designed for the British Monarchy, by a British subject, John Maynard Keynes.

In the US, Reagan coined, Trickle Down Economics- same same- but, ANY economic system has to be initiated/financed by the bearer (holder) of the tool (in modern times, money) provides the tool and the incentive to use it (see above means of incentive, laws)- in today's world, that holder (bearer) is the Federal Reserve. It creates the tools (numbers on a computer screen) out of thin air, the US gov't Borrows it and spends it lending it value- the system, is capitalism/Statist and has created a system, within itself called Crony Capitalism, for good reason- but, in a Communist society it would be called Crony Communism- same same- enFORCMENT uses the same tactics, laws- to threaten, coerce, intimidate and steal what doesn't belong to it-

This is a bit of the tip of the ice berg and I'm sure eyes have already glazed over and/or turned away, which is indicative of stupid and not desirous of expanding/evolving a knowledge-
So what. We have a mixed market economy that is part socialism and part capitalism. Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy. The private sector engages in "free market capitalism".
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And I would challenge the OP writer to learn how to write clear, cogent, and structured posts that follow the basics of good writing listed below:

Re the above- learn to comprehend simple English- it's not an esoteric endeavor- beyond that, choose one thing I said and refute it.
It may seem to be a personal attack, but it really isn't.
No, it really is a personal attack- it's not difficult to hi-lite one sentence, one word, one phrase or paragraph and express your opinion- it's easier than personal attacks even-
The private sector engages in "free market capitalism".
No, it doesn't- it engages in restricted capitalism (with the value of the tool decided by an outsider [the fed reserve] in restricted markets- free is unencumbered- laws, by definition, encumber- in our case they severely restrict competition and trade, to what the fed gov't allows, through the erroneous defense of treaties or, the War on Drugs (which encourages pure capitalism, which is what the US gov't despises and hates for the competition in it's ill perceived authority [to itself] is a product of) - that is NOT in the constituion- it is, in fact, contrary to the original intent of RE PRESENT A TIVES (which was to ensure one did not have legal [official] advantage over another)- nor is it free, nor is enterprise either- they are highly restricted, by Crony Capitalist- pay to play, is the name of the game- Crony Capitalism.
It may seem to be a personal attack, but it really isn't.
No, it really is a personal attack- it's not difficult to hi-lite one sentence, one word, one phrase or paragraph and express your opinion- it's easier than personal attacks even-

1. Okay, here's a personal attack: you're an idiot.

2. You can't write worth shit. You should go find the person who taught you english composition and kick their ass.

3. I can't refute anything you said because none of it is coherent. There's no clear point or objectivity in your writing. And you don't appear to be too interested in rectifying that.

4. Seriously dude: the onus to achieve understandable writing is not on the reader, it's on the writer. You failed. IOW, it's just not worth the time to read anything you write. If you don't care to make yourself understood, then I won't care to read your gibberish. You can provide a lot of word salad, but no coherent point. But hey, do whatever you want.
The private sector engages in "free market capitalism".
No, it doesn't- it engages in restricted capitalism (with the value of the tool decided by an outsider [the fed reserve] in restricted markets- free is unencumbered- laws, by definition, encumber- in our case they severely restrict competition and trade, to what the fed gov't allows, through the erroneous defense of treaties or, the War on Drugs (which encourages pure capitalism, which is what the US gov't despises and hates for the competition in it's ill perceived authority [to itself] is a product of) - that is NOT in the constituion- it is, in fact, contrary to the original intent of RE PRESENT A TIVES (which was to ensure one did not have legal [official] advantage over another)- nor is it free, nor is enterprise either- they are highly restricted, by Crony Capitalist- pay to play, is the name of the game- Crony Capitalism.
Within the goalposts fixed by Government?
4. Seriously dude: the onus to achieve understandable writing is not on the reader
I had a newspaper editor tell me one time- you have to write like a 4th grader is reading it- I don't.
I have a pretty good command of simple English- seriously dude- here's how I'm seeing it- you want to argue with me, but there is nothing you can argue against, so you choose to obfuscate by complaining that you can't read beyond a 4th grade level-

Like I said, "dude"- it isn't hard to hi-lite and respond to a sentence or phrase- but, you choose to criticize beyond 4th grade level writing- that speaks to your education, not my lack of-
what you posted is not correct. I explained most of it and why.
What I posted are my observations- IDGAF what a link (that I don't see says)- where are my observations inaccurate? 2+2 = 4 or someone is lying- and it ain't me-
For the erudite who pretend an esoteric, if not novel, endeavor.

Capitalist is participant in a system as old as time- capitalism- humans have been bartering since one discovered another had something he wanted and was willing to trade something he had for it and the involved party's agreed to an exchange. That is capitalist, using capitalism to benefit the involved. Period. It ain't rocket science- and it ain't esoteric- IMproper education, brought to you by ILL informed opinionaters have led millions down a path filled with, well, opinion, based on bias and prejudice, usually political, and gained a reward, sometimes financially- that, dear readers (as few of you as there are) is capitalism- the involved party's are capitalist. Period. Their politics is immaterial.

There are those, in any gathering of humans (and sometime animals, but, less so) who would rather take what they don't own, by force, threat of force, coercion, intimidation, etc.- yes, they're rewarded, financially, or with property acquisition- btw, financial is property- so STFU- those are criminals- writing laws doesn't make it moral- theft (see the previous) is immoral. Period. That isn't capitalism, though it is exercised by capitalist- communism, an economic theory, exercised by humans, does exactly what is the immoral, as do those claiming a moral high ground; republic or democracy, or theocratic, or monarchy- except, in a monarchy, or communist environment, the state controls all the economic activity, enFORCED with the previously mentioned, which are a trademark of our US gov't-

Our monetary system, in the US, is part Keynesean theory, designed for the British Monarchy, mixed with capitalism, enforced by communist/fascist tactics- that is called Statist- it has nothing to do with the monetary system, capitalism. It is financed, in our case, by Borrow to Spend, top down economics, i.e. Keynesean theory designed for the British Monarchy, by a British subject, John Maynard Keynes.

In the US, Reagan coined, Trickle Down Economics- same same- but, ANY economic system has to be initiated/financed by the bearer (holder) of the tool (in modern times, money) provides the tool and the incentive to use it (see above means of incentive, laws)- in today's world, that holder (bearer) is the Federal Reserve. It creates the tools (numbers on a computer screen) out of thin air, the US gov't Borrows it and spends it lending it value- the system, is capitalism/Statist and has created a system, within itself called Crony Capitalism, for good reason- but, in a Communist society it would be called Crony Communism- same same- enFORCMENT uses the same tactics, laws- to threaten, coerce, intimidate and steal what doesn't belong to it-

This is a bit of the tip of the ice berg and I'm sure eyes have already glazed over and/or turned away, which is indicative of stupid and not desirous of expanding/evolving a knowledge-
True Capitalism requires the need for profit..bartering does not involve that..just an equal trade of value. One of the biggest pitfalls of capitalism is that it by nature, fosters greed.

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