Carbon Pollution Fuels Superwarm January, Hottest 12 Months On Record

So what is the output and what percentage of the grid?

That's not what the argument we were having here was about, JustCrazy. The retarded troll, ejectra, made this unbelievably idiotic and frankly rather insane claim (below) that solar and wind "do not provide power"....which I debunked with some facts (200 gigawatts = 200 billion watts from solar in 2015 and growing fast) from the middle of last year (also below). There's even more solar and wind energy systems installed and running now than there was then. Solar and wind energy systems are drawing larger and larger investments all around the workd because these systems work and provide clean cheap energy. Once the systems are installed and the cost amortized, be they big commercial systems or small household systems, the ongoing operating costs are very low compared to systems using fossil fuels because the sunlight and the wind are free forever while fossil will only get more expensive from here. And, of course, the cost of solar is going down even as efficiency rises.

More information on solar and wind at the end.

Here's what the troll said....

Wind Turbines and Solar do not provide power, sure, a little. But they are like a gadget, something you make with coal energy.

Here's a small example of the facts that make her look insane....


What fresh rightwingnut insanity is this, you poor retarded wacko?

In the real world....from last July...

Global Solar Power Capacity About To Hit 200 GW
by Zachary Shahan
July 11th, 2015
The global solar industry has been seeing exponential growth in recent years, and that’s expected to continue. After hitting about 178 GW of solar PV power capacity by the end of 2014, global solar PV capacity is expected to hit 200 GW shortly.

That’s according to German solar association BSW-Solar, anyhow. It projects that 22 GW of solar PV capacity was added worldwide in the first half of 2015, and expects 50 GW will be added in total this year. (Note that GTM Research projects 55 GW will be added, and other solar market research firms are in the general vicinity as well.)

Within the next 4 years, BSW-Solar expects the total global solar PV capacity will more than double, reaching at least 400 GW.

The markets most driving solar PV growth these days are China, Japan, the USA, and India. However, the good news is that solar PV is growing all across the world, as it has become more and more competitive very quickly. In a quickly growing number of places, solar power is the cheapest option for homeowners, businesses, governments, and societies.

Related: Solar Energy & Solar Power Facts


Here's some more info on the growth of solar and wind.....with over a Terawatt from both combined by 2020.....

Wind & Solar (worldwide)
Wind Total Capacity....Wind New Installations
478.6 GW.......................55.5 GW

2015-2016 Change - Wind
Total Capacity......New Installations

Solar Total Capacity....Solar New Installations
285.0 GW.......................55.0 GW

2015-2016 Change - Solar
Total Capacity.......New Installations

Global Wind & Solar Installations in Gigawatts (GW)
Global Cumulative Installations 2000-2019e

I understood the thread, and I asked how much of wind and solar is on the grid. That is the important piece isn't it? Or are you wishing harm to human kind as well?
You "tell it" like a clueless, delusional, science-denying rightwingnut retard. As always.

Solar and wind energy are both growing enormously every year, all around the world.. We don't need to use fossil fuels and ruin the Earpth's climate. Clean renewable energy sources can provide all the energy the human race needs.
What is a an "Earpth"?

How will you melt steel without Coal?

How will you pump water? Do you even know how much energy is needed to pump water in california?

What will you do for solar power in the winter months, when the sun barely rises enough to shine on the Solar panels?

How will you supply industry? How will you make cement? You can not replace fossil fuel to make cement, you need 3000 degrees, how will solar supply that ? Can you make steel without Natural Gas? Or how about silica?

Show one industry today which gets its energy from Solar.
So what is the output and what percentage of the grid?

That's not what the argument we were having here was about, JustCrazy. The retarded troll, ejectra, made this unbelievably idiotic and frankly rather insane claim (below) that solar and wind "do not provide power"....which I debunked with some facts (200 gigawatts = 200 billion watts from solar in 2015 and growing fast) from the middle of last year (also below). There's even more solar and wind energy systems installed and running now than there was then. Solar and wind energy systems are drawing larger and larger investments all around the workd because these systems work and provide clean cheap energy. Once the systems are installed and the cost amortized, be they big commercial systems or small household systems, the ongoing operating costs are very low compared to systems using fossil fuels because the sunlight and the wind are free forever while fossil will only get more expensive from here. And, of course, the cost of solar is going down even as efficiency rises.

More information on solar and wind at the end.

Here's what the troll said....

Wind Turbines and Solar do not provide power, sure, a little. But they are like a gadget, something you make with coal energy.

Here's a small example of the facts that make her look insane....


What fresh rightwingnut insanity is this, you poor retarded wacko?

In the real world....from last July...

Global Solar Power Capacity About To Hit 200 GW
by Zachary Shahan
July 11th, 2015
The global solar industry has been seeing exponential growth in recent years, and that’s expected to continue. After hitting about 178 GW of solar PV power capacity by the end of 2014, global solar PV capacity is expected to hit 200 GW shortly.

That’s according to German solar association BSW-Solar, anyhow. It projects that 22 GW of solar PV capacity was added worldwide in the first half of 2015, and expects 50 GW will be added in total this year. (Note that GTM Research projects 55 GW will be added, and other solar market research firms are in the general vicinity as well.)

Within the next 4 years, BSW-Solar expects the total global solar PV capacity will more than double, reaching at least 400 GW.

The markets most driving solar PV growth these days are China, Japan, the USA, and India. However, the good news is that solar PV is growing all across the world, as it has become more and more competitive very quickly. In a quickly growing number of places, solar power is the cheapest option for homeowners, businesses, governments, and societies.

Related: Solar Energy & Solar Power Facts


Here's some more info on the growth of solar and wind.....with over a Terawatt from both combined by 2020.....

Wind & Solar (worldwide)
Wind Total Capacity....Wind New Installations
478.6 GW.......................55.5 GW

2015-2016 Change - Wind
Total Capacity......New Installations

Solar Total Capacity....Solar New Installations
285.0 GW.......................55.0 GW

2015-2016 Change - Solar
Total Capacity.......New Installations

Global Wind & Solar Installations in Gigawatts (GW)
Global Cumulative Installations 2000-2019e

As usual Blunder Boy doesn't have a clue what the difference between 'potential output' and 'realized output' are..

Name Plate numbers are the potential output, IF the wind blew 24/7/365 at the same speed all of the time causing the turbines to operate OR the sun was at 90 Degrees apogee above a massive flat of solar panels 24/7/365. Neither of these are realistic or resemble what is happening in real life.

You use name plate numbers like they mean something when they do not. (I note that that you put a whole bunch of fantasy numbers yet you failed to show what they actually do.. Not surprised!)

SO lets look at REALIZED OUTPUT. In my next post I am going to put up the name plate values for a few fields (systems) and then I am going to show you how ineffective they are..
How to Measure the Efficiency of Wind Energy
"There are many ways of measuring the efficiency of wind energy:

One of the key features of wind energy is the fact that it is free and will never run out. Even though it's a completely renewable energy resource, wind is not available all the time. The wind can blow at different speeds, meaning that power is generated at inconsistent levels. A turbine typically does not start to generate electricity until the wind speeds are around 10 miles per hour and reach maximum power output at around 33 miles per hour. At very high wind speeds over 50 miles per hour, wind turbines shut down." link

At the very basic level we see that wind speed needs to be between 10mph and 45mph or it is useless. 33mph is the optimal speed for power generation and these speeds are only found in wind zones 5 and 6. They are also only seen for about 4-6 hours a day around dusk and dawn.(2-3 hours surrounding). The rest of the time wind is sparse, varying and unpredictable.

Comparison with Other Power Sources
"The amount of electricity a modern wind turbine produces is dependent on wind speed. According to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), "A wind turbine at a typical location in the Midwestern United States should run about 65 percent to 90 percent of the time". During this time, a turbine will not be operating at full capacity all the time and will generate about 30 percent of the theoretical maximum output. ."

Depending on location and design the maximum output of any wind turbine is below 30%. The actual seen outputs are in the range of 24-26%. (wind zone 5-6)

SO when Blunder Boy throws out his name plate values reduce them to below 30%... Now on to some real life outputs...

This graph from the American Wind Energy Association (source) tells the tale.. Note the Cumulative Capacity is the light blue lines. 65,879Gw.. That is quite a number now lets see just how much we actually output..



Wind is about 20-25GW with wild swings averaging about 15Gw... Solar is far worse with short duration's of 6-8 hours of their rated output.

SO when you see someone pump up the rated output of green energy ask them what happens when the wind doesn't blow or slows and the sun is behind clouds? And even if renewables are working for the moment those coal and gas fired plants must operate at capacity to take up the slack when the wind or sun fail..

65,879Gw (name plate) with a realized output of just 15-25Gw.. Less than 1%
how much is the line loss, meaning, is there a loss in transmitting the power from remote solar or wind sites to the area it is needed.
Ohms law is pretty much static.. Wind generated power must be bumped up (using transformers) to 170Kv so that the line loss is reduced. This is the same way we push other forms of generated power up to reduce loss, we have to do the same with wind and PV array outputs..
Let me use up to date info.



According to the EIA (US Energy Information Agency) WE currently produce 47.2Gw of renewables (wind, solar) from the 65,879Gw of potential.. Just a mere 2.7% of rated US name plate capacity.
Wind and Solar are an incredible waste of resources. Even in isolated areas the number of storage batteries necessary to make power available 24/7/365 is massive. Without storage you freeze to death in winter and roast to death in summer when the sun goes down on hot nights or the wind becomes still due to heat.
"The wind becomes still due to heat"? Was that the certified meteorologist or the atmospheric physicist speaking?

"Freeze to death"? "Roast to death"? Can we spell H-Y-P-E-R-B-O-L-E ???

Look up liquid vanadium batteries.

ps: "24/7/365" is needlessly redundant
"The wind becomes still due to heat"? Was that the certified meteorologist or the atmospheric physicist speaking?

"Freeze to death"? "Roast to death"? Can we spell H-Y-P-E-R-B-O-L-E ???

Look up liquid vanadium batteries.

ps: "24/7/365" is needlessly redundant

When trying to show just how ridicules the alarmist hyperbole is, those terms must be used or the faithful wont get the picture.. like you!

Hell you dont even know that wind requires temperature differential and when there is none over vast areas, especially during summer, the wind dies.. But hey, you need basic physics to understand that... (My 7th grader knows this basic level of physics)
So far the US has spent over 17 trillion dollars building wind farms and solar farms that produce just 2.7% of their rated capacity... Yet if we did this with other forms of power generation they would be killed dead becasue they are to expensive and utterly a failure in engineering and reliability. In a real open market wind farms would have never gotten off the ground simply due to the waste of resources and unreliability..

Germany has figured it out and they are building 32 new coal fired generation plants to get back their grid capacity.. England has just thrown out its green party and killed the renewables crap authorizing 12 new coal fired generation plants this last month and grid upgrades. Australia has even authorized 18 new coal fired plants...

The renewables meme is dying a sorted death..
Last edited:
Germany's renewable energy sector is among the most innovative and successful worldwide. Net-generation fromrenewable energy sources in the German electricity sector has increased from 6.3% in 2000 to about 30% in 2014.[1][2] For the first time ever, wind, biogas, and solar combined accounted for a larger portion of net electricity production than brown coal.[3] While peak-generation from combined wind and solar reached a new all-time high of 74% in April 2014,[4] wind power saw its best day ever on December 12, 2014, generating 562 GWh.[5] Germanyhas been called "the world's first major renewable energy economy".[6][7]

More than 23,000 wind turbines and 1.4 million solar PV systems are distributed all over the country's area of 357,000 square kilometers.[8][9] As of 2011, Germany's federal government is working on a new plan for increasingrenewable energy commercialization,[10] with a particular focus on offshore wind farms.[11] A major challenge is the development of sufficient network capacities for transmitting the power generated in the North Sea to the large industrial consumers in southern parts of the country.[12]

According to official figures, some 370,000 people were employed in the renewable energy sector in 2010, especially in small and medium-sized companies. This is an increase of around 8% compared to 2009 (around 339,500 jobs), and well over twice the number of jobs in 2004 (160,500). About two-thirds of these jobs are attributed to the Renewable Energy Sources Act[13][14]

Germany's energy transition, the Energiewende, designates a significant change in energy policy from 2011. The term encompasses a reorientation of policy from demand to supply and a shift from centralized to distributed generation (for example, producing heat and power in very small cogeneration units), which should replace overproduction and avoidable energy consumption with energy-saving measures and increased efficiency.
Carbon Pollution Fuels Superwarm January, Hottest 12 Months On Record
by Joe Romm Feb 16, 2016 2:22 pm


Hot on the heels of the hottest year on record globally, NASA reported Saturday last month was the hottest January on record — by far. January 2016 blew out the previous record for hottest January (2007) by nearly 0.3°F.

In January the Arctic averaged a staggering 13.5°F (7.5°C) above average, leading to a new record low of Arctic sea ice extent for the month.

There has never been as hot a 12-month period in NASA’s database as the previous 12 months (February 2015–January 2016). This is using a 12-month moving average, so we can “see the march of temperature change over time,” rather than just once every calendar year.


CREDIT: NASA via Greg Laden
Significantly, January had the single biggest recorded monthly temperature anomaly (deviation from the 1951-1980 average temperature) — a whopping 2°F above the average January temperature. This means it’s even more likely that 2016 will not just be one of the hottest years on record, but very possibly even hotter than 2015, which itself was the hottest year on record since … 2014.

If you detect a pattern here of human-caused global warming, you are in the company of more than 97 percent of climate scientists. True, every year is not going to be warmer than the last — but we do appear to be in the long-awaited global warming speed up. And a recent analysis of 2015’s record warming by Climate Central makes clear that virtually all of the warming — some 95 percent — is due to human activity.

You truly have to be tone death to not see that globally we're freaking frying and think global warming is somehow a lie. Dumb.


You ignore the El Nino.... Cause it cant cause temps to rise..

And then you go off an make wild ass claims unsupported by any physical empirical evidence..


What are El Niño and La Niña?

El Niño

El Niño means The Little Boy, or Christ Child in Spanish. El Niño was originally recognized by fishermen off the coast of South America in the 1600s, with the appearance of unusually warm water in the Pacific Ocean. The name was chosen based on the time of year (around December) during which these warm waters events tended to occur.

The term El Niño refers to the large-scale ocean-atmosphere climate interaction linked to a periodic warming in sea surface temperatures across the central and east-central Equatorial Pacific.

Typical El Niño effects are likely to develop over North America during the upcoming winter season. Those include warmer-than-average temperatures over western and central Canada, and over the western and northern United States. Wetter-than-average conditions are likely over portions of the U.S. Gulf Coast and Florida, while drier-than-average conditions can be expected in the Ohio Valley and the Pacific Northwest. The presence of El Niño can significantly influence weather patterns, ocean conditions, and marine fisheries across large portions of the globe for an extended period of time.

Not that showing Silly Billy facts will do any good. Show him a horses ass, and he would call it the Mona Lisa.
Carbon Pollution Fuels Superwarm January, Hottest 12 Months On Record
by Joe Romm Feb 16, 2016 2:22 pm


Hot on the heels of the hottest year on record globally, NASA reported Saturday last month was the hottest January on record — by far. January 2016 blew out the previous record for hottest January (2007) by nearly 0.3°F.

In January the Arctic averaged a staggering 13.5°F (7.5°C) above average, leading to a new record low of Arctic sea ice extent for the month.

There has never been as hot a 12-month period in NASA’s database as the previous 12 months (February 2015–January 2016). This is using a 12-month moving average, so we can “see the march of temperature change over time,” rather than just once every calendar year.


CREDIT: NASA via Greg Laden
Significantly, January had the single biggest recorded monthly temperature anomaly (deviation from the 1951-1980 average temperature) — a whopping 2°F above the average January temperature. This means it’s even more likely that 2016 will not just be one of the hottest years on record, but very possibly even hotter than 2015, which itself was the hottest year on record since … 2014.

If you detect a pattern here of human-caused global warming, you are in the company of more than 97 percent of climate scientists. True, every year is not going to be warmer than the last — but we do appear to be in the long-awaited global warming speed up. And a recent analysis of 2015’s record warming by Climate Central makes clear that virtually all of the warming — some 95 percent — is due to human activity.

You truly have to be tone death to not see that globally we're freaking frying and think global warming is somehow a lie. Dumb.
Now that is one fucking stupid cartoon, there, Templar. Over half the US saw record warm temperatures last winter, and we are seeing the same pattern this winter.
Matt, the deniers are pretty much in retreat, so, instead of claiming that global warming is a hoax, they are now saying, "so what?"

What retreat?

Been saying the Damn thing for 40 years. The climate changes....

Big FUCKING deal.
Yes, stupid ass, it is one big fucking deal. When our agriculture depends on a stable weather pattern to feed over 7 billion people, destabalizing that weather pattern is a big fucking deal. That is why 194 nations signed that treaty.
Carbon Pollution Fuels Superwarm January, Hottest 12 Months On Record
by Joe Romm Feb 16, 2016 2:22 pm


Hot on the heels of the hottest year on record globally, NASA reported Saturday last month was the hottest January on record — by far. January 2016 blew out the previous record for hottest January (2007) by nearly 0.3°F.

In January the Arctic averaged a staggering 13.5°F (7.5°C) above average, leading to a new record low of Arctic sea ice extent for the month.

There has never been as hot a 12-month period in NASA’s database as the previous 12 months (February 2015–January 2016). This is using a 12-month moving average, so we can “see the march of temperature change over time,” rather than just once every calendar year.


CREDIT: NASA via Greg Laden
Significantly, January had the single biggest recorded monthly temperature anomaly (deviation from the 1951-1980 average temperature) — a whopping 2°F above the average January temperature. This means it’s even more likely that 2016 will not just be one of the hottest years on record, but very possibly even hotter than 2015, which itself was the hottest year on record since … 2014.

If you detect a pattern here of human-caused global warming, you are in the company of more than 97 percent of climate scientists. True, every year is not going to be warmer than the last — but we do appear to be in the long-awaited global warming speed up. And a recent analysis of 2015’s record warming by Climate Central makes clear that virtually all of the warming — some 95 percent — is due to human activity.

You truly have to be tone death to not see that globally we're freaking frying and think global warming is somehow a lie. Dumb.
Now that is one fucking stupid cartoon, there, Templar. Over half the US saw record warm temperatures last winter, and we are seeing the same pattern this winter.
I'm still waiting for you to prove it is due to carbon pollution.
Until then, the OP is a lie.
"The wind becomes still due to heat"? Was that the certified meteorologist or the atmospheric physicist speaking?

"Freeze to death"? "Roast to death"? Can we spell H-Y-P-E-R-B-O-L-E ???

Look up liquid vanadium batteries.

ps: "24/7/365" is needlessly redundant

When trying to show just how ridicules the alarmist hyperbole is, those terms must be used or the faithful wont get the picture.. like you!

Hell you dont even know that wind requires temperature differential and when there is none over vast areas, especially during summer, the wind dies.. But hey, you need basic physics to understand that... (My 7th grader knows this basic level of physics)
Now that is a good thing, as the younger generation should exceed the older. LOL.

No, you can have temperature at point A being the same as the temperature at point B, but if there is a pressure differential, there will be a flow of wind from A to B, or vice a versa.

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