Capitol riot: Trump supporters shown beating Officer Michael Fanone under ‘Blue Lives Matter’ flag

Oh just stop it with the historical revisionism. Michael Fanone was beaten within an inch of his life by Donald's mob. He suffered a heart attack. Four other cops have committed suicide in the aftermath. STOP IT.

The widow of Jeffrey Smith, a DC Metropolitan police officer who died by suicide after the Capitol riot, said her husband would still be alive if not for his experience on January 6.​
Erin Smith told NBC's "Weekend Nightly News" in an interview set to air Sunday that Jeffrey Smith, a 12-year veteran officer, changed after the "traumatic situation" at the Capitol.​
"He got more distant. He got angry. He was very short tempered. And he was not himself," Erin Smith said, according to a transcript of the interview shared with Insider.​

Three Metropolitan police officers and one Capitol Police officer -- have died by suicide since January 6. Washington, DC, law only permits a surviving spouse to receive a survivor annuity and continued benefits if an officer dies in the performance of their duty and the mayor determines the death was not caused "by his intention to bring about his own death."​
Smith told CNN's Don Lemon on "Don Lemon Tonight" Monday that her husband became "a completely different person" after the Capitol attack. Eventually he took his own life.​

Just like the BLM protests...where people actually got killed...peaceful protesting right?....
The video is right at the top of the page. And THIS is a Blue Lives Matter(aka Thin Blue Line) flag. Are you stupid or what? (don't answer that question)


Do democrats ever do anything wrong? Do they have any corruption at all, or are they all lily white, caring people who just want the best for everyone?
Antifa agitators

Facial recognition identifies extremists storming the Capitol

Supporters of President Trump, including some who were part of the crowd Wednesday that stormed the U.S. Capitol, had claimed online that Antifa members had infiltrated their numbers.

The New York Post, quoting a law enforcement source, said two Antifa from New York were in the crowd.

A video on social media also seems to show people wearing Trump “Make America Great Again” paraphernalia shouting “Antifa, Antifa” as a man with some type of instrument tried to smash a window and break into the Capitol. MAGA people then forcibly subdued the man to prevent further damage.

A law enforcement source gave this day-after account to The Washington Times.

“The professional protesters were in the crowd posing as Trumpers. They were preaching violence. As they approached it was announced that [Vice President Mike] Pence had said he has no Constitutional authority. The crowd got mad. The agitators used this to whip-up anger. If the Feds are really intent on making the linkage between the instigators and Antifa, the evidence is there.”

The presence of Antifa became part of Wednesday’s divisive debate over counting the electoral votes to confirm President-elect Joseph R. Biden.

Several Republican lawmakers said the assault struck them as an Antifa operation.

“This has all the hallmarks of Antifa provocation,” Rep. Paul Gosar, Arizona Republican, wrote on Twitter.

Democrats rejected those claims as baseless.” Facial recognition identifies extremists storming the Capitol

3. “Journalist Paul Sperry tweeted that about a former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol who texted him and “confirmed that at least 1 “bus load” of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops.”

BREAKING: Former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 "bus load" of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 6, 2021Did Antifa Infiltrate The Mob of Protesters Who Stormed The Capitol Building? [VIDEO]
Absolutely incredible. And I'll bet he's dead serious.

They're starting to remind me of Spicey and his claim that Donnie's inauguration attracted the biggest crowd of any inauguration - EVA!! :D

So, them doing it makes it ok for you Trump worshipers to do so also? i
Not at all

But unfortunately violence by one extreme invites violence by the other extreme

Trump tried to put a stop to the nightly riots in deep blue cities where libs wanted to defund the police

But he was unsuccessful from overcoming lib oposition
You are dissembling and deflecting Pee Wee - And doing a horrid job of even that. ;)

Can't answer the question? I'm asking for you to show proof that you're not a mindless drone that will back and support anything based on the letter following the name of the party or person involved. Do you have anything to point to?

Facial recognition identifies extremists storming the Capitol

Debunked eons ago honey :icon_rolleyes:

100 Percent Fed Up - Extreme Right Bias - Propaganda - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias


Overall, we rate 100 Percent Fed Up Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias through story selection, use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda through loaded emotional wording, several failed fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers, and a complete lack of transparency.
Fauny seems extra angry today...guess you have seen Joe's latest poll numbers.....
Poor, rambtard. :itsok:

You say that as if I care. I don't. I only wanted him to accomplish one thing and he did that by getting Trump evicted from the White House.

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