Carly Fiorina Laments That Politics Is 'A Fact-Free Zone'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

WASHINGTON -- Carly Fiorina on Tuesday defended her rocky tenure at Hewlett-Packard, from which she was ousted as CEO in 2005 after cutting thousands of jobs.

Speaking at a town hall in Oklahoma City, the GOP presidential contender said she was proud of her record and suggested that her critics were distorting the truth.

"Somebody once asked me, 'What's the difference between business and politics?'" Fiorina said at the event, which was hosted by the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association. "And here's the difference: Politics is a fact-free zone. People just say things."

"The thing is, business is not a fact-free zone. In fact, business is a fact-filled zone," she continued. "So as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard, I had to stand every 90 days and defend our results in excruciating detail. And if I misrepresented those results in any way, I could be held criminally liable. Now, just suppose for a moment that anyone else running for president was held criminally liable for anything they said."

She later added, "When you lead, when you challenge the status quo, you make enemies."

Fiorina's remarks might strike some as incongruous, since she's recently been accused of making things up herself. Fact-checkers have taken her to task for describing a scene in a controversial, undercover video on Planned Parenthood that does not actually exist. Even some conservatives have conceded that Fiorina's critics have a point.

Fiorina and her campaign, however, insist that she made no error. Her refusal to give an inch on the matter may exemplify her current campaign strategy -- deflect criticism by immediately shifting to offense.

More: Carly Fiorina Laments That Politics Is 'A Fact-Free Zone'

That hilarious coming from her after some of the stuff she's made up. She seems factually-challenged.

WASHINGTON -- Carly Fiorina on Tuesday defended her rocky tenure at Hewlett-Packard, from which she was ousted as CEO in 2005 after cutting thousands of jobs.

Speaking at a town hall in Oklahoma City, the GOP presidential contender said she was proud of her record and suggested that her critics were distorting the truth.

"Somebody once asked me, 'What's the difference between business and politics?'" Fiorina said at the event, which was hosted by the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association. "And here's the difference: Politics is a fact-free zone. People just say things."

"The thing is, business is not a fact-free zone. In fact, business is a fact-filled zone," she continued. "So as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard, I had to stand every 90 days and defend our results in excruciating detail. And if I misrepresented those results in any way, I could be held criminally liable. Now, just suppose for a moment that anyone else running for president was held criminally liable for anything they said."

She later added, "When you lead, when you challenge the status quo, you make enemies."

Fiorina's remarks might strike some as incongruous, since she's recently been accused of making things up herself. Fact-checkers have taken her to task for describing a scene in a controversial, undercover video on Planned Parenthood that does not actually exist. Even some conservatives have conceded that Fiorina's critics have a point.

Fiorina and her campaign, however, insist that she made no error. Her refusal to give an inch on the matter may exemplify her current campaign strategy -- deflect criticism by immediately shifting to offense.

More: Carly Fiorina Laments That Politics Is 'A Fact-Free Zone'

That hilarious coming from her after some of the stuff she's made up. She seems factually-challenged.
She should be thankful as hell that politics is a fact free zone now that she's a politician. It must take some kind of special brand of stupidity to squander decades worth of meticulous engineering and extreme product quality in order to run a company like HP into the ground.
Libs think Carly Fiorina had a "rocky tenure" as CEO of Hewlett Packard? I bet she did. The only job Hillary ever had (except attacking women who were molested by her husband) was at a 2nd rate hillbilly Arkansas law firm. She failed or resigned from every government job she ever had.
Libs think Carly Fiorina had a "rocky tenure" as CEO of Hewlett Packard? I bet she did. The only job Hillary ever had (except attacking women who were molested by her husband) was at a 2nd rate hillbilly Arkansas law firm. She failed or resigned from every government job she ever had.

Deflection much?
BTW, she is one butt-ugly woman - and a lying bitch.

Republicans love Fiorina and Trump type fact-free demagoguery and bumper sticker solutions to complex problems.
Are you suggesting Carly should hire Palin's very-very expensive miracle working make-up artist and wig/extension stylist?


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