Carly Lie-orina Is Now The GOP Front Runner

Don't delude yourself, Donald Trump is one of the worst businessmen in the history of Capitalism (he needed taxpayer bailouts FOUR TIMES for cryin' out loud and he inherited MILLIONS) he makes Dick Fuld look like a business genius. Eventually even the most hard core Trump supporters will realize this and he won't get anywhere near the GOP nomination.

Oh, I agree Trump won't be the nominee, that will be Bu$h of course.
Actually IMHO . I don't think Jeb Bush will be the nominee either, nice man, smart but WAY too pussified to placate the GOP base.

But not because Trump is failed businessman, it's actually pretty smart to get the taxpayers to pay for your screwups. And his supporters don't care about that, they simply love him for not being polically correct and not being part of the establishment (which is also why that same establishment will do anything to attack him).


Trump isn't a "failed businessman" he ins't a businessman AT ALL. Bill Gates is a Businessman, Warren Buffett is a Businessman, Steve Jobs was a Businessman, Alan Mulally is a Businessman, Carly Fiorina is a BusinessWoman.. Donald Trump is James Taggert ... in others words he's the guy that gives real business people a bad name.

That being said before you get all fuckin' excited the Democrats are still going to get their clocks cleaned in 2016, 'cause while Donald Trump and his ilk suck , Hillary Clinton and her ilk suck far worse.
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

^ War on Women

Why do Dems hate Women?


This has absolutely NOTHING to do with women.
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Nothing sucks more then a platform of cut, slash, deregulate and screaming hell yeah!!! That is what the loserterians seem to want for America....

Congratulations Matthew your attempt to sound as ignorant as possible succeeded.... do you feel better being ignorant or would you rather actually try to understand what libertarians believe and what we "want for America", you'd probably be shocked to learn that libertarians want EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS FOR AMERICA AS YOU DO they just have different ideas regarding how to go about achievng it.

Now you can choose to be a monumental blowhard or you can choose to be a rational human being.. up to you.
Actually IMHO . I don't think Jeb Bush will be the nominee either, nice man, smart but WAY too pussified to placate the GOP base.

I see, but the "base" doesn't determine who the nominee will be. That will be decided by all those nice billionaires who provide the bribes.... eh, donations and Bu$h is the one with the most donations.
Trump isn't a "failed businessman" he ins't a businessman AT ALL. Bill Gates is a Businessman, Warren Buffett is a Businessman, Steve Jobs was a Businessman, Alan Mulally is a Businessman, Carly Fiorina is a BusinessWoman.. Donald Trump is James Taggert ... in others words he's the guy that gives real business people a bad name.

That being said before you get all fuckin' excited the Democrats are still going to get their clocks cleaned in 2016, 'cause while Donald Trump and his ilk suck , Hillary Clinton and her ilk suck far worse.

Ok, Trump is a great circus act pretending to be a businessman. Doesn't really matter because his supporters believe he's a great businessman and nothing you say will change their mind.

And of course Hillary sucks too, but that also doesn't matter when the final choice is between another Bu$h and another Clinton. Hillary will "win" in the end but in the meantime we can all enjoy the show.

So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

With all due respect, Nuhuh...a blustering lying poseur with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole is pretty much what we've had sitting in the Oval Office for the past six years! Just sayin...

So how did he get to number 18 (and rising) of the all time U.S. presidential rankings? New ranking of U.S. presidents puts Lincoln at No. 1, Obama at 18; Kennedy judged most overrated

Because he got graded on the curve of's something that Barry's been receiving since his days at Columbia!
Says the dumbfuck who failed out of community college.
The truth, that Barack Obama really isn't exceptional at anything other than public speaking. He really isn't. He was a mediocre lawyer. He was a mediocre college lecturer. He was an abysmal legislator. If he'd been "Barry Smith" white guy from Kansas instead of Barack Obama black guy he would never have been President of the Harvard Law Review...never would have gotten that no show job at the prestigious Chicago law firm...never would have gotten the six figure book deal...never would have gotten the backing to run as a State Senator...never would have gotten legislation hand fed to him by Emile Jones so his record wouldn't look so god awful...never would have gotten to give a key note speech at the Democratic Convention and never would have gotten a SNIFF of the Oval Office! That's what I mean by being graded on the curve.
So you being white is why you did not accomplish a hundredth of what he did in his life? You are a failure cause you are white?
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America....

Hmmm....if lefties are this scared, something good must be up....
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

With all due respect, Nuhuh...a blustering lying poseur with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole is pretty much what we've had sitting in the Oval Office for the past six years! Just sayin...

So how did he get to number 18 (and rising) of the all time U.S. presidential rankings? New ranking of U.S. presidents puts Lincoln at No. 1, Obama at 18; Kennedy judged most overrated

Because he got graded on the curve of's something that Barry's been receiving since his days at Columbia!
Says the dumbfuck who failed out of community college.

Are you bragging about finishing community college?
Actually IMHO . I don't think Jeb Bush will be the nominee either, nice man, smart but WAY too pussified to placate the GOP base.

I see, but the "base" doesn't determine who the nominee will be. That will be decided by all those nice billionaires who provide the bribes.... eh, donations and Bu$h is the one with the most donations.
Normally I'd agree with you regarding the "base" determining who the nomimee will be but this cycle the "base" is beyond angry with establishment they're positively APOPLECTIC which means this whole cycle is beyond the norm and will be if nothing else entertaining as hell .. (just my opinion but I think this is a REALLY good thing).

Trump isn't a "failed businessman" he ins't a businessman AT ALL. Bill Gates is a Businessman, Warren Buffett is a Businessman, Steve Jobs was a Businessman, Alan Mulally is a Businessman, Carly Fiorina is a BusinessWoman.. Donald Trump is James Taggert ... in others words he's the guy that gives real business people a bad name.

That being said before you get all fuckin' excited the Democrats are still going to get their clocks cleaned in 2016, 'cause while Donald Trump and his ilk suck , Hillary Clinton and her ilk suck far worse.

Ok, Trump is a great circus act pretending to be a businessman. Doesn't really matter because his supporters believe he's a great businessman and nothing you say will change their mind.
Yep I agree but I think his supporters will figure it out eventually, I could be wrong though .. :)

And of course Hillary sucks too, but that also doesn't matter when the final choice is between another Bu$h and another Clinton. Hillary will "win" in the end but in the meantime we can all enjoy the show.

You could be right but if it comes down to a choice between Bush and Clinton , I'd go with Bush at least (as far as we know) he's not a criminal while Hillary is just so tainted I'd have to kill myself after casting a vote for her ... that being said if by some weird cosmic alignment it came down to Trump versus Clinton I'd pick Clinton ..... now excuse me after typing that my fingers mysteriously burst into flames. :D

Honestly though I'd rather vote for YOU (or your Cat) than vote for either HillGangster or the Dontard.

P.S. when do we get to be "one people. under god, indivisible" again? I miss those days...

"If you need a friend
Don't look to a stranger
You know in the end, I'll always be there
But when you're in doubt
And when you're in danger
Take a look all around, and I'll be there

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be
But if you wait around a while, I'll make you fall for me
I promise, I promise you I will

When your day is through
And so is your temper
You know what to do
I'm gonna always be there
Sometimes if I shout
It's not what's intended
These words just come out
With no gripe to bear

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be
But if you wait around a while, I'll make you fall for me
I promise, I promise you I will

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be
And if I had to walk the world, I'd make you fall for me
I promise you, I promise you I will

I gotta tell you
Need to tell you
Gotta tell you
I've gotta tell you

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be
But if you wait around a while, I'll make you fall for me
I promise, I promise you

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be
And if I had to walk the world, I'd make you fall for me
I promise you, I promise you I will
I will
I will
" -- The Promise, When In Rome
Democrats your credibility is completely shot since Obama and Hillary have told so many thousands of lies, that there's no way to count them all. And you still support them.

So, STFU about Carly.
Normally I'd agree with you regarding the "base" determining who the nomimee will be but this cycle the "base" is beyond angry with establishment they're positively APOPLECTIC which means this whole cycle is beyond the norm and will be if nothing else entertaining as hell .. (just my opinion but I think this is a REALLY good thing).

I totally agree with that and I think Trump is exactly what's needed to show how the establishment really works.

But don't get fooled about the "base", the vast majority of the voting sheep aren't even watching the show. Sure the debates have a few million viewers and Trump draws large crowds but there are many more millions who don't really care, they'll just vote for "their team" at selection time and then go to sleep again for 4 years.

That's what the establishment counts on.
...Honestly though I'd rather vote for YOU (or your Cat) than vote for either HillGangster or the Dontard.

Eh, you really wouldn't want to vote for me if you're a republican. I would be a real socialist nightmare, not a fake, hope & change, corporate puppet like Obama or Hillary.

Maybe my cat would do, I've got some serious doubts about his socialist convictions. Especially at feeding time.

P.S. when do we get to be "one people. under god, indivisible" again? I miss those days...

Hmm, when were those days exactly, some time before 1492?

So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole


From an Obama supporter?

So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

Coming from the party where the leading candidate can't tell the truth if her life depended on it.

If it's all the same to you, you take care of Hillary and her lying first. Then when you cleaned up your party, we can talk.

We don't need to talk. Democrats will lobby behind the candidate whomever that might be, a luxury Republicans don't have since 30% of you are confused which way you're going to vote.

Yeah, Democrats have no issues lining up to support lying and corruption. Funny how you just tried to turn it into a positive.
I saw 11 people on the stage, and all of them except Trump, would make a better President than Hillary Clinton.
No need to, old buddy. The premise's absurdity dominates the comment.

Don't want to touch it with a ten foot ya', Jakey? The truth is...Barack Obama was never adequately vetted by the main stream media and his political opponents were all so afraid of being labeled as "racists" if they pointed out that he was nothing but an empty suit, that we ended up electing someone who was SPECTACULARLY unprepared to be President!
Yes, he was vetted appropriately then and now. You don't want to touch it with a ten foot pole because you know he is not a Muslim. The empty suit of far right rhetoric is just air. Your hatred is pathetic.

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