Capitol riot: Trump supporters shown beating Officer Michael Fanone under ‘Blue Lives Matter’ flag

That must mansplain why the Black Person (in your brand of stoopid) is ALWAYS to blame -
HuH :dunno:
Black stupidity can be fatal

Follow orders and dont resist arrest is a concept thst works the same for blacks and whites

Unexplainably blacks often choose to resist arrest
Correct ^ Either cheer for democracy over autocracy or you are an ENABLER.

You are so fcking funny. I believe that people can express their opinion. I also believe that the police have a duty to maintain order when people move from voicing their opinion to violent action and property destruction.

There was no attempt to overthrow the government, it was merely a protest where a small minority of the protestors engaged in a physical confrontation. The vast majority of protestors did not engage in violence.


Facial recognition identifies extremists storming the Capitol

Supporters of President Trump, including some who were part of the crowd Wednesday that stormed the U.S. Capitol, had claimed online that Antifa members had infiltrated their numbers.

The New York Post, quoting a law enforcement source, said two Antifa from New York were in the crowd.

A video on social media also seems to show people wearing Trump “Make America Great Again” paraphernalia shouting “Antifa, Antifa” as a man with some type of instrument tried to smash a window and break into the Capitol. MAGA people then forcibly subdued the man to prevent further damage.

A law enforcement source gave this day-after account to The Washington Times.

“The professional protesters were in the crowd posing as Trumpers. They were preaching violence. As they approached it was announced that [Vice President Mike] Pence had said he has no Constitutional authority. The crowd got mad. The agitators used this to whip-up anger. If the Feds are really intent on making the linkage between the instigators and Antifa, the evidence is there.”

The presence of Antifa became part of Wednesday’s divisive debate over counting the electoral votes to confirm President-elect Joseph R. Biden.

Several Republican lawmakers said the assault struck them as an Antifa operation.

“This has all the hallmarks of Antifa provocation,” Rep. Paul Gosar, Arizona Republican, wrote on Twitter.

Democrats rejected those claims as baseless.” Facial recognition identifies extremists storming the Capitol

3. “Journalist Paul Sperry tweeted that about a former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol who texted him and “confirmed that at least 1 “bus load” of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops.”

BREAKING: Former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 "bus load" of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 6, 2021Did Antifa Infiltrate The Mob of Protesters Who Stormed The Capitol Building? [VIDEO]

Can't be "another lie" because there has never been a first lie.

Unlike you, I never lie.

But, you do....

You’re the lying low-life who tried to lie about what I wrote!!!!

You lied and claimed I said it.....when I proved that you did.

Let's do it again.

I never said what you keep claiming I said it....and I don't mind continuing to prove it with your own words.

Did I say 'therefore...blah blah blah...' or did you?

Let's check:

Here's your own post, proving you are lying scum:
You did and I quoted you saying it.

You: "Since you are so fond of copying and pasting your responses, I’m guessing you don’t really read them. I’ll quote it again in case you decide to look at this again.
PoliticalChic said:
The 'rich' are Democrats.

The rich are Democrats therefore they aren’t Republicans. "

But you didn't quote me. You simply posted an interpretation of what I said, and lied about me saying it.
"therefore" was your word, as is everything after that words.

Every word after 'therefore' is yours.......not mine, liar.

Every reader recognizes you a lying scum.

If you hurry, I bet you can scoop up a new avi..."LyingLow-LifeScum.'

I want this series of posts to be what readers recall whenever you post.

Dude (or Dudette as the case may be) ... You've been deluded by the RW Fever Swamp.
With Trump /Bannon/ Stone/ Prouds/ Militias and various other assistance, we nearly lost our country.
It was planned, it was sold since mid-2019 and a bunch of idiots bought it.
How sad is that? 😥
What's sad is I believe you actually believe that.....

Lets say my scenario where they killed literally all the politicians and gov employees in DC that day. How/Why would they then be in power? Would you have been ok with that? I know I wouldnt have. I'd have been one of the first people to pick up my guns and march against them. You do realize that 99% of people would have joined me right?

BTW, According to the ADL there are possibly several hundred "Proud Boys"..... several HUNDRED!!!!!

Even if these moron's had "seized power" they wouldnt havent have lasted 10 seconds in the seat.
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A lot of people feel that way. The intolerance you display makes what you say unimportant. You are a bigot.
FruitLoops, try dealing with reality for once in your miserable existence... Chauvin had his day in court... presented his side to a jury of his peers... and was proven in a court of law to be a murderer. Meaning George Floyd was murdered.

Who cares if putz's can't accept reality? Fuck their feelz.
FruitLoops, try dealing with reality for once in your miserable existence... Chauvin had his day in court... presented his side to a jury of his peers... and was proven in a court of law to be a murderer. Meaning George Floyd was murdered.

Who cares if putz's can't accept reality? Fuck their feelz.
Fuck off Assflap. You are boring.
Just so I get this straight. Because a couple hundred people were idiots and in this specific instance less than ten were complete morons half the country (that's 160+ million people) have no credibility on an issue. Mind you the 160 million people I'm talking about weren't there and didn't participate in this act. Got it.

Your stupid.

And that is the positions of liberals as a group. They are completely full of shit.
Who cares if putz's can't accept reality? Fuck their feelz.
What is your guess here: Are these guys just trying to downplay the insurrection to protect their orange savior, or are they so isolated in their information universe that they really don't know what actually happened?

Best guess.
What is your guess here: Are these guys just trying to downplay the insurrection to protect their orange savior, or are they so isolated in their information universe that they really don't know what actually happened?

Best guess.
It was not an insurrection. Period, drama queens.
What is your guess here: Are these guys just trying to downplay the insurrection to protect their orange savior, or are they so isolated in their information universe that they really don't know what actually happened?

Best guess.
That's part of it. The bigger reason, I believe, is that day is one of the ugliest domestic events in our nation's history and it was by folks from their side of the aisle. To be clear, it pales bigly to some other events like the Civil War, slavery, etc. but it was big. Not just the storming of the Capitol, but Trump's grand scheme of trying to get Pence to unilaterally dump Biden electors. These morons can deny it until their black hearts stop beating, but that truly would have been the end of America had Trump, the loser of a presidential election, been installed in the White House. And that is what the seditionists were fighting for.

So to mitigate guilt by association, they try to blame the left for it if it happened or deny that it happened when they can't actually find anyone on the left involved. And because it's a cult, they believe whatever Trump tells them. They've truly surrendered their interest in thinking for themselves and look to him (and fake news) for guidance instead because they truly believe only he can save America from the abyss the delude themselves into believing this country has become. A big part of it is the fake news media they've been Pavloved into believing which not only sells them fake news, but also convinces them not to accept any other news sources. I honestly don't see a way out of this death spiral unless they experience a mass awakening some day.
What is your guess here: Are these guys just trying to downplay the insurrection to protect their orange savior, or are they so isolated in their information universe that they really don't know what actually happened?

Best guess.
So what is your definition of insurrection? Does the threat of the government actually toppling have to be real or is it just any handful of yahoo's who show up and yell loud noises about toppling the government count as an insurrection?

Unless we can establish and come to some type of agreement on that it's tough to argue the point.
I honestly don't see a way out of this death spiral unless they experience a mass awakening some day.
I'm no longer thinking/hoping that most of them will have the fog lift, but I am hoping that just enough of them will eventually peel away that this shrinks enough to fit back where it belongs, on the fringe.

75 years ago, the light came on and virtually everyone woke up. The difference is that back then, they didn't continue to have the same propaganda screaming at them, 24/7/365, afterwards, only getting louder.

At best, this will probably be a slow process. At best.

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