Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

One killed, 19 injured after car strikes crowd at Charlottesville rally

Brennan Gilmore, a 37-year-old who works for a start up, shot the footage and said he heard tires squealing before he saw a gray Dodge Charger build up speed and ram the crowd. It hit a number of people before plowing into the bumper of another car

"It was very clearly intentional," Gilmore told NBC News. "From the far end of the street it accelerated, slowed down right before the crowd and then slammed on the gas through the crowd sending bodies flying. And then it reversed back into the street dragging bodies and clothes."

The car then backed up and fled the scene

What Hillary described as one of the deplorables

Link to political affiliation of the driver?

Gee, let's guess...
This guy when caught will be another right wing whackjob similar to Dylan Roof, David Duke, Donald Trump, or Alex Jones.

These people actually have the thought in their head they are going to force their racism on the rest of the population, that THIS is their moment. It's disgusting.
BLM Is supported by RACISTS like Al Sharpton, Louis Farakahn and especially Barrack Obama.
Score another violent clash to SOROS and his PAID GOONS, ANTIFA.
Shit happens...
you mean he may have shit himself, and thats what caused him to lose control of his car?
Yes, he had to stop riding a motorcycle due to leakage of the diaper..
well I usually lose control of my 1989 Iroc Z every time I crap myself and usually hit a palm tree at 65MPH
Palm trees are so soft it probably doesn't damage the bike..
hey i need u to reply to my comment about the japanese build up near Korea,,,go look
Score another violent clash to SOROS and his PAID GOONS, ANTIFA.
ANTIFA = Anti- Fascism .. a good thing.

You're out of your mind if you think those Antifa creeps are good people. Heh, this event has brought out the stupid in a lot of folks.

Never have I seen such a cacophony of ignorance from both sides like this before today...
Shit happens...
you mean he may have shit himself, and thats what caused him to lose control of his car?
Yes, he had to stop riding a motorcycle due to leakage of the diaper..
well I usually lose control of my 1989 Iroc Z every time I crap myself and usually hit a palm tree at 65MPH
Palm trees are so soft it probably doesn't damage the bike..
hey i need u to reply to my comment about the japanese build up near Korea,,,go look
Ja mein herr..what is the post#?
The progressives and anarchists win again, congratulations assholes, you got what you wanted.

Do you really believe the assholes were the protesters who were run over by a patriot? It seems you're not alone, there are others who've posted above who are as fucked up as you. Don't you find it odd (of course not) that the tactic by white nationalists was an act of domestic terrorism?

You're calling the driver a "patriot"?

Antifa are a bunch of assholes yes, they've proven that over the last six months with their terror tactics, regardless if they have become a victim of their own tactics.

I never once in watching and seeing reports later here anyone say it was antifa.
Notice the use of the false equivalency by the orange-turd and his flying monkeys. He tries to give his right wing whacko party cover for murdering and maiming people by saying 'all sides blah blah blah'. But if anyone attacks one of the lepers he likes they are immediately labeled 'terrorists'.

And go back through many posts here by conservatives who have directly said they would love to run over protesters that got in their way at one of these protests. Start believing these people, they are sick. Not figuratively but literally. The alt-right has crawled out from under their dumpsters.
Notice the use of the false equivalency by the orange-turd and his flying monkeys. He tries to give his right wing whacko party cover for murdering and maiming people by saying 'all sides blah blah blah'. But if anyone attacks one of the lepers he likes they are immediately labeled 'terrorists'.
From the Daily Mail:
Virginia Gov Terry McAuliffe strongly condemned all of the so-called 'patriotic' white nationalists during a press conference Saturday evening.

'Go home. You are not wanted in this great commonwealth,' McAuliffe proclaimed.

'You are not patriots,' he said. 'You came here today to hurt people and that is not patriotic,' McAuliffe added.

Witnesses said moments before the car plowed into the crowd, a counter-protester had allegedly thrown a rock at the car, causing the driver to swivel around and ram into people and two cars in its way.
Notice the use of the false equivalency by the orange-turd and his flying monkeys. He tries to give his right wing whacko party cover for murdering and maiming people by saying 'all sides blah blah blah'. But if anyone attacks one of the lepers he likes they are immediately labeled 'terrorists'.

And go back through many posts here by conservatives who have directly said they would love to run over protesters that got in their way at one of these protests. Start believing these people, they are sick. Not figuratively but literally. The alt-right has crawled out from under their dumpsters.
You're an idiot, too.
Those Nazis and KKK people had a right to assemble peacefully. Why did Antifa show up to cause trouble? Seems to me the police should have been arresting Antifa and BLM.

The funny thing with your statement, the police and city officials said the most of the protesters weren't even from the city let alone Virginia.
Those Nazis and KKK people had a right to assemble peacefully. Why did Antifa show up to cause trouble? Seems to me the police should have been arresting Antifa and BLM.

The funny thing with your statement, the police and city officials said the most of the protesters weren't even from the city let alone Virginia.
Ironic flashback to Ferguson.

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