Capitol Police snub McConnell and McCarthy at ceremony

I don't blame them a bit. Those two flip floppers don't deserve to shake the hands of the patriots who protected their asses on Jan 6th. They support the man/child who was practically and morally responsible for the events of that day, including those cops getting the shit beat out of them.
Kev and McTreason famously scolded Trump in the immediate aftermath of the Capital riot. Then they looked around, realized that right wing media could spin the shit out of it, figured Trump was too important to the electoral prospects of Repubs to disassociate themselves from the Orange Insurrectionist, and metaphorically crapped in the faces of the cops who risked their lives to protect members of Congress.
Did the Trumpyberra tell her he was planning on making his MAGAMOB very angry that morning, and then was going to send them to the Capitol building right as the counting of the EC votes begin?

The was no formal offer as we know, he mentioned the NG at a meeting someone recalled......
Have you ever called a Democratic mayor as asked them to allow police to prevent the daily murder?
Lets see

Donald J Trump

Got it.

You’re a delusional retard.

Facts and reality don’t matter one whit to you.

The fact that what you are claiming is objectively false won’t change your lies or your insistence on spreading disinformation and stupidity.

Pathetic. You’re a lunatic.
Got it.

You’re a delusional retard.

Facts and reality don’t matter one whit to you.

The fact that what you are claiming is objectively false won’t change your lies or your insistence on spreading disinformation and stupidity.

Pathetic. You’re a lunatic.
Not a lunatic at all; he has to keep his connections open.
The Cops risked their lives to protect members of Congress
Republican Leaders sold them out to protect the President
The President didn’t need to be “protected” from anything but your camp’s needless, baseless, pathetic, partisan witch hunt.

You can disagree with what he did - I certainly do - without lying. Well, honest people can. You’re a dishonest piece of shit, so of course you would lie and say he incited a riot when he explicitly asked for a peaceful protest.

Only you don’t even stop at “riot,” because you’re that fucking stupid and delusional.
The President didn’t need to be “protected” from anything but your camp’s needless, baseless, pathetic, partisan witch hunt.

You can disagree with what he did - I certainly do - without lying. Well, honest people can. You’re a dishonest piece of shit, so of course you would lie and say he incited a riot when he explicitly asked for a peaceful protest.

Only you don’t even stop at “riot,” because you’re that fucking stupid and delusional.
They protected Trump from impeachment and a joint Congressional Inquiry
They protected Trump from impeachment and a joint Congressional Inquiry
Yes, your stupid, entirely political, and baseless impeachment.

I did mention that in my post.

So please do cite that “exterminate the constitution” claim of yours whenever you are ready. You know, I am beginning to doubt the truth of your claim a little at this point.
NOW .....this is the kind of thread that is a hoot. A goat-ropin'. These are fun.
AND.....this is the kind of thread that distills and highlights the MAGA-world of RWNJ's.
I don't necessarily mean that pejoratively, but.....but have you read some of the jackassery offered by those who have a record on this forum of Trumpism?

First, one of my fav MAGA TDS'rs (Trump's Duped & Snookered) the good poster EMH.
I miss him when he doesn't post every day.
His flavor of MAGA is one of my favs. Trumpers have gotta be proud to have EMH carrying their Trump 2024/MAGA flag. It makes the whole group look, like EMH.

For whatever that is worth.

To be sure there is just a tad of homophobia (or over-compensation?) in EMH's postings but, hey.....not that there is anything wrong with that? Between his frequent references to Zionist and their deleterious effect on America (Jews flew planes into the Twin Towers, after all.)....and Oathkeeper's universal homosexuality, well......why wouldn't EMH be a fav of everybody here?

For example:



And then that poor cohort of cop-haters above.
So much for the Conservative support of the thin-blue-line. Eh?

Ah, but.....but it wasn't just one. Be he a serial killer or a pipefitter from Cleveland......there were a whole big bunch of Trump flag carriers who attacked the Capitol. That "serial killer" with the Trump flag....wasn't a one-off. It was sea of Trump flags.
And should we mention the red MAGA hats?
TDS'rs.....Trump's Duped and Snookered. Duh!

(they should send him more money, IMHO)
I’m sorry to hurt your feelings but the Capitol Police are inside washington swamp rats who belong to the backbiting lib politics of that horrible place

A sewer would be a step up for most of them
DOG MOD MODE: In order to not close this thread, everyone please quit attacking other posters as deviants etc. I am the only deviant here!

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