"Cardinal" Comey Knows What's Coming


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Out on his book tour, copying Trump's open-collar white shirt under a jacket, like they all are now. The Cardinal told us about how virtuous he is, how he doesn't understand what "leaking" is or how he could possibly have done it, after he admitted under oath that he had. And finally begging us to vote for democrats in 2018 to brush his treason away like dandruff on the shoulders of his papal robes. The Cardinal knows Barr is painting a laser-target on his head looking at Nunes' referral...What must gall him was that he and the rest of the plotters almost got away with it.

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Lol, Comey, so full of himself.

He's looking at an indictment and appearing in front of a grand jury....things he gleefully did to countless others caught up in a web of intrigue. He's got to be scared shitless...that alone is enough to celebrate! :badgrin:
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BTW, the tag "Cardinal Comey" was what FBI personnel called the pompous coward. He was widely believed to be a self-serving, back-stabbing, self-absorbed phony intellectual who never carried a sidearm or went anywhere without a phalanx of bodyguards.
Out on his book tour, copying Trump's open-collar white shirt under a jacket, like they all are now. The Cardinal told us about how virtuous he is, how he doesn't understand what "leaking" is or how he could possibly have done it, after he admitted under oath that he had. And finally begging us to vote for democrats in 2018 to brush his treason away like dandruff on the shoulders of his papal robes. The Cardinal knows Barr is painting a laser-target on his head looking at Nunes' referral...What must gall him was that he and the rest of the plotters almost got away with it.


James Comey — the man who destroyed the FBI.

“Wyatt Earp. Elliot Ness. J. Edgar Hoover. Inspector Clouseau. James Comey. The names reflect a continuum, from greatness to farce and mediocrity.”

The American people are being treated to a dose of reality about Washington, D.C. Comey is a symptom. The disease is a voracious, rapacious government filled at high levels by people of immense ego and viciousness. Whether it is the IRS’s Lois Lerner, Comey, or the political thugs Obama installed at the highest echelons of the U.S. Department of Justice, the CIA, the DNI, and the NSC, they all share a common bond: allegiance to a cause unrelated to the Constitution, a cause borne of disdain for the average American and dedicated to power and its use and abuse against political “enemies.”

There was a brazen plot by senior officials of the Obama Justice Department, FBI, CIA, NSC, and DNI to carry out two objectives: to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email server investigation; and if she lost the election, to frame Trump and his team for crimes they did not commit.

These individuals concluded, with Comey in the lead, that Donald Trump was not fit to be president. They loathed him and everything he stood for. They loved Hillary and everything she stood for. He had to be stopped. She had to be elected. And if she couldn’t be elected, he had to be immobilized, degraded, and run out of office. That meant that the rules of the constitutional game no longer applied because the end result – removing Trump – had a higher moral value. Indeed, it was a moral necessity. The Comey book tour underscores that maniacal belief.

Joseph diGenova: James 'Cardinal' Comey — the man who destroyed the FBI

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