Capitol Rioter Ordered To Jail After Snubbing Bail Office

In what way are they not being treated like every other criminal?

Just saying something doesn't make it true.

Back up your words.

Held without bail, or charges, for up to 3 months, for starters.
Can you provide a couple of case numbers or names if you know them? I'd love to look up their cases.

Just Google "Capitol breach case numbers"

They pop right up.

Knock yourself out.
It might help if she had a lawyer. But she is crazy and won’t accept one.

Yes, she is a loon. No question. But the way these idiots are being treated, compared to actual murderers, is absurd.
Yes, she is a loon. No question. But the way these idiots are being treated, compared to actual murderers, is absurd.
Haha, so damn stupid. Remind us which of them are getting life sentences. You know, since you have now discarded your lie about them being held without charges.
Yes, she is a loon. No question. But the way these idiots are being treated, compared to actual murderers, is absurd.

The article says that the Judge is trying to cut her some slack. But she won’t let him. Starting that Sovereign Citizen crap. She won’t listen to the lawyer. She won’t agree to abide by the Parole Terms. What are they supposed to do?

Those Murderers you keep harping on listen to their lawyers. They don’t tell the Judge you have no authority over me. They shut up and agree to whatever terms are ordered. Most of them even abide by the terms.

You have one who is playing the game. And one who isn’t. The murderer may go to prison. She certainly will get jail time. Probably time served as she stubbornly refuses to play.

She will also lose her business because she isn’t there to work it. She will lose her house because no money means no home.

The problem isn’t with the DA or the Judge or anyone else. They are doing what is done in every case. What isn’t done is what she is doing. She could be crazy. She could be stupid. But she is definitely in jail by her own actions.

It isn’t Biden ordering it. It isn’t the Democrats or anyone else. The judge told her he wanted her to go home but she had to abide by the requirements. Nope. Not gonna. She is not subject to his authority.

An inspection of her home. And a phone call every week. How outrageous.
and also denied her attempt to have a nonadmitted lawyer represent her.

I don't understand this part. The result would likely have been the same but why can't she chose who represents her?
and also denied her attempt to have a nonadmitted lawyer represent her.

I don't understand this part. The result would likely have been the same but why can't she chose who represents her?
Judges have that discretion, and when they think a defendant is harming herself, they can use it. They can also refuse to allow defendants to dismiss their lawyers they have already chosen.
and also denied her attempt to have a nonadmitted lawyer represent her.

I don't understand this part. The result would likely have been the same but why can't she chose who represents her?

You can represent yourself without a law degree and a BAR card. But you are prohibited from representing another without those.
In what way are they being treated like every other criminal?
Held without bail, or charges, for up to 3 months, for starters.

Give me the names of those who are held without bail or charges and the reason why.

It's against the law to hold someone over 72 hours without charging them so I need to know the names of those who were held longer than 72 hours without being charged.

Prove your claims with honest and credible sources.

Just saying something doesn't make it true.
Just Google "Capitol breach case numbers"

They pop right up.

Knock yourself out.

Just as I thought.

You have no proof.

Your keywords take me to articles about people who have been charged and I didn't see any that were denied bail.

You just make things up as you go.

I get it.

Just don't expect intelligent people to take you seriously.
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It might help if she had a lawyer. But she is crazy and won’t accept one.

She kind of sort of has one.

A woman by the name of Hernandez is a public defender representing the crazy woman but she doesn't interact with the crazy woman. She just tries to defend her in court but since her hands are tied, there isn't much that lawyer can do.
This woman is very stupid.

She is granted bail but refuses to follow the conditions of being released.

That's on top of being totally bat crap crazy. She has refused representation and wanted a non admitted lawyer to represent her.

She rambles on and interrupts the judge saying the court doesn't have any jurisdiction over her as she is a "sovereign citizen" and a " self governed individual."

The woman is nuts but she's going to jail.

She only has herself to blame.

I will never understand why republicans don't believe that they should never have to take the bad consequences to their very bad choices.

You republicans are no different from everyone else. If you make a bad choice, you will have to deal with those very bad consequences.

Kind of like black people who think they don’t need to obey police, right?

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