Capitol insurgent gets 8 month sentence

Yeah and just who had those weapons? I'd like to know why the Capital police welcomed a group in.

Those sure weren't Trump supporters as Trump was still speaking. That group had cameras, not phones, cameras and were welcomed in by the Capital police. Anyone know who they were?? They were seen on several video views.
The rioters had the weapons; they brought many, and picked up others along the way. The Capitol Police stepped aside in a few occasions because they were simply overwhelmed.

The rioters were still pushing against barricades when Trump's speech ended at 1:15. They didn't make it up to the actual Capitol building until after 2.

Not every Trump supporter was glued to Trump's speech at the Ellipse. Many of them were at the Capitol long before.

I encourage you to watch that video that DrLove posted. It spells things out pretty clearly.
I know you don't care, because you are one of those folks who will lose self to be accepted.
I am one of those folks who is not accepted in many circles, and am an independent and critical thinker so it is ironic you accuse me “losing myself to be accepted”. Conversely, the only reason Democrats and Liberals care about you as a person of color or accept yourself is because of the way you vote and your views and opinions align with theirs. As for myself, I could give a flying fuck what or how any political party feels about me personally, in fact, I think most of the Republican Party is weak and soft; many of whom do want to be accepted by the political establishment which is dominated by Democrats.
I am one of those folks who is not accepted in many circles, and am an independent and critical thinker so it is ironic you accuse me “losing myself to be accepted”. Conversely, the only reason Democrats and Liberals care about you as a person of color or accept yourself is because of the way you vote and your views and opinions align with theirs. As for myself, I could give a flying fuck what or how any political party feels about me personally, in fact, I think most of the Republican Party is weak and soft; many of whom do want to be accepted by the political establishment which is dominated by Democrats.
Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. Democrats need folks of color to win which is why they take some of our concerns, Republicans feel like they don't need our vote so they don't care about our concerns. Most racist identify with the Republican Party, the Republican Party is against police reform and they are against the John Lewis voting bill. So tell me why would people of color support the republican party.
The rioters had the weapons; they brought many, and picked up others along the way. The Capitol Police stepped aside in a few occasions because they were simply overwhelmed.

The rioters were still pushing against barricades when Trump's speech ended at 1:15. They didn't make it up to the actual Capitol building until after 2.

Not every Trump supporter was glued to Trump's speech at the Ellipse. Many of them were at the Capitol long before.

I encourage you to watch that video that DrLove posted. It spells things out pretty clearly.
This IS the repub party! Do you want them to govern? Once they gain power again, they may never step aside.
Prosecutors asked for 18. I think this is about right. He did plead guilty and expressed remorse. Also he wasn't accused of of beating any cops with his Rump flag. But the doofus did bring rope and goggles with him. Regrets it now, begged for leniency. No dice. Lock 'em up!

CHICAGO (AP) — A Florida man who breached the U.S. Senate chamber carrying a Trump campaign flag was sentenced Monday to eight months behind bars, the first resolution for a felony case in the Capitol insurrection.​
Paul Allard Hodgkins apologized and said he was ashamed of his actions on Jan 6. Speaking calmly from a prepared text, he described being caught up in the euphoria as he walked down Washington’s most famous avenue, then followed a crowd of hundreds up Capitol Hill and into the Capitol building.​
“If I had any idea that the protest ... would escalate (the way) it did ... I would never have ventured farther than the sidewalk of Pennsylvania Avenue,” Hodgkins told the judge. He added: “This was a foolish decision on my part.”​
Prosecutors had asked for Hodgkins to serve 18 months behind bars, saying in a recent filing that he, “like each rioter, contributed to the collective threat to democracy” by forcing lawmakers to temporarily abandon their certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory over President Donald Trump and to scramble for shelter from incoming mobs.​

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Another win for the good guys.

Mama should have told him to never take a selfie when you're violating federal laws.
Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. Democrats need folks of color to win which is why they take some of our concerns, Republicans feel like they don't need our vote so they don't care about our concerns. Most racist identify with the Republican Party, the Republican Party is against police reform and they are against the John Lewis voting bill. So tell me why would people of color support the republican party.

Democrats have had the majority Black vote for 55 years. The major cities run by Democrats have high levels of Black poverty. The Jim Crow era is over and there has been a sharp decline in Black owned businesses, a rise in single parent homes, an increase in dependence on the Government. But hey, the votes are still there for the Democrats which is all they care about.
Did the FBI pursue the guy because he breached the senate chamber or because he was carrying a Trump sign? They are turning looters and arsonists loose on the left coast and you can do six months for armed robbery in L.A. but some poor schlep gets 8 months for carrying a Trump sign. Way to go FBI you got your first political dissident conviction.
Democrats have had the majority Black vote for 55 years. The major cities run by Democrats have high levels of Black poverty. The Jim Crow era is over and there has been a sharp decline in Black owned businesses, a rise in single parent homes, an increase in dependence on the Government. But hey, the votes are still there for the Democrats which is all they care about.
Thanks for the Sean Hannity talking points, what have Republicans done for folks of color in the last 55years? Look at voting Republicans are trying to take us back to the Jim Crow years, what is next? Are poll taxes coming, are folks going to have to try and guess how many jelly beans are in a jar. I have given you the numbers that folks of color do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents and you try to spin some bullshit about welfare and Gov't assistance. What majority of Hispanics are on Gov't assistance?
Thanks for the Sean Hannity talking points, what have Republicans done for folks of color in the last 55years? Look at voting Republicans are trying to take us back to the Jim Crow years, what is next? Are poll taxes coming, are folks going to have to try and guess how many jelly beans are in a jar. I have given you the numbers that folks of color do better under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents and you try to spin some bullshit about welfare and Gov't assistance. What majority of Hispanics are on Gov't assistance?
Who is Sean Hannity? These are my observations. You keep asking what have Republicans done for people of color? What are they supposed to do? Keep them dependent on Government? You asked about Hispanics being on Government assistance? The answer is the same as for Blacks and Whites…. “Way too many”. Any political party or president that pushes policies that result in people NOT being on government assistance is doing their job. But, I guess you consider that to be bullshit.
Who is Sean Hannity? These are my observations. You keep asking what have Republicans done for people of color? What are they supposed to do? Keep them dependent on Government? You asked about Hispanics being on Government assistance? The answer is the same as for Blacks and Whites…. “Way too many”. Any political party or president that pushes policies that result in people NOT being on government assistance is doing their job. But, I guess you consider that to be bullshit.
You know who Sean Hannity is, don't try and play dumb. The same thing they do for white folks, why is it that the rolls of Gov't Assistance grow under Republicans? Are you ok with corporate welfare? Republicans claim smaller Gov't, but it is awful funny how it never reduces under Republicans. Again you are giving me your opinions which are not facts, I am giving you actual numbers .
You know who Sean Hannity is, don't try and play dumb. The same thing they do for white folks, why is it that the rolls of Gov't Assistance grow under Republicans? Are you ok with corporate welfare? Republicans claim smaller Gov't, but it is awful funny how it never reduces under Republicans. Again you are giving me your opinions which are not facts, I am giving you actual numbers .
25.4 percent of Blacks and 10.9 percent of Latinos are on Food Stamps. Facts. Any politician who brings those numbers down is doing something. What do you define as “corporate welfare”? If it means reducing taxes and regulations that result in expansion and more jobs you are goddamn right I’m OK with that…. I love that. When companies get tax incentives to locate in an economically disadvantaged region, that’s some good welfare that will yield a lot more return for the community than pushing for policies that encourage people to stay on the Government from cradle to grave.

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