Capitol Police Deny David Bailey is Killer of Ashli Babbitt. What Goes On?

So did mine, so what.It's part of the greater good. I don't mind paying it forward...

I most certainly DO mind. Especially since I don’t believe that spending is either Constitutionally legitimate OR moral.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
What is your point in identifying the officer?

what is your point in objecting to the identity of the man who held the murder weapon?
I asked a question. Can you answer it?

yes----the shooting was not justified. In my town,
a cop or guard who SHOOTS is investigated
So did mine, so what.It's part of the greater good. I don't mind paying it forward...

I most certainly DO mind. Especially since I don’t believe that spending is either Constitutionally legitimate OR moral.
Have you ever read the Constitution with someone who can tell you what it means?

In the United States, Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to "lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.
What is your point in identifying the officer?
what is your point in objecting to the identity of the man who held the murder weapon?
If the officer committed a crime, his name becomes a public record upon his arraignment.

Since he did not commit a crime. He has the right to remain anonymous. Just look at the stars on the wall of the CIA building.
That's a very "Frankenstein" position you hold. That the government through it's power of "naturalization" can create human beings.

No they cannot. Those born foreigners can never become human beings.
Have you ever read the Constitution with someone who can tell you what it means?

In the United States, Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to "lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

I’m well aware of what it means. Apparently more so than you since I know that article goes on to lay out EIGHTEEN SPECIFIC ITEMS which define the limitations of “common defense and general welfare”.

The tenth amendment then goes on to state that any power not specifically given to the Federal Government or restrained from the States belongs to the States and the people.,
Have you ever read the Constitution with someone who can tell you what it means?

In the United States, Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to "lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

Apparently he doesn't do civics. Foreigners aren't part of "the people".
What is your point in identifying the officer?
what is your point in objecting to the identity of the man who held the murder weapon?
If the officer committed a crime, his name becomes a public record upon his arraignment.

Since he did not commit a crime. He has the right to remain anonymous. Just look at the stars on the wall of the CIA building.

a shooting death IS PUBLIC RECORD-----did the coroner shoot himself too?
Since she died in the commission of a crime, all of those who took part in the crime with her should be legally responsible for her death. can't arrest people for witnessing a crime.
I’m well aware of what it means. Apparently more so than you since I know that article goes on to lay out EIGHTEEN SPECIFIC ITEMS which define the limitations of “common defense and general welfare”.

Actually the enumerated powers are just an exampled subset. As everything from farm subsidies to welfare, come under the general welfare clause.
Since she died in the commission of a crime, all of those who took part in the crime with her should be legally responsible for her death.

Trespassing?? LOL That's what most of those folks are charged with. Trespassing.

Wrong, some are charged with conspiracy. Conspiracy and other associated charges are felonies.
There will be no trial on this issue because the Deep State doesn't want any facts to be brought out in the open.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

According to the only standard that matters to you, what works for your fascist political propaganda
And in this case the cop who shoot was investigated extensively.

They found no wrongdoing.
you got a link?

The Capitol Police officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during the January 6 insurrection won't face charges following an investigation.

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