Capitol Police Deny David Bailey is Killer of Ashli Babbitt. What Goes On?

Chris Wray, part of the Deep State that leftist jerk offs will tell you doesn't exist.

Chris Wray = Zionist Jew

DEEP STATE = Zionism

First episode = Zionist Traitor LBJ and the Mossad offing JFK in order to start a war with 'nam for the purpose of running US weapons factories and shipping the new weapons off to Israel free of charge, billing the US taxpayer instead, and leaving our troops in 'nam with old, outdated weapons that failed and increased our casualty total.
Kamala Harris could walk outside, take out an AK, mow 500 Americans down on TV in broad daylight, and Chris Wray, the Garland DoJ, and the DC DA wouldn't do a thing about it, and neither would the "Republicans" on the Hill.

That is the status of "justice" today. Chris Wray knew

the Ukraine money to Hunter Biden was a kickback of US foreign aid
that Joe Biden's wealth is all about selling access and votes
that Joe Biden made tens of millions of dollars investing in oil, gold, defense stocks, and the long bond on 910

and then Chris Wray made sure the steal was "legal" by ordering the FBI to "stand down" on election night.
Well that's an Ironic thing to say after this: Trump: "I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters"
Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.

A fraction of the people who died in leftist violence last year that you don't care about sick fascist fuck.

And unlike the leftist violence, not one death at the capital was ruled intentional
Fuck off, traitor.

Interfering with your fascist right to beat people up and take their shit, huh Nazi?
Another fascinating post going on with the N word.

Yes, you crossed into Nazi when you started advocating shutting down your opposition by destroying them and with actual violence then by just ending free elections and stealing them with endless ballot fraud

Democrats aren't silencing the opposition, Republicans are. Republicans are silencing Liz Cheney, and all of the legislators in their party, while stoking the politics of grievance and white supremacy. NAZIism is the politics of polictic of white grievance and white supemacy.

While Democrats are trying to promote truth and end the dishonesty in the politics, Republicans are busy suppressing minority voting rights and dissent in ways that empower the police state and stifle first amendments rights.

Ron DeSantis just signed an anti-riot bill which:
  • allows the police to declare any gathering of 3 or more people a "riot" - so much for freedom of assembly
  • defines the harsh language and profanity directed at the police as "violence" against the police - or freedom of speech
  • requires than anyone arrested for "rioting" or "violence against police" be held in custody without bail until trial

Yeah, you keep worrying about that actress who got fired for insulting her Jewish bosses, and keep cheering for the authoritarians and anti-Democratic forces who have taken over the Republican Party.

It's not the Democrats who keep showing up at demonstrations carrying NAZI flags. It's the Trump Cult and what passes for the Republican Party. Ron DeSantis just raised that NAZI flag over the State of Florida.

You're brainwashed by American Nazis, LOL. What a tool.

Yeah, Republicans are silencing speech. Democrat moon bats like Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris are obviously afraid to say their views.

You live in a land of delusion
Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.

A fraction of the people who died in leftist violence last year that you don't care about sick fascist fuck.

And unlike the leftist violence, not one death at the capital was ruled intentional
Fuck off, traitor.

Interfering with your fascist right to beat people up and take their shit, huh Nazi?
Another fascinating post going on with the N word.

Yes, you crossed into Nazi when you started advocating shutting down your opposition by destroying them and with actual violence then by just ending free elections and stealing them with endless ballot fraud

Democrats aren't silencing the opposition, Republicans are. Republicans are silencing Liz Cheney, and all of the legislators in their party, while stoking the politics of grievance and white supremacy. NAZIism is the politics of polictic of white grievance and white supemacy.

While Democrats are trying to promote truth and end the dishonesty in the politics, Republicans are busy suppressing minority voting rights and dissent in ways that empower the police state and stifle first amendments rights.

Ron DeSantis just signed an anti-riot bill which:
  • allows the police to declare any gathering of 3 or more people a "riot" - so much for freedom of assembly
  • defines the harsh language and profanity directed at the police as "violence" against the police - or freedom of speech
  • requires than anyone arrested for "rioting" or "violence against police" be held in custody without bail until trial

Yeah, you keep worrying about that actress who got fired for insulting her Jewish bosses, and keep cheering for the authoritarians and anti-Democratic forces who have taken over the Republican Party.

It's not the Democrats who keep showing up at demonstrations carrying NAZI flags. It's the Trump Cult and what passes for the Republican Party. Ron DeSantis just raised that NAZI flag over the State of Florida.

You're brainwashed by American Nazis, LOL. What a tool.

Yeah, Republicans are silencing speech. Democrat moon bats like Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris are obviously afraid to say their views.

You live in a land of delusion
There's that N-word again.
Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.

A fraction of the people who died in leftist violence last year that you don't care about sick fascist fuck.

And unlike the leftist violence, not one death at the capital was ruled intentional
Fuck off, traitor.

Interfering with your fascist right to beat people up and take their shit, huh Nazi?
Another fascinating post going on with the N word.

Yes, you crossed into Nazi when you started advocating shutting down your opposition by destroying them and with actual violence then by just ending free elections and stealing them with endless ballot fraud

Democrats aren't silencing the opposition, Republicans are. Republicans are silencing Liz Cheney, and all of the legislators in their party, while stoking the politics of grievance and white supremacy. NAZIism is the politics of polictic of white grievance and white supemacy.

While Democrats are trying to promote truth and end the dishonesty in the politics, Republicans are busy suppressing minority voting rights and dissent in ways that empower the police state and stifle first amendments rights.

Ron DeSantis just signed an anti-riot bill which:
  • allows the police to declare any gathering of 3 or more people a "riot" - so much for freedom of assembly
  • defines the harsh language and profanity directed at the police as "violence" against the police - or freedom of speech
  • requires than anyone arrested for "rioting" or "violence against police" be held in custody without bail until trial

Yeah, you keep worrying about that actress who got fired for insulting her Jewish bosses, and keep cheering for the authoritarians and anti-Democratic forces who have taken over the Republican Party.

It's not the Democrats who keep showing up at demonstrations carrying NAZI flags. It's the Trump Cult and what passes for the Republican Party. Ron DeSantis just raised that NAZI flag over the State of Florida.

You're brainwashed by American Nazis, LOL. What a tool.

Yeah, Republicans are silencing speech. Democrat moon bats like Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris are obviously afraid to say their views.

You live in a land of delusion
There's that N-word again.

It's pretty funny how you Nazis are so proving the point of how you just lie and lie and lie and attack without offering anything of content, just attacks
I only know it is this guy:

Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.

A fraction of the people who died in leftist violence last year that you don't care about sick fascist fuck.

And unlike the leftist violence, not one death at the capital was ruled intentional
Fuck off, traitor.

Interfering with your fascist right to beat people up and take their shit, huh Nazi?
Another fascinating post going on with the N word.

Yes, you crossed into Nazi when you started advocating shutting down your opposition by destroying them and with actual violence then by just ending free elections and stealing them with endless ballot fraud

Democrats aren't silencing the opposition, Republicans are. Republicans are silencing Liz Cheney, and all of the legislators in their party, while stoking the politics of grievance and white supremacy. NAZIism is the politics of polictic of white grievance and white supemacy.

While Democrats are trying to promote truth and end the dishonesty in the politics, Republicans are busy suppressing minority voting rights and dissent in ways that empower the police state and stifle first amendments rights.

Ron DeSantis just signed an anti-riot bill which:
  • allows the police to declare any gathering of 3 or more people a "riot" - so much for freedom of assembly
  • defines the harsh language and profanity directed at the police as "violence" against the police - or freedom of speech
  • requires than anyone arrested for "rioting" or "violence against police" be held in custody without bail until trial

Yeah, you keep worrying about that actress who got fired for insulting her Jewish bosses, and keep cheering for the authoritarians and anti-Democratic forces who have taken over the Republican Party.

It's not the Democrats who keep showing up at demonstrations carrying NAZI flags. It's the Trump Cult and what passes for the Republican Party. Ron DeSantis just raised that NAZI flag over the State of Florida.

You're brainwashed by American Nazis, LOL. What a tool.

Yeah, Republicans are silencing speech. Democrat moon bats like Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris are obviously afraid to say their views.

You live in a land of delusion

You've just described yourself. As I repeatedly point out, it's not the Democrats who are carrying NAZI flags, wearing Nazi inspired apparrel, or attacking Synagogues.

I notice the women you attack and refer to as crazy are the black women in positions of power. How very Trumpian of you.

Trump and his cult consistently accuse others of the things they are doing, do deflect from just how odious and disgusting their behaviour is. You fit right in with all of them.
Cowardly unmanly big ole chickenshit sneaking up on an unarmed defenseless woman and shooting her. Pussy boy is bad enough but first degree premeditated murder is worse.
Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.

A fraction of the people who died in leftist violence last year that you don't care about sick fascist fuck.

And unlike the leftist violence, not one death at the capital was ruled intentional
Fuck off, traitor.

Interfering with your fascist right to beat people up and take their shit, huh Nazi?
Another fascinating post going on with the N word.

Yes, you crossed into Nazi when you started advocating shutting down your opposition by destroying them and with actual violence then by just ending free elections and stealing them with endless ballot fraud

Democrats aren't silencing the opposition, Republicans are. Republicans are silencing Liz Cheney, and all of the legislators in their party, while stoking the politics of grievance and white supremacy. NAZIism is the politics of polictic of white grievance and white supemacy.

While Democrats are trying to promote truth and end the dishonesty in the politics, Republicans are busy suppressing minority voting rights and dissent in ways that empower the police state and stifle first amendments rights.

Ron DeSantis just signed an anti-riot bill which:
  • allows the police to declare any gathering of 3 or more people a "riot" - so much for freedom of assembly
  • defines the harsh language and profanity directed at the police as "violence" against the police - or freedom of speech
  • requires than anyone arrested for "rioting" or "violence against police" be held in custody without bail until trial

Yeah, you keep worrying about that actress who got fired for insulting her Jewish bosses, and keep cheering for the authoritarians and anti-Democratic forces who have taken over the Republican Party.

It's not the Democrats who keep showing up at demonstrations carrying NAZI flags. It's the Trump Cult and what passes for the Republican Party. Ron DeSantis just raised that NAZI flag over the State of Florida.

You're brainwashed by American Nazis, LOL. What a tool.

Yeah, Republicans are silencing speech. Democrat moon bats like Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris are obviously afraid to say their views.

You live in a land of delusion
There's that N-word again.
It’s not a Special Magical no no word that you have tried to cram down everyone’s throat for 50 years
When the word fits, use it. Darkies do All The Time.
Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.

A fraction of the people who died in leftist violence last year that you don't care about sick fascist fuck.

And unlike the leftist violence, not one death at the capital was ruled intentional
Fuck off, traitor.

Interfering with your fascist right to beat people up and take their shit, huh Nazi?
Another fascinating post going on with the N word.

Yes, you crossed into Nazi when you started advocating shutting down your opposition by destroying them and with actual violence then by just ending free elections and stealing them with endless ballot fraud

Democrats aren't silencing the opposition, Republicans are. Republicans are silencing Liz Cheney, and all of the legislators in their party, while stoking the politics of grievance and white supremacy. NAZIism is the politics of polictic of white grievance and white supemacy.

While Democrats are trying to promote truth and end the dishonesty in the politics, Republicans are busy suppressing minority voting rights and dissent in ways that empower the police state and stifle first amendments rights.

Ron DeSantis just signed an anti-riot bill which:
  • allows the police to declare any gathering of 3 or more people a "riot" - so much for freedom of assembly
  • defines the harsh language and profanity directed at the police as "violence" against the police - or freedom of speech
  • requires than anyone arrested for "rioting" or "violence against police" be held in custody without bail until trial

Yeah, you keep worrying about that actress who got fired for insulting her Jewish bosses, and keep cheering for the authoritarians and anti-Democratic forces who have taken over the Republican Party.

It's not the Democrats who keep showing up at demonstrations carrying NAZI flags. It's the Trump Cult and what passes for the Republican Party. Ron DeSantis just raised that NAZI flag over the State of Florida.

You're brainwashed by American Nazis, LOL. What a tool.

Yeah, Republicans are silencing speech. Democrat moon bats like Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris are obviously afraid to say their views.

You live in a land of delusion

You've just described yourself. As I repeatedly point out, it's not the Democrats who are carrying NAZI flags, wearing Nazi inspired apparrel, or attacking Synagogues.

I notice the women you attack and refer to as crazy are the black women in positions of power. How very Trumpian of you.

Trump and his cult consistently accuse others of the things they are doing, do deflect from just how odious and disgusting their behaviour is. You fit right in with all of them.

Two straight rounds of responses from you, no I'm not, YOU are.

You're the eternal playgrounder
Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.

A fraction of the people who died in leftist violence last year that you don't care about sick fascist fuck.

And unlike the leftist violence, not one death at the capital was ruled intentional
Fuck off, traitor.

Interfering with your fascist right to beat people up and take their shit, huh Nazi?
Another fascinating post going on with the N word.

Yes, you crossed into Nazi when you started advocating shutting down your opposition by destroying them and with actual violence then by just ending free elections and stealing them with endless ballot fraud

Democrats aren't silencing the opposition, Republicans are. Republicans are silencing Liz Cheney, and all of the legislators in their party, while stoking the politics of grievance and white supremacy. NAZIism is the politics of polictic of white grievance and white supemacy.

While Democrats are trying to promote truth and end the dishonesty in the politics, Republicans are busy suppressing minority voting rights and dissent in ways that empower the police state and stifle first amendments rights.

Ron DeSantis just signed an anti-riot bill which:
  • allows the police to declare any gathering of 3 or more people a "riot" - so much for freedom of assembly
  • defines the harsh language and profanity directed at the police as "violence" against the police - or freedom of speech
  • requires than anyone arrested for "rioting" or "violence against police" be held in custody without bail until trial

Yeah, you keep worrying about that actress who got fired for insulting her Jewish bosses, and keep cheering for the authoritarians and anti-Democratic forces who have taken over the Republican Party.

It's not the Democrats who keep showing up at demonstrations carrying NAZI flags. It's the Trump Cult and what passes for the Republican Party. Ron DeSantis just raised that NAZI flag over the State of Florida.

You're brainwashed by American Nazis, LOL. What a tool.

Yeah, Republicans are silencing speech. Democrat moon bats like Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris are obviously afraid to say their views.

You live in a land of delusion
There's that N-word again.

It's pretty funny how you Nazis are so proving the point of how you just lie and lie and lie and attack without offering anything of content, just attacks
And the N-word a rut?
Watch for a request from Ashli's family for legal donations to sue the capitol police and personal civil suit for the murdering rent a cop.....

Suing the police will get them exactly nowhere. Although Asli was unarmed, one police officer died and more than 150 were injured, some of them seriously, and two officers committed suicide due to PTSD in the wake of the attacks, so the officer can very reasonable say that he feared for his life and for the lives of those people in the Senate Chamber.

If indeed a Secret Service Agent shot her in the performance of his duty to protect those members of the House under Secret Service protection, that law suit will be tossed in a heart beat. My viewing of the video just prior to the shooting shows:

The family has absolutely no case whatsoever.
The only one to die that day was CNN still misleading you or are you just a liar?.....there is a 12 year veteran of the MPD sitting in jail because she made a mistake and fired her gun thinking it was her taser....its happened before...but this capitol cop and BLM supporter intentionally murdered Ashli an unarmed protester and he gets protected by Pelosi and the media...if she was wearing a BLM mask and she were black you would be signing a different tune and you know it.....
"The only one to die that day was Ashli"

You're fucking deranged, con. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, 4 people died there that day.

A fraction of the people who died in leftist violence last year that you don't care about sick fascist fuck.

And unlike the leftist violence, not one death at the capital was ruled intentional
Fuck off, traitor.

Interfering with your fascist right to beat people up and take their shit, huh Nazi?
Another fascinating post going on with the N word.

Yes, you crossed into Nazi when you started advocating shutting down your opposition by destroying them and with actual violence then by just ending free elections and stealing them with endless ballot fraud

Democrats aren't silencing the opposition, Republicans are. Republicans are silencing Liz Cheney, and all of the legislators in their party, while stoking the politics of grievance and white supremacy. NAZIism is the politics of polictic of white grievance and white supemacy.

While Democrats are trying to promote truth and end the dishonesty in the politics, Republicans are busy suppressing minority voting rights and dissent in ways that empower the police state and stifle first amendments rights.

Ron DeSantis just signed an anti-riot bill which:
  • allows the police to declare any gathering of 3 or more people a "riot" - so much for freedom of assembly
  • defines the harsh language and profanity directed at the police as "violence" against the police - or freedom of speech
  • requires than anyone arrested for "rioting" or "violence against police" be held in custody without bail until trial

Yeah, you keep worrying about that actress who got fired for insulting her Jewish bosses, and keep cheering for the authoritarians and anti-Democratic forces who have taken over the Republican Party.

It's not the Democrats who keep showing up at demonstrations carrying NAZI flags. It's the Trump Cult and what passes for the Republican Party. Ron DeSantis just raised that NAZI flag over the State of Florida.

You're brainwashed by American Nazis, LOL. What a tool.

Yeah, Republicans are silencing speech. Democrat moon bats like Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris are obviously afraid to say their views.

You live in a land of delusion
There's that N-word again.
It’s not a Special Magical no no word that you have tried to cram down everyone’s throat for 50 years
When the word fits, use it. Darkies do All The Time.
"Darkies"? Oh wait. You're a CRC. No wonder.
Chris Wray, part of the Deep State that leftist jerk offs will tell you doesn't exist.

Chris Wray = Zionist Jew

DEEP STATE = Zionism

First episode = Zionist Traitor LBJ and the Mossad offing JFK in order to start a war with 'nam for the purpose of running US weapons factories and shipping the new weapons off to Israel free of charge, billing the US taxpayer instead, and leaving our troops in 'nam with old, outdated weapons that failed and increased our casualty total.
Oh fun! Anti-semitism. Must be another CRC. (con-servative republican christian)
Ovvereaction to words as make pretend sacred no no’s is a crutch for those who can offer no rebuttal other than “you are racist” I thank two of you for self identifying as such crutch dependents today
Ovvereaction to words as make pretend sacred no no’s is a crutch for those who can offer no rebuttal other than “you are racist” I thank two of you for self identifying as such crutch dependents today
English please.
Ovvereaction to words as make pretend sacred no no’s is a crutch for those who can offer no rebuttal other than “you are racist” I thank two of you for self identifying as such crutch dependents today
English please.
Your bullshit is bested
Ask mommy if you don’t understand that
You should tell us more about "darkies", hun.
Tell me why blacks call each other Nigg**s All The Time.
Oh that’s right, special but not equal

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