Carly Lie-orina Is Now The GOP Front Runner

The truth, that Barack Obama really isn't exceptional at anything other than public speaking. He really isn't. He was a mediocre lawyer. He was a mediocre college lecturer. He was an abysmal legislator. If he'd been "Barry Smith" white guy from Kansas instead of Barack Obama black guy he would never have been President of the Harvard Law Review...never would have gotten that no show job at the prestigious Chicago law firm...never would have gotten the six figure book deal...never would have gotten the backing to run as a State Senator...never would have gotten legislation hand fed to him by Emile Jones so his record wouldn't look so god awful...never would have gotten to give a key note speech at the Democratic Convention and never would have gotten a SNIFF of the Oval Office! That's what I mean by being graded on the curve.
So you being white is why you did not accomplish a hundredth of what he did in his life? You are a failure cause you are white?

You don't counter what I've said with an intelligent rebuttal, Paddy...instead you resort to insults and playing the race card. Can you honestly make the argument that Barack Obama would be where he is today without being the first black President of the Harvard Law Review? You may bridle at the concept that he IS the first affirmative action President that we've elected but that doesn't change the facts.

And just so you know...I attended the University of Massachusetts as an undergrad and then got an MBA from Northeastern. Spare me the community college stuff...

Educated and still a fucking moron. Sad. Why didn't you get into Columbia? Harvard? Did you graduate with honors? Have written one book, let alone two? Have you been elected to anything? It is not a fact that he is an affirmative action president. He got electrocute same way as most others, by winning the most votes. If he were Barry Smith with the same backgrounds and talents, he would be recognized as the great President he is.
The fact is...if I'd applied to Harvard Law School with the academic history that Barack Obama applied to Harvard with...THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I WOULD HAVE EVER BEEN ACCEPTED!!!
Bullshit. He graduated from another Ivy League school, Columbia, with honors. Your MBA was wasted on you.
Barack Obama did not graduate from Columbia with honors. Which begs the was he accepted into Harvard Law of the toughest post graduate programs in which to gain entry in the entire country?
So you being white is why you did not accomplish a hundredth of what he did in his life? You are a failure cause you are white?

You don't counter what I've said with an intelligent rebuttal, Paddy...instead you resort to insults and playing the race card. Can you honestly make the argument that Barack Obama would be where he is today without being the first black President of the Harvard Law Review? You may bridle at the concept that he IS the first affirmative action President that we've elected but that doesn't change the facts.

And just so you know...I attended the University of Massachusetts as an undergrad and then got an MBA from Northeastern. Spare me the community college stuff...

Educated and still a fucking moron. Sad. Why didn't you get into Columbia? Harvard? Did you graduate with honors? Have written one book, let alone two? Have you been elected to anything? It is not a fact that he is an affirmative action president. He got electrocute same way as most others, by winning the most votes. If he were Barry Smith with the same backgrounds and talents, he would be recognized as the great President he is.
The fact is...if I'd applied to Harvard Law School with the academic history that Barack Obama applied to Harvard with...THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I WOULD HAVE EVER BEEN ACCEPTED!!!
Bullshit. He graduated from another Ivy League school, Columbia, with honors. Your MBA was wasted on you.
Barack Obama did not graduate from Columbia with honors. Which begs the was he accepted into Harvard Law of the toughest post graduate programs in which to gain entry in the entire country?

You have to take specific classes to graduate with honors and have to broadcast that attention fully two years before graduation. It is possible to graduate with very high grades and never have taken a single honors course.
You don't counter what I've said with an intelligent rebuttal, Paddy...instead you resort to insults and playing the race card. Can you honestly make the argument that Barack Obama would be where he is today without being the first black President of the Harvard Law Review? You may bridle at the concept that he IS the first affirmative action President that we've elected but that doesn't change the facts.

And just so you know...I attended the University of Massachusetts as an undergrad and then got an MBA from Northeastern. Spare me the community college stuff...

Educated and still a fucking moron. Sad. Why didn't you get into Columbia? Harvard? Did you graduate with honors? Have written one book, let alone two? Have you been elected to anything? It is not a fact that he is an affirmative action president. He got electrocute same way as most others, by winning the most votes. If he were Barry Smith with the same backgrounds and talents, he would be recognized as the great President he is.
The fact is...if I'd applied to Harvard Law School with the academic history that Barack Obama applied to Harvard with...THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I WOULD HAVE EVER BEEN ACCEPTED!!!
Bullshit. He graduated from another Ivy League school, Columbia, with honors. Your MBA was wasted on you.
Barack Obama did not graduate from Columbia with honors. Which begs the was he accepted into Harvard Law of the toughest post graduate programs in which to gain entry in the entire country?

You have to take specific classes to graduate with honors and have to broadcast that attention fully two years before graduation. It is possible to graduate with very high grades and never have taken a single honors course.

Once again...Barack Obama did not graduate Columbia with honors! I'm sorry but the claim that he did was an inaccurate statement. I said before...begs the question of how was Obama ever accepted at Harvard Law of the toughest post graduate programs to gain entry into? If he wasn't being graded on the curve he wouldn't have even been considered for Harvard Law!
If you're at all honest you know that his bad grades from Occidental (when he was still doing the Choom Gang thang!) shouldn't have gotten him into Columbia unless...once again...he was graded on the curve!
Educated and still a fucking moron. Sad. Why didn't you get into Columbia? Harvard? Did you graduate with honors? Have written one book, let alone two? Have you been elected to anything? It is not a fact that he is an affirmative action president. He got electrocute same way as most others, by winning the most votes. If he were Barry Smith with the same backgrounds and talents, he would be recognized as the great President he is.
The fact is...if I'd applied to Harvard Law School with the academic history that Barack Obama applied to Harvard with...THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I WOULD HAVE EVER BEEN ACCEPTED!!!
Bullshit. He graduated from another Ivy League school, Columbia, with honors. Your MBA was wasted on you.
Barack Obama did not graduate from Columbia with honors. Which begs the was he accepted into Harvard Law of the toughest post graduate programs in which to gain entry in the entire country?

You have to take specific classes to graduate with honors and have to broadcast that attention fully two years before graduation. It is possible to graduate with very high grades and never have taken a single honors course.

Once again...Barack Obama did not graduate Columbia with honors! I'm sorry but the claim that he did was an inaccurate statement. I said before...begs the question of how was Obama ever accepted at Harvard Law of the toughest post graduate programs to gain entry into? If he wasn't being graded on the curve he wouldn't have even been considered for Harvard Law!

Once again he didn't need to graduate with honors. His GPA had nothing to do with honors classes and the fact that he was accepted at Harvard Law only goes to support that claim.
The fact is...if I'd applied to Harvard Law School with the academic history that Barack Obama applied to Harvard with...THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I WOULD HAVE EVER BEEN ACCEPTED!!!
Bullshit. He graduated from another Ivy League school, Columbia, with honors. Your MBA was wasted on you.
Barack Obama did not graduate from Columbia with honors. Which begs the was he accepted into Harvard Law of the toughest post graduate programs in which to gain entry in the entire country?

You have to take specific classes to graduate with honors and have to broadcast that attention fully two years before graduation. It is possible to graduate with very high grades and never have taken a single honors course.

Once again...Barack Obama did not graduate Columbia with honors! I'm sorry but the claim that he did was an inaccurate statement. I said before...begs the question of how was Obama ever accepted at Harvard Law of the toughest post graduate programs to gain entry into? If he wasn't being graded on the curve he wouldn't have even been considered for Harvard Law!

Once again he didn't need to graduate with honors. His GPA had nothing to do with honors classes and the fact that he was accepted at Harvard Law only goes to support that claim.

You need to explain that to Paddy...he's convinced that Obama did in fact graduate from Columbia with honors and it's simply not true!
If you're at all honest you know that his bad grades from Occidental (when he was still doing the Choom Gang thang!) shouldn't have gotten him into Columbia unless...once again...he was graded on the curve!

You know you can't prove that so why hypothesize?

You go on line and research what grades you're advised to have in order to even think about applying to Columbia or Harvard Law School, Nuhuh and then come back and tell me that I'm wrong about Barack Obama only getting into those Ivy League Schools because of some sort of Affirmative Action decision.

Do you have any idea how cut throat the competition is to get into Harvard Law School? I mean seriously? Do you not know that it's brutal?
They got over 6,000 of the best and the brightest from around the world applying to Harvard this year and they accepted less than 600. If you don't have a GPA above a 3.75 you don't have a prayer and 75% of the applicants had GPA's at 3.95 or above.
If you're at all honest you know that his bad grades from Occidental (when he was still doing the Choom Gang thang!) shouldn't have gotten him into Columbia unless...once again...he was graded on the curve!

You know you can't prove that so why hypothesize?

You go on line and research what grades you're advised to have in order to even think about applying to Columbia or Harvard Law School, Nuhuh and then come back and tell me that I'm wrong about Barack Obama only getting into those Ivy League Schools because of some sort of Affirmative Action decision.

Do you have any idea how cut throat the competition is to get into Harvard Law School? I mean seriously? Do you not know that it's brutal?

I labor under no misconceptions about the difficulty it is to get into an Ivy League school without a legacy preference. Obama did it, that is apparent and he graduated Magna and was President of the law review, pretty tough accomplishments on top of that. He had three jobs after Columbia and the last one was a community organizer. It is possible that whatever he did there was seen by the Law school acceptance committee as something particularly worthy of a slot. Either way, you'll have to wait until Obama writes his memoirs to find out.
They got over 6,000 of the best and the brightest from around the world applying to Harvard this year and they accepted less than 600. If you don't have a GPA above a 3.75 you don't have a prayer and 75% of the applicants had GPA's at 3.95 or above.

Like I said he could have had a 4.0, we just don't know.
They got over 6,000 of the best and the brightest from around the world applying to Harvard this year and they accepted less than 600. If you don't have a GPA above a 3.75 you don't have a prayer and 75% of the applicants had GPA's at 3.95 or above.

Like I said he could have had a 4.0, we just don't know.

Dude, if he had above a 3.6 he would have been listed by Columbia as having graduated with honors and that would be part of the public record. He isn't listed that way so we KNOW that his GPA was lower than that! How low we don't know but if you look at the requirements to get into Harvard Law School a GPA lower than a 3.6 isn't even in the ball game unless you're getting in as an Affirmative Action student.
Why do you think that Barack Obama has always fought to not release his college records? I'm curious what reason you can possibly think of for someone who's major claim to fame is what he'd done academically, not wanting people to know what he took in college and what he got for grades in college?
They got over 6,000 of the best and the brightest from around the world applying to Harvard this year and they accepted less than 600. If you don't have a GPA above a 3.75 you don't have a prayer and 75% of the applicants had GPA's at 3.95 or above.

Like I said he could have had a 4.0, we just don't know.

Dude, if he had above a 3.6 he would have been listed by Columbia as having graduated with honors and that would be part of the public record. He isn't listed that way so we KNOW that his GPA was lower than that! How low we don't know but if you look at the requirements to get into Harvard Law School a GPA lower than a 3.6 isn't even in the ball game unless you're getting in as an Affirmative Action student.

No. As I explained before to graduate with honors means that you have taken specific classes and have declared to the university your intention of graduating with honors. You can still graduate with a perfect GPA and not graduate with honors.
Why do you think that Barack Obama has always fought to not release his college records? I'm curious what reason you can possibly think of for someone who's major claim to fame is what he'd done academically, not wanting people to know what he took in college and what he got for grades in college?

Because screwball Republicans will take everything and anything and make a big deal over nothing. That much we have learned already.
Why do you think that Barack Obama has always fought to not release his college records? I'm curious what reason you can possibly think of for someone who's major claim to fame is what he'd done academically, not wanting people to know what he took in college and what he got for grades in college?

Because screwball Republicans will take everything and anything and make a big deal over nothing. That much we have learned already.

Something like you Communist do with Trump, and someone in the audience saying muslim's are the problem in this country, and you 2 digit IQ'd maggots go berserk, and try to make it the biggest thing in the world....anything to take presure off that murdering, lying, corrupt bitch, you perverts have as your front runner!

Hypocrisy from you pond scum drips from ever post you zombies put out!
Why do you think that Barack Obama has always fought to not release his college records? I'm curious what reason you can possibly think of for someone who's major claim to fame is what he'd done academically, not wanting people to know what he took in college and what he got for grades in college?

Because screwball Republicans will take everything and anything and make a big deal over nothing. That much we have learned already.

Something like you Communist do with Trump, and someone in the audience saying muslim's are the problem in this country, and you 2 digit IQ'd maggots go berserk, and try to make it the biggest thing in the world....anything to take presure off that murdering, lying, corrupt bitch, you perverts have as your front runner!

Hypocrisy from you pond scum drips from ever post you zombies put out!

I bet an old lib bullies you every day that might explain your anger.
They got over 6,000 of the best and the brightest from around the world applying to Harvard this year and they accepted less than 600. If you don't have a GPA above a 3.75 you don't have a prayer and 75% of the applicants had GPA's at 3.95 or above.

Like I said he could have had a 4.0, we just don't know.

Dude, if he had above a 3.6 he would have been listed by Columbia as having graduated with honors and that would be part of the public record. He isn't listed that way so we KNOW that his GPA was lower than that! How low we don't know but if you look at the requirements to get into Harvard Law School a GPA lower than a 3.6 isn't even in the ball game unless you're getting in as an Affirmative Action student.

No. As I explained before to graduate with honors means that you have taken specific classes and have declared to the university your intention of graduating with honors. You can still graduate with a perfect GPA and not graduate with honors.

Actually that's not correct. Taking honors classes helps in being selected to graduate with honors as those classes are weighted more heavily than normal classes but you do not have to take any honors classes to graduate with honors. I believe that at Columbia the top 25% of students are deemed to graduate with honors and that is determined by a combination of the classes you've taken...the grades you've received and recommendations from faculty.
Why do you think that Barack Obama has always fought to not release his college records? I'm curious what reason you can possibly think of for someone who's major claim to fame is what he'd done academically, not wanting people to know what he took in college and what he got for grades in college?

Because screwball Republicans will take everything and anything and make a big deal over nothing. That much we have learned already.

Something like you Communist do with Trump, and someone in the audience saying muslim's are the problem in this country, and you 2 digit IQ'd maggots go berserk, and try to make it the biggest thing in the world....anything to take presure off that murdering, lying, corrupt bitch, you perverts have as your front runner!

Hypocrisy from you pond scum drips from ever post you zombies put out!

I bet an old lib bullies you every day that might explain your anger.

What anger? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::fu:

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