Carbon Pollution Fuels Superwarm January, Hottest 12 Months On Record

Carbon Pollution Fuels Superwarm January, Hottest 12 Months On Record
by Joe Romm Feb 16, 2016 2:22 pm


Hot on the heels of the hottest year on record globally, NASA reported Saturday last month was the hottest January on record — by far. January 2016 blew out the previous record for hottest January (2007) by nearly 0.3°F.

In January the Arctic averaged a staggering 13.5°F (7.5°C) above average, leading to a new record low of Arctic sea ice extent for the month.

There has never been as hot a 12-month period in NASA’s database as the previous 12 months (February 2015–January 2016). This is using a 12-month moving average, so we can “see the march of temperature change over time,” rather than just once every calendar year.


CREDIT: NASA via Greg Laden
Significantly, January had the single biggest recorded monthly temperature anomaly (deviation from the 1951-1980 average temperature) — a whopping 2°F above the average January temperature. This means it’s even more likely that 2016 will not just be one of the hottest years on record, but very possibly even hotter than 2015, which itself was the hottest year on record since … 2014.

If you detect a pattern here of human-caused global warming, you are in the company of more than 97 percent of climate scientists. True, every year is not going to be warmer than the last — but we do appear to be in the long-awaited global warming speed up. And a recent analysis of 2015’s record warming by Climate Central makes clear that virtually all of the warming — some 95 percent — is due to human activity.

You truly have to be tone death to not see that globally we're freaking frying and think global warming is somehow a lie. Dumb.
Now that is one fucking stupid cartoon, there, Templar. Over half the US saw record warm temperatures last winter, and we are seeing the same pattern this winter.
I'm still waiting for you to prove it is due to carbon pollution.
Until then, the OP is a lie.
We are still waiting for you 'Conservatives' to do some actual research. No, that is not correct, because we know that you people are far to lazy to ever do that.

Tyndall, 1859.
Carbon Pollution Fuels Superwarm January, Hottest 12 Months On Record
by Joe Romm Feb 16, 2016 2:22 pm


Hot on the heels of the hottest year on record globally, NASA reported Saturday last month was the hottest January on record — by far. January 2016 blew out the previous record for hottest January (2007) by nearly 0.3°F.

In January the Arctic averaged a staggering 13.5°F (7.5°C) above average, leading to a new record low of Arctic sea ice extent for the month.

There has never been as hot a 12-month period in NASA’s database as the previous 12 months (February 2015–January 2016). This is using a 12-month moving average, so we can “see the march of temperature change over time,” rather than just once every calendar year.


CREDIT: NASA via Greg Laden
Significantly, January had the single biggest recorded monthly temperature anomaly (deviation from the 1951-1980 average temperature) — a whopping 2°F above the average January temperature. This means it’s even more likely that 2016 will not just be one of the hottest years on record, but very possibly even hotter than 2015, which itself was the hottest year on record since … 2014.

If you detect a pattern here of human-caused global warming, you are in the company of more than 97 percent of climate scientists. True, every year is not going to be warmer than the last — but we do appear to be in the long-awaited global warming speed up. And a recent analysis of 2015’s record warming by Climate Central makes clear that virtually all of the warming — some 95 percent — is due to human activity.

You truly have to be tone death to not see that globally we're freaking frying and think global warming is somehow a lie. Dumb.
Now that is one fucking stupid cartoon, there, Templar. Over half the US saw record warm temperatures last winter, and we are seeing the same pattern this winter.
I'm still waiting for you to prove it is due to carbon pollution.
Until then, the OP is a lie.
We are still waiting for you 'Conservatives' to do some actual research. No, that is not correct, because we know that you people are far to lazy to ever do that.

Tyndall, 1859.
Yeah, I thought so. The OP is a liar.
"The wind becomes still due to heat"? Was that the certified meteorologist or the atmospheric physicist speaking?

"Freeze to death"? "Roast to death"? Can we spell H-Y-P-E-R-B-O-L-E ???

Look up liquid vanadium batteries.

ps: "24/7/365" is needlessly redundant

When trying to show just how ridicules the alarmist hyperbole is, those terms must be used or the faithful wont get the picture.. like you!

Hell you dont even know that wind requires temperature differential and when there is none over vast areas, especially during summer, the wind dies.. But hey, you need basic physics to understand that... (My 7th grader knows this basic level of physics)
Now that is a good thing, as the younger generation should exceed the older. LOL.

No, you can have temperature at point A being the same as the temperature at point B, but if there is a pressure differential, there will be a flow of wind from A to B, or vice a versa.

You just dont get it... Not surprising..
Matt, the deniers are pretty much in retreat, so, instead of claiming that global warming is a hoax, they are now saying, "so what?"

What retreat?

Been saying the Damn thing for 40 years. The climate changes....

Big FUCKING deal.
Yes, stupid ass, it is one big fucking deal. When our agriculture depends on a stable weather pattern to feed over 7 billion people, destabalizing that weather pattern is a big fucking deal. That is why 194 nations signed that treaty.

You idiots think you have control? We have had the most stable climate in millions of years on this planet in the last 8,000 years but it wasn't due to man. You fucking retards think that man can somehow control it when the majority of this planets history has been very chaotic and that is really the norm.

Now prove that we have destabilized anything with empirical evidence. You have nothing but hyperbole and lies..
Carbon Pollution Fuels Superwarm January, Hottest 12 Months On Record
by Joe Romm Feb 16, 2016 2:22 pm


Hot on the heels of the hottest year on record globally, NASA reported Saturday last month was the hottest January on record — by far. January 2016 blew out the previous record for hottest January (2007) by nearly 0.3°F.

In January the Arctic averaged a staggering 13.5°F (7.5°C) above average, leading to a new record low of Arctic sea ice extent for the month.

There has never been as hot a 12-month period in NASA’s database as the previous 12 months (February 2015–January 2016). This is using a 12-month moving average, so we can “see the march of temperature change over time,” rather than just once every calendar year.


CREDIT: NASA via Greg Laden
Significantly, January had the single biggest recorded monthly temperature anomaly (deviation from the 1951-1980 average temperature) — a whopping 2°F above the average January temperature. This means it’s even more likely that 2016 will not just be one of the hottest years on record, but very possibly even hotter than 2015, which itself was the hottest year on record since … 2014.

If you detect a pattern here of human-caused global warming, you are in the company of more than 97 percent of climate scientists. True, every year is not going to be warmer than the last — but we do appear to be in the long-awaited global warming speed up. And a recent analysis of 2015’s record warming by Climate Central makes clear that virtually all of the warming — some 95 percent — is due to human activity.

You truly have to be tone death to not see that globally we're freaking frying and think global warming is somehow a lie. Dumb.
Now that is one fucking stupid cartoon, there, Templar. Over half the US saw record warm temperatures last winter, and we are seeing the same pattern this winter.
I'm still waiting for you to prove it is due to carbon pollution.
Until then, the OP is a lie.
We are still waiting for you 'Conservatives' to do some actual research. No, that is not correct, because we know that you people are far to lazy to ever do that.

Tyndall, 1859.
Spoon feeding the moronic left wits.. its all you can take just to be shown your all deceptive and misleading in everything you do.
Speaking of lazy, why do you tout (like blunder boy) name plate values for wind and solar and not once show us what they really output? Or is it that your lazy when it comes to showing yourself a liar? Deceptive is the word!

Wind Projects • Installed wind capacity: 17,713 MW • State rank for installed wind capacity: 1st • Number of wind turbines: 10,403 • State rank for number of wind turbines: 2nd • Wind projects online: 118 • Wind capacity under construction: 5,026 MW Current Wind Generation In 2014, wind energy provided 9.00% of all in-state electricity production. • Equivalent number of homes powered by wind: 3.6 million

Wind Projects • Installed wind capacity: 3,153 MW • State rank for installed wind capacity: 8th • Number of wind turbines: 1,837 • State rank for number of wind turbines: 9th • Wind projects online: 26 • Wind capacity under construction: 50 MW Current Wind Generation In 2014, wind energy provided 12.69% of all in-state electricity production. • Equivalent number of homes powered by wind: 695,000

You can see the generation numbers for each state for 2014 here;

Of course, someone of reasonable intellect could have found this for themselves.

The 280 ppm of CO2 and 780 ppb of CH4 prevented us from going into another ice age. With no GHGs in the atmosphere, the oceans would have ice on them almost down to the equator. With that in mind, whatever gives you the idea that we can add 43% more CO2 and over 250% more CH4 to the atmosphere, and not see results from that?

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