Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

Leftists incited the violence.

You're insane!
They have incited violence at a peaceful protest because they are antifa terrorists who hate Bill of Rights.

Your'e insane! The First Amendment was spat upon by the white thug(s) who committed murder today.
They have freedom of assembly and speech. Counter protesters showed up to incite violence ...well, they got it.

You support murder and attempted murder when citizens exercise their right to free speech and expression, when you disagree with their message. That makes you a )&*&^#$&%&^*$

Here are your own words saying the Right got what they deserved when a Leftist targeted the Republican charity baseball practice and opened fire.

"Considering the rhetoric of Trump, and his supporters, you might consider Karma as the reason for today's shooting. The I've got mine, fuck the rest of you crowd ought to consider how their selfishness and callous disregard for others can come back to bite them."

When you believe (not proven yet) a Rightie targeted Leftists, it isn't Karma? They didn't get what they deserved? Somehow, it's still Trump's fault?

Can you explain this twisted logic?
I like your posting style and thoughtful approach a lot. OTOH, I've been watching this all day. The fascists/nazis were attacking peaceful protesters all day. They started very early this morning, even though their starting time was noon local time.

The white, shaved head driver pushed two other cars into the patriotic counter group and then backed up into more of them. It was a long way from where the fascists/nazis were.

The injured count is up to 35 now.
Link to this additional information.

Chances are, they are doing the same thing I am Si. I'm listening to the news channels, swapping on occasion to see what the various networks are saying, as well as listening to the various commentators. And yeah, so far it's one dead and 35 injured, I think about 4 or 5 of them are still in critical condition. They update as they get it, and they are saying that the police will be making a statement shortly.
Trump supporters show their ass to our Nation

‘The f*cking Jew-lovers are gassing us!’: Nazi Charlottesville marcher drops F-bomb live on Fox News
Fox News reporter Doug McKelway got more than he bargained for on Saturday when he attempted to interview a group of pro-Nazi marchers at the “Unite the Right” protest in Charlottesville, VA.
Im pretty sure it wasnt a regular hard working American who just wants to live a normal peaceful life that ran over 6 people just for laffs

19 people killing 1.

I agree.

These racist pigs are usually bitter malcontents, resentful at the world, and wanting to blame their failed lives on the OTHER. This bitterness builds over a lifetime of shortcomings and perceived "raw deals" and imaginary reverse racism. Bottom line: They lack the ability to review their life, the choices they made, the shortcuts and mistakes, and SEE THEIR OWN PART IN THE OUTCOME. They are completely incapable of being honest enough to admit they alone are the reason things didn't work out, dream never came to fruition--not outside sources.

Confederate soldiers returning home to demolished cities and a devastated economy (because it was based on free labor) turned their rage on former slaves. They were so threatened by the blacks, they engaged in a hundred years of systematic suppression and terror, cowardly hiding behind sheets and masks. They were incapable of seeing that it was the rich plantation owners and Southern Aristocrats who used them to engage in treason against the union to protect "their way of life" (slave-based economy). The rich have been pitting poor whites against blacks for almost a century and a half.

Trump tapped this tree to get elected--now he's trying to un-ring the bell. Can't. Duke called him out. That's why he won't fire Bannon, the Breitbart blowback.

And College educated pseudo-intellects whose lives fall short of their ambitions (failure)--branded themselves the Alt Right. What an angry little world they live in -- making excuses, plotting against their imagined enemy, all the hours spent fostering hate and reassuring themselves they are right. Waste lives.
One person was killed and numerous inured Saturday after a vehicle drove through a crowd of counter-protesters at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

According to the Daily Mail, the incident began after one of the counter-protesters threw a rock at the vehicle.

“A counter protester had allegedly thrown a rock at the car, causing the driver to swivel around and ram into people on the sidewalk, before driving away,” the article states. “Local police reported there were multiple injures and three vehicles were involved in the crash.”
So, anyone have a link to them catching the driver? A poster seems to think s/he knows a description of the driver.

Was on CNN - "shaved head". is what I heard -- and police see a clear and deliberate attempt to attack "Counter-protestors"....

But trumpies have been trained like bark like dogs: "fake news, fake news" anytime they hear any perfectly legitimate news source.
You're insane!
They have incited violence at a peaceful protest because they are antifa terrorists who hate Bill of Rights.

Your'e insane! The First Amendment was spat upon by the white thug(s) who committed murder today.
They have freedom of assembly and speech. Counter protesters showed up to incite violence ...well, they got it.

You support murder and attempted murder when citizens exercise their right to free speech and expression, when you disagree with their message. That makes you a )&*&^#$&%&^*$

No one is supporting murder. Antifa showed up as per their globalist masters' demand and like morons choose to "protest" on random streets not blocked off by police. It's hard to find sympathy for people that protest on public roads when they haven't cleared it with local police. But that is what Antifa is all about, lawlessness and chaos. You reap what you sow.

Hate...let's hope you reap what you sow.
I'm glad Fox news is covering this story -- must be hard from them, knowing it's going to cost them viewers.
A Virginia state police helicopter has crashed. That's all I know but, if there are deaths, wouldn't it be nice if the domestic terrorist fascists/nazi/kkk/white supremacists were charged?


Trump supporters show their ass to our Nation

‘The f*cking Jew-lovers are gassing us!’: Nazi Charlottesville marcher drops F-bomb live on Fox News
Fox News reporter Doug McKelway got more than he bargained for on Saturday when he attempted to interview a group of pro-Nazi marchers at the “Unite the Right” protest in Charlottesville, VA.

Gassing them?

What fragile little cupcakes they are.
One person was killed and numerous inured Saturday after a vehicle drove through a crowd of counter-protesters at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

According to the Daily Mail, the incident began after one of the counter-protesters threw a rock at the vehicle.

“A counter protester had allegedly thrown a rock at the car, causing the driver to swivel around and ram into people on the sidewalk, before driving away,” the article states. “Local police reported there were multiple injures and three vehicles were involved in the crash.”
So you show your true face by supporting the neo-Nazis.

The Daily Mail is the top of the U.K. gutter press.
Seems like the right doesn't care that a murder was committed today - in the name of fascism and nazis.

That makes that dead person an American hero. Same with the 19 injured as well as those who fought the domestic terrorists.

Do you believe Scalise is an American hero along with the other Republican representatives fired upon by a Leftist?
Seems like the right doesn't care that a murder was committed today - in the name of fascism and nazis.

That makes that dead person an American hero. Same with the 19 injured as well as those who fought the domestic terrorists.

Do you believe Scalise is an American hero along with the other Republican representatives fired upon by a Leftist?


No. He's anything BUT an American hero.

He was just another white supremacist asshole.

Funny thing is, he voted to give guns to the mentally ill and the guy who shot him was in indeed mentally ill. Ain't karma a bitch?
So, anyone have a link to them catching the driver? A poster seems to think s/he knows a description of the driver.

Si modo
There was a report of a shaved head and white.

Who said they know the description? Was it more than just this?
I have the local news on now (I live in Virginia). They do say a person is in custody, but they offer no description of him/her.

I'm wondering your source for the description of the fuckscum.
So, anyone have a link to them catching the driver? A poster seems to think s/he knows a description of the driver.

Was on CNN - "shaved head". is what I heard -- and police see a clear and deliberate attempt to attack "Counter-protestors"....

But trumpies have been trained like bark like dogs: "fake news, fake news" anytime they hear any perfectly legitimate news source.
There are no legitimate news sources any more.
Seems like the right doesn't care that a murder was committed today - in the name of fascism and nazis.

That makes that dead person an American hero. Same with the 19 injured as well as those who fought the domestic terrorists.

Do you believe Scalise is an American hero along with the other Republican representatives fired upon by a Leftist?


No. He's anything BUT an American hero.

He was just another white supremacist asshole.

Funny thing is, he voted to give guns to the mentally ill and the guy who shot him was in indeed mentally ill. Ain't karma a bitch?

Got it. Righties killing Lefties = murderous Nazis. Lefties killing Righties = Karma, justice served. That's one of the reasons we have President Trump.
Seems like the right doesn't care that a murder was committed today - in the name of fascism and nazis.

That makes that dead person an American hero. Same with the 19 injured as well as those who fought the domestic terrorists.

Do you believe Scalise is an American hero along with the other Republican representatives fired upon by a Leftist?


No. He's anything BUT an American hero.

He was just another white supremacist asshole.

Funny thing is, he voted to give guns to the mentally ill and the guy who shot him was in indeed mentally ill. Ain't karma a bitch?
Total falsehood.

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