Capitol insurrection hearings.


My question to you: we never see all available evidence in these sorts of things...hence the ease at which conspiracy theories are why is not having this one thing publically available a deal breaker in the face of all this other video evidence from a wide variety of sources?

And one other question I guess....wouldn’t releasing that compromise security?
this is funny. you again do a yes, BUT... to excuse not having it.

and while I'm sure this is a goose chase, how does releasing the video compromise security? this more of that AZ router shit where they said personal info would be exposed yet there is no personal info in a router?
this is funny. you again do a yes, BUT... to excuse not having it.

and while I'm sure this is a goose chase, how does releasing the video compromise security? this more of that AZ router shit where they said personal info would be exposed yet there is no personal info in a router?
Funny. You keep asking questions but won’t answer mine.
Funny. You keep asking questions but won’t answer mine.
you don't answer it. you dance around it refusing to be pinned to aomething you said. band it would help if you didn't drop questions in page 12 of your war and peace shit.

I don't see a security risk. so please explain why there is one.

there. I answered yoylur last question.
The opposite.

McCarthy knew the rules, they were the same rules Republicans in charge put in place for their Benghazi hearings.

McCarthy lobbied the Senate to reject the independent commission....Trump didn't want one so he flipped and didn't want an investigation, even though the House passed it in a bipartisan vote.

Then McCarthy on this special investigation committee appointed a bunch of idiot dog and pony show Rs to the special investigation, which HE KNEW Nancy would reject.... So that he could cancel this investigation as well....cancel Republican participation....

Why are Trumpers so AFRAID of an investigation into the Trump insurrection/riot?

Have you asked yourself that?

Or do you already know the answer to that...

and this is WHY you are afraid of the truth coming out in any investigation, thus against them all?
Good questions.
I am pretty sure that is what the Xiden DOJ is doing at the moment....I have no problem with what they are doing, and accepted the results of their investigations.....

Congress is investigating itself like it's supposed to. The DOJ has little power in convicting any congress member when "Congress" is in full protection mode.
Congress is investigating itself like it's supposed to. The DOJ has little power in convicting any congress member when "Congress" is in full protection mode.
huh? the DOJ has convicted members of Congress and prosecuted them before...

Obama famously spied on Congress for example, he prosecuted Bob Menendez for example, others in include Duncan Miller, Chris Collins, Anthony Weiner, Corrine Brown, Jesse Jackson Jr, William Jefferson...and the list goes on and on
you don't answer it. you dance around it refusing to be pinned to aomething you said. band it would help if you didn't drop questions in page 12 of your war and peace shit.

I don't see a security risk. so please explain why there is one.

there. I answered yoylur last question.
I said yes.

Answer: I said I wasn’t sure, but wouldn’t security footage tend to to indicate where security camera’s placed within the complex?

Now my question: in order to be fair to everyone and non partisan, wouldn’t you want to have an independent commission to look into Jan 6? Yes or no only.
I said yes.

Answer: I said I wasn’t sure, but wouldn’t security footage tend to to indicate where security camera’s placed within the complex?

Now my question: in order to be fair to everyone and non partisan, wouldn’t you want to have an independent commission to look into Jan 6? Yes or no only.
I see no reason for an "independent commission" - first, as far as Congress is concerned this is an issue of their own security process...the Senate got together, literally days after Jan 6th, and conducted an lengthy investigation and produced the results of the investigation...hopefully the changes will be made that they recommended. Second, as far as criminal acts, that is not the business of Congress, that's the DOJ...and they have, and are conducting investigations and procecuting folks. Moreover, Congress has already conducted an impeachment probe, impeached and held a trial. What the Dems in the House want to do is continue to drag this out through elections, additionally they don't like the results of the investigations....that's all this is...
I said yes.

Answer: I said I wasn’t sure, but wouldn’t security footage tend to to indicate where security camera’s placed within the complex?

Now my question: in order to be fair to everyone and non partisan, wouldn’t you want to have an independent commission to look into Jan 6? Yes or no only.
I dependant? no Pelosi hand picking people?

sure. left out the post I was responding to didn’t you? The one where the poster made the claim of relatively minor....why don’t provide a link or....are you afraid it will show you up as the liar you are?
Poor little lying asshole. Caught lying and now lying some more. Compared to the violence YOU Called minor, Jan. 6th WAS a minor incident. You owe me and Oddball and Iceberg apologies you lying sack of shit. Now lie some more. You are also to quit as moderator.
Coming from someone who demands others apply standards he himself will not, that is an appropriate comment. Where as your response to the Floyd riots has been one of perpetual partisan outrage and emotional rants, and demands that leftists own it....your response to the Capitol riot has been somewhat...more muted shall we say?

Denying there was even an assault, calling them drama queens?

Post in thread 'U.S.Capitol on lockdown'
U.S.Capitol on lockdown

Then denying they were Trump supporters and blaming ANTIFA (hey...did you even once ask for some proof that the Floyd rioters were all Antifa/BLM?)

Post in thread 'Does this make the right Antifa now?'
Does this make the right Antifa now?

Totally down playing what happened...excusing the Trump fanatics by claiming the police let them in...

Post in thread 'Police literally opened the doors to the Capitol to protesters.'
Police literally opened the doors to the Capitol to protesters.

Post in thread 'Police literally opened the doors to the Capitol to protesters.'
Police literally opened the doors to the Capitol to protesters.

In didn’t even acknowledge that were rioters, you put it in quotes.
Post in thread 'Just saw on GMA that some politicians were hiding in their offices for FIVE HOURS terrified.'
Just saw on GMA that some politicians were hiding in their offices for FIVE HOURS terrified.

And this is the best:

Post in thread 'Now what will they do?'
Now what will they do?
“just because i don't attack who they attack doesn't mean i support or worship them. but stupid people are so very binary.”

Ever thought of applying that to others?
And you lie some more and claim you can read minds liars. You’ve been exposed as a partisan lying hack. Those posts were true and backed up by video. You continually excuse BLM murders and riots and act like the PEACEFUL PROTEST on Jan. 6 was worse than Pearl Harbor. Try actually being honest for once.
Please provide the link to the post were the man stated in no uncertain terms that he supports killing police, arson, looting and attempted murder. If you can't, that makes you a liar and piss poor MAGA mouthpiece.
Try reading the thread before responding. Then maybe you won’t look quite so stupid. You obviously support all those actions as well. Now go back under your bridge.
Poor little lying asshole. Caught lying and now lying some more. Compared to the violence YOU Called minor, Jan. 6th WAS a minor incident. You owe me and Oddball and Iceberg apologies you lying sack of shit. Now lie some more. You are also to quit as moderator.
Here you go Scumwaffle Jr., since you are too cowardly to post the actual link which would show you up as a “lying sack of shit” (your term).

Post in thread 'Capitol insurrection hearings.'
Capitol insurrection hearings.

No apologies forthcoming.
Here you go Scumwaffle Jr., since you are too cowardly to post the actual link which would show you up as a “lying sack of shit” (your term).

Post in thread 'Capitol insurrection hearings.'
Capitol insurrection hearings.

No apologies forthcoming.
Wrong again you lying asshole. YOU called months of BLM and Antifa criminal acts MINOR. Proven in your own words. Coward? No. Oddball has ZERO To do with YOUR response. A pathetic deflection attempt. You best apologize to all three of us. Now. You are a lying sack of shit who is to resign. Now.
And you lie some more and claim you can read minds liars. You’ve been exposed as a partisan lying hack. Those posts were true and backed up by video. You continually excuse BLM murders and riots and act like the PEACEFUL PROTEST on Jan. 6 was worse than Pearl Harbor. Try actually being honest for once.
Man, are you triggered or what? You might want to take a moment to wipe the froth from your chin and clean off your keyboard.

I will wait for you to do that, and then maybe you can explain how a riot that injured over 140 police and caused millions in damage was a peaceful protest. Here is a hint: the PEACEFUL protest occurred OUTSIDE the Capitol grounds.
Lying asshole.

There were no arms found within miles of the capitol that day.
Wrong again you lying asshole. YOU called months of BLM and Antifa criminal acts MINOR. Proven in your own words. Coward? No. Oddball has ZERO To do with YOUR response. A pathetic deflection attempt. You best apologize to all three of us. Now. You are a lying sack of shit who is to resign. Now.
You are completely losing it have officially entered the Delusional Zone.

No apologies forthcoming.

Sicknick’s family said he died of a stroke and you clowns still whine about a fire extinguisher and bears spray. Despite the medical examiner’s confirming a stroke.
He likely wouldn’t have had a stroke had he not been attacked in that way. Same with the two suicides.

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