Capitol insurgent gets 8 month sentence

fbi peeking.jpg
Yeah and just who had those weapons? I'd like to know why the Capital police welcomed a group in.

Those sure weren't Trump supporters as Trump was still speaking. That group had cameras, not phones, cameras and were welcomed in by the Capital police. Anyone know who they were?? They were seen on several video views.
Yeah and just who had those weapons? I'd like to know why the Capital police welcomed a group in.

Those sure weren't Trump supporters as Trump was still speaking. That group had cameras, not phones, cameras and were welcomed in by the Capital police. Anyone know who they were?? They were seen on several video views.
They didn't welcome anyone in loon. They were violently overwhelmed. And now you're gonna go with "they weren't Trump supporters" - REALLY? What next, it was AntiFa or the FBI done it? :lol:

Just for you

So no conviction of insurrection or terrorism, or of being a racist.

Seems like a disappointment. I was told it was an insurrection of white supremacists.
Prosecutors asked for 18. I think this is about right. He did plead guilty and expressed remorse. Also he wasn't accused of of beating any cops with his Rump flag. But the doofus did bring rope and goggles with him. Regrets it now, begged for leniency. No dice. Lock 'em up!

CHICAGO (AP) — A Florida man who breached the U.S. Senate chamber carrying a Trump campaign flag was sentenced Monday to eight months behind bars, the first resolution for a felony case in the Capitol insurrection.​
Paul Allard Hodgkins apologized and said he was ashamed of his actions on Jan 6. Speaking calmly from a prepared text, he described being caught up in the euphoria as he walked down Washington’s most famous avenue, then followed a crowd of hundreds up Capitol Hill and into the Capitol building.​
“If I had any idea that the protest ... would escalate (the way) it did ... I would never have ventured farther than the sidewalk of Pennsylvania Avenue,” Hodgkins told the judge. He added: “This was a foolish decision on my part.”​
Prosecutors had asked for Hodgkins to serve 18 months behind bars, saying in a recent filing that he, “like each rioter, contributed to the collective threat to democracy” by forcing lawmakers to temporarily abandon their certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory over President Donald Trump and to scramble for shelter from incoming mobs.​

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So carrying a rope and goggles = 9 months, while attacking people with chains, knives and molotov coctails at BLM riots = no charge? I bet your just fine with that, right?
Prosecutors asked for 18. I think this is about right. He did plead guilty and expressed remorse. Also he wasn't accused of of beating any cops with his Rump flag. But the doofus did bring rope and goggles with him. Regrets it now, begged for leniency. No dice. Lock 'em up!

CHICAGO (AP) — A Florida man who breached the U.S. Senate chamber carrying a Trump campaign flag was sentenced Monday to eight months behind bars, the first resolution for a felony case in the Capitol insurrection.​
Paul Allard Hodgkins apologized and said he was ashamed of his actions on Jan 6. Speaking calmly from a prepared text, he described being caught up in the euphoria as he walked down Washington’s most famous avenue, then followed a crowd of hundreds up Capitol Hill and into the Capitol building.​
“If I had any idea that the protest ... would escalate (the way) it did ... I would never have ventured farther than the sidewalk of Pennsylvania Avenue,” Hodgkins told the judge. He added: “This was a foolish decision on my part.”​
Prosecutors had asked for Hodgkins to serve 18 months behind bars, saying in a recent filing that he, “like each rioter, contributed to the collective threat to democracy” by forcing lawmakers to temporarily abandon their certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory over President Donald Trump and to scramble for shelter from incoming mobs.​

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Legally speaking, where does it say he was charged with insurrection? The writer calls his actions an insurrection yet the court charged him with a breach.
Bbbuut you all said they'd hang for treason!!
He is now a Felon! No guns and No voting.....and he had NO previous record and was not violent in the US Capitol. The ones that attacked police officers will get slammed.
Legally speaking, where does it say he was charged with insurrection? The writer calls his actions an insurrection yet the court charged him with a breach.
The attack was an insurrection. He made a plea deal:

Under an agreement with prosecutors, Hodgkins pleaded guilty last month to one count of obstructing an official proceeding, which carries a maximum 20-year prison sentence. In exchange, prosecutors agreed to drop lesser charges, including entering a restricted building and disorderly conduct.

He was a weeny. Instead of taking like a man and pleading not guilty, he pleaded down the charges. Many more will use this tactic.:
Prosecutors asked for 18. I think this is about right. He did plead guilty and expressed remorse. Also he wasn't accused of of beating any cops with his Rump flag. But the doofus did bring rope and goggles with him. Regrets it now, begged for leniency. No dice. Lock 'em up!

CHICAGO (AP) — A Florida man who breached the U.S. Senate chamber carrying a Trump campaign flag was sentenced Monday to eight months behind bars, the first resolution for a felony case in the Capitol insurrection.​
Paul Allard Hodgkins apologized and said he was ashamed of his actions on Jan 6. Speaking calmly from a prepared text, he described being caught up in the euphoria as he walked down Washington’s most famous avenue, then followed a crowd of hundreds up Capitol Hill and into the Capitol building.​
“If I had any idea that the protest ... would escalate (the way) it did ... I would never have ventured farther than the sidewalk of Pennsylvania Avenue,” Hodgkins told the judge. He added: “This was a foolish decision on my part.”​
Prosecutors had asked for Hodgkins to serve 18 months behind bars, saying in a recent filing that he, “like each rioter, contributed to the collective threat to democracy” by forcing lawmakers to temporarily abandon their certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory over President Donald Trump and to scramble for shelter from incoming mobs.​

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He got off easy.
The attack was an insurrection. He made a plea deal:

Under an agreement with prosecutors, Hodgkins pleaded guilty last month to one count of obstructing an official proceeding, which carries a maximum 20-year prison sentence. In exchange, prosecutors agreed to drop lesser charges, including entering a restricted building and disorderly conduct.

He was a weeny. Instead of taking like a man and pleading not guilty, he pleaded down the charges. Many more will use this tactic.:

no words of “insurrection” aside from your interpretation. Your interpretation said it was an insurrection…. Not the Law.
Prosecutors asked for 18. I think this is about right. He did plead guilty and expressed remorse. Also he wasn't accused of of beating any cops with his Rump flag. But the doofus did bring rope and goggles with him. Regrets it now, begged for leniency. No dice. Lock 'em up!

CHICAGO (AP) — A Florida man who breached the U.S. Senate chamber carrying a Trump campaign flag was sentenced Monday to eight months behind bars, the first resolution for a felony case in the Capitol insurrection.​
Paul Allard Hodgkins apologized and said he was ashamed of his actions on Jan 6. Speaking calmly from a prepared text, he described being caught up in the euphoria as he walked down Washington’s most famous avenue, then followed a crowd of hundreds up Capitol Hill and into the Capitol building.​
“If I had any idea that the protest ... would escalate (the way) it did ... I would never have ventured farther than the sidewalk of Pennsylvania Avenue,” Hodgkins told the judge. He added: “This was a foolish decision on my part.”​
Prosecutors had asked for Hodgkins to serve 18 months behind bars, saying in a recent filing that he, “like each rioter, contributed to the collective threat to democracy” by forcing lawmakers to temporarily abandon their certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory over President Donald Trump and to scramble for shelter from incoming mobs.​

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not even a year for insurrection? geez when the dems caused the civil war many were hung
These Leftist turds won't stop until they've rounded up all 75 million REAL Americans who didn't vote for Alzheimer Joe and the c*nt. Political persecution folks.
These idiots broke the law. Many of them beat police. They need to pay. And the man who instigated the entire mess needs to pay....that is trump....the Liar in Chief.

He isn't happy with the damage he has caused. He continues to fly around the country and speak his Big Lie. Now he is going to do it with the pervert O’Reilly. You better lock away you young girls....the very young girls.

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