Capitol Police snub McConnell and McCarthy at ceremony

The Progs turning that day into a spectacle needed damage control for the Capitol Police. And then the Capitol Police evidently smelled their own shit and thought that it was good.
Get yourself on the right side of morality and history. You have really gone downhill these last couple of years
No. Babbitt the traitor sleeps with the fishes.


I'm sure you're comforted knowing that after peeing in your pants over such a threatening unarmed female.


So bashing down doors, beating cops with clubs, vandalism etc is now free speech?


You have proof that all the people who were murdered and violently assaulted by the Capitol police were armed and dangerous?


well it seems with McCarthy it was appropriate as he has "said those who broke the law should face legal repercussions, but also tried to turn the focus to the security of the Capitol" , that has been repeated by many repubs.

McConnell has been more reserved about the issue but he probably was in the wrong place standing next to McCarthy. Should have been standing next to the democrats on this particular occasion.
McConnell admitted that Trump did everything he was accused of by the impeachment committee then turned right around and gave him a pass.

He's a worm of man.
McConnell admitted that Trump did everything he was accused of by the impeachment committee then turned right around and gave him a pass.

He's a worm of man.
Not only that, but he refused to prosecute Trump while he was in office and then explained he could no longer impeach Trump because he was no longer President
Not sure how I feel about this other than the whole January 6th thing was a sad situation and that the lack of handshakes isn't anything to either gloat about or disparage the family/officers for.
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The real problem is that the Repubs in charge keep kissing Progs butts. And this never-ending disrespect they are getting is because of it. Draw the line. Do not associate with them. Mitch the insurrectionists were at your home for gosh sakes. Promoted by the people you work with in the other party!
Well, Don Trump and several of his minions have said "a million".
The Park Police have guardedly said a little over 25,000.

That actually went into the Capitol building numbnuts, not at the rally. The rally was still going on when the idiots at the capitol building supposedly 'broke in'. And even most of those protesting outside of the capitol building did not go into it, Every single person at that rally had a right to be there to peacefully protest and wave whatever damn flag they wanted to. They weren't violating any laws, as a matter of fact they were exercising their rights as free American citizens. But the fact that you criticize and denounce it, just shows you for what you really are. :dunno:
Jan 6 isn’t going away any time soon.

That’s on you guys. Congratulations.

Right, because it's all you have, so you'll still be talking about it when you're on your deathbed since you apparently don't have a life. :cuckoo: 2020 riots aren't going away either. :dunno:
Did the Trumpyberra tell her he was planning on making his MAGAMOB very angry that morning, and then was going to send them to the Capitol building right as the counting of the EC votes begin?

The was no formal offer as we know, he mentioned the NG at a meeting someone recalled......

The rally was still ongoing when the protesters at the capitol building 'broke in'. 1.5% of the crowd that day went into the Capitol building, guess it's a good thing the entire crowd didn't try to go in, right? Stupid Nancy would have gotten much more than she bargained for. And no matter how much you post your lies about it, you'll never be able to refute that he told them to 'peacefully protest'. So the idiots that chose not to do that are paying the price, as they should.
Actually, the Capitol Police thought they were dealing with decent people. Leaders who would stand behind them and hold those who initiated the attack responsible.

Republican leaders let them down Bigly
There was no "attack," douchebag.

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