Capitol Police snub McConnell and McCarthy at ceremony

Show us the chain of command where the Speaker of the House is in charge of the National Guard coming to the Capitol.

You keep asking, tell me the answer, who is in charge? It sure as hell wasn't any republican. :itsok:
She did?

Who came to Nancy to ask for aid to fight off a violent Republican mob?

Why did she need to be asked? She was supposed to do her job and protect the capitol building, she failed.

See, I can keep repeating myself ad nauseam as well. :dunno:
The Cops risked their lives to protect members of Congress
Republican Leaders sold them out to protect the President

The cops should have never been put into that position by Nancy to begin with, had she done her job and securely protected the capitol building, none of it would have ever happened.
Why did she need to be asked? She was supposed to do her job and protect the capitol building, she failed.

See, I can keep repeating myself ad nauseam as well. :dunno:


Nancy should have realized what a threat Republicans are to our Democracy and brought in the tanks
Better yet, why would they want to shake hands with someone who shoots down unarmed women?
Well they clearly fucking wanted to do it and they were publicly rejected...

Consider the small minority of people you belong to... You support a violent over throwing of the Government...
I understand. Silencing people that don't agree with yer Party is kind of Neo-GOP's gig, isn't it? Straight in the old Fascist Wheelhouse, right?

You are seeing all of the info being released at Twitter, aren't you? That you can even say that with a straight face shows how purposely obtuse you are.
I think it fair to say now that those in the GOP should walk around armed in the Capital since the DNC controlled Capital police will not protect them.
Where did they say they wouldn't do there job?

They are accepting medal for doing their job...

Now you want to question them doing thee job...

Get fucking real and stop acting like an idiot...

You are pissed that they did their job and you wanted the traitors to win...

Nancy should have realized what a threat Republicans are to our Democracy and brought in the tanks

Ah, there's the fascism that I knew was lurking just under the surface. Good job!

Why don't you implore your precious party to outlaw being a republican, since they're such a major threat and all? Shouldn't they all be thrown into the gulag if they refuse to obey the D party? :dunno:

What's sad is that if they thought they could get away with doing exactly that, they'd do it in a heartbeat. And you, being the good little boot licker that you are, would be there cheering them on. And see nothing wrong with it.
"Every single person at that rally had a right to be there to peacefully protest and wave whatever damn flag they wanted to. They weren't violating any laws, as a matter of fact they were exercising their rights as free American citizens."

Ummm, duh!
Is that you Captain Obvious? Taking your strawman out for a morning walk?

No one has said they didn't have a right to be at the Ellipse rally. Hell, the Park Service and the DC government had approved specific permits for an assembly at that designated location. ............ Duh! x2.

What they did not approve was for any of those 'patriots' to be armed. What they did not approve was for a march down the two miles of Constitution Avenue to the Capitol. Nor did they approve of all of the Trump supporting MAGAQ's to tear down barriers and assault uniformed federal officers and vandalize the Capitol of the United States of America.

Nor did they approve of these self-touted MAGA 'patriots' to smear their poo on the walls of the Capitol.

Lemme be perfectly clear.......Trump and his enablers planned for a march well in advance. They conspired to keep it secret amongst themselves. They conspired for Trump to 'spontaneously' order it from the stage at the Capitol. Trump and his enablers knew that the Capitol had only the routine daily contingent of guards and staff.

Why didn't they alert the Mayor of DC?
The head of the Park Service?
The chief of the Capitol Police?
Why didn't they tell Mitch McConnel and Nancy Pelosi that a secret march was going to be ordered by Don Trump?

Do this good poster Old Flame......go to YouTube and watch the January 6th Committee hearings. They are informative.

Good luck.
Better yet, why would they want to shake hands with someone who shoots down unarmed women?
She was trespassing, she was given a warning to not enter the threw the door and she had a mob behind her...

She was testing the Police and she lost...

It was a simple case of drawing a line there or break with their sworn duty to protect Congress...

Votto, you keep backing the traitor... What's it like to be a traitor?
Trump lost, he was given ample access to courts and failed to even claim mass voter fraud never mind prove it... He had $200m legal war chest and didn't even claim voter fraud could have overturned the election in court.
His supporters then attacked the Capitol Building to stop the ratification of his opponent.

She was shot for very good reason... BTW, are you jsut as concerned when a young black man is shot unarmed or another was choked to death in public?
That actually went into the Capitol building ......, not at the rally.

Well, Trump has said there were a million at the rally.
The Park Service as put out a tentative number of 25,000 at the rally.
The FBI has posted that they believe about 2,100 went into the Capitol Building.
900+ have been arrested....but that includes some of the jackasses who perpetrated assaults and violence and vandalism outside of the Capitol but did not go inside.

I do not know, nor have I seen a number offered on just how many MAGA criminals stayed outside the Capitol and beat, assaulted, and sprayed MACE-in-the-face of uniformed federal officers.

Do you know how many of those seditionist jackasses there were, good poster Old Flame?
Ummm, duh!
Is that you Captain Obvious? Taking your strawman out for a morning walk?

No one has said they didn't have a right to be at the Ellipse rally. Hell, the Park Service and the DC government had approved specific permits for an assembly at that designated location. ............ Duh! x2.

What they did not approve was for any of those 'patriots' to be armed. What they did not approve was for a march down the two miles of Constitution Avenue to the Capitol. Nor did they approve of all of the Trump supporting MAGAQ's to tear down barriers and assault uniformed federal officers and vandalize the Capitol of the United States of America.

Nor did they approve of these self-touted MAGA 'patriots' to smear their poo on the walls of the Capitol.

Lemme be perfectly clear.......Trump and his enablers planned for a march well in advance. They conspired to keep it secret amongst themselves. They conspired for Trump to 'spontaneously' order it from the stage at the Capitol. Trump and his enablers knew that the Capitol had only the routine daily contingent of guards and staff.

Why didn't they alert the Mayor of DC?
The head of the Park Service?
The chief of the Capitol Police?
Why didn't they tell Mitch McConnel and Nancy Pelosi that a secret march was going to be ordered by Don Trump?

Do this good poster Old Flame......go to YouTube and watch the January 6th Committee hearings. They are informative.

Good luck.

Blah, blah, blah.... secret march.... :laughing0301:

Nancy didn't do her job to protect the capitol building knowing that a large crowd would be in DC that day. As you so nicely pointed out, they had the permits (so it wasn't much of a secret...), she was aware of what activities were planned, and she chose to let those poor capitol police go up against what was going to be a huge crowd. Pretty stupid of her, right??? Only 1.5% or less of the crowd at the rally that day went into the capitol building or were on the grounds, good thing the remaining 98.5% chose to peacefully protest. As a matter of fact, while that was going on, most of the people at the rally were still at the rally. Only a small percentage of the numbers in DC were at the Capitol building, and apparently they couldn't even handle them. Nancy threw them to the wolves, bitch that she is.
Well, Trump has said there were a million at the rally.
The Park Service as put out a tentative number of 25,000 at the rally.
The FBI has posted that they believe about 2,100 went into the Capitol Building.
900+ have been arrested....but that includes some of the jackasses who perpetrated assaults and violence and vandalism outside of the Capitol but did not go inside.

I do not know, nor have I seen a number offered on just how many MAGA criminals stayed outside the Capitol and beat, assaulted, and sprayed MACE-in-the-face of uniformed federal officers.

Do you know how many of those seditionist jackasses there were, good poster Old Flame?

Your numbers are a little off.. :dunno:

Exclusive: Classified Documents Reveal the Number of January 6 Protestors

Six times as many protestors—as many as 120,000—would show up on the Mall on January 6, according to classified numbers still not released by the Secret Service and the FBI but seen by Newsweek. But there is still not an official estimate, nor have any of the Congressional committees or task forces offered a number. Nor is there a clear number of how many people actually entered the Capitol, or tried to get in.
"As you so nicely pointed out, they had the permits (so it wasn't much of a secret...), she was aware of what activities were planned,"
Well, I suppose I must bear some of the blame for the above quoted sentiment. After all, if I had been clearer in my earlier post, the good poster OldFlame would not have posted the above.

So, in an attempt to self-correct let me articulate it this way:

1. No permit was requested, as required, for a political group to 'march' on DC streets....specifically on Constitutional Ave or at the Capitol, two miles away.
2. The J6 Committee showcased the Republican testimony that a march was intended and planned for by Trump and his enablers.
3. The j6 Comittee showecased with Republican testimony that they intentionally kept it a secret from any of the jurisdictonal authorities.
4. So the question must be asked: Why did they keep it secret? Did they want the Capitol Police and the DC Police to be unprepared for an attack by thousands of MAGAQ's on the Capitol in order to stop the peaceful transfer of power?

I hope that will clarify for good poster Old Flame some of his false beliefs.
Right, because it's all you have, so you'll still be talking about it when you're on your deathbed since you apparently don't have a life. :cuckoo: 2020 riots aren't going away either. :dunno:
I don’t see anyone supporting the 2020 riots. Do you?
Capitol police are basically pelosi and lib stooges. I wouldnt have offered my hand to them at all and kept walking without acknowledging the cap police.
I don’t see anyone supporting the 2020 riots. Do you?

Yeah, at the time it was ongoing I saw D party members stand up for it and calling it 'peaceful', didn't our VP send money to have people's bail paid? The so called 'media' also labeled it as 'peaceful', nothing to see. How many people sent BLM money, that they're now using to pay for gated mansions?

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